I’m in the dog house for calling out her sister’s name in bed

DEAR DEIDRE: I CAN’T stop muttering my sister-in-law’s name in my sleep and it makes me feel no end of anger.

Years before I met my wife, I had an affair with her sister. Amazingly, this hasn’t caused any problems between the three of us – until now.

Now my wife doesn’t trust me and it’s starting to affect our relationship.

It’s ironic because I’m happily married but my wife doesn’t trust me. I am 39 years old, my wife is 35 years old and we have been together for eight years. We have two daughters.

My sister-in-law and I met through mutual friends and only slept together twice after drinking parties.

I haven’t seen her since then until my wife introduced me to her family. I had no idea they were related so it was quite a shock.

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I understood my wife right away, and although it was hard for her to process at first, she came to terms with it pretty quickly. From then on everything was great between us and I even developed a good relationship with her sister. It was almost like it never happened.

A few months ago, my wife woke me up after hearing me say her sister’s name in my sleep.

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I couldn’t figure out why this happened. I didn’t even think about her sister that way anymore.

It’s been a recurring problem ever since and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to stop it.

It’s really starting to cause us problems and although I’ve done my best to reassure my wife, I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t put a strain on our marriage.

How do I solve it?

DEIDRE SAYS: It’s understandable that this is causing problems in your relationship. It can’t be easy for your wife to keep hearing you say her sister’s name in her sleep.

However, it is important that you both remind yourself that dreams are not reality and that they only become meaningful if you decide to take them more seriously.

It may even be that you think so much about not saying her sister’s name that it occurs to you before you go to sleep.

The most important thing is that you and your wife love each other and are happy in your marriage.

Choose a moment to talk to her and reassure her that you are not attracted to her sister in any way. Let’s hope that open communication will calm her down.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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