Download an article what we learned from SCBD reviews for users and more
This article is the author of the Wikihow staff writer, Elaine Heredia, Ba. Elaine Heredia is a Wikihow staff writer. Elaine graduated with a degree in English at Texas Tech 2017. Since 2020, articles on a wide range of topics for a variety of clients’ range, from the business leaders of the thought to the merchant to the owner of the Hobi trade. Elaine now writes and edits content in Wikihow, where her aims to produce useful, comfortable articles that answer the most advanced questions of readers. Enjoys expanding his knowledge together with Wikihow readers to add new topics of interest to her writing. This article is a proven fact, ensuring the accuracy of all the facts cited and confirming the powers of its sources. Find out more …
Scribd once appeared as “Netflix for Books”, but is that still (or is it ever) true? Many former subscribers do not seem to think, and their negative services reviews ask new users asking if Scribd is safe to use. This useful article will clean the air by explaining what Scrib, be it safe or fraud, how it works, how to cancel it and more!
Yes, Scribd is a safe and legal document, e-book and audioclion subscription service. It is also not a fraud or a virus. Nevertheless, many users complain about SCRIBD, saying that they do not return the canceled subscriptions, that they continue after cancellation and that the misconception of how many content users can see.
Sign up for Scribd or Everrand on one of their websites. Go to or and click “Download Free 30 Days” or “Read Free 30 Days” in the upper right corner of the starting page. Then sign up with the preferred E -– osta address and password for your account. You will also need to provide a credit or debit card number. And if you subscribe to everand, you will need to choose either standard subscription level for $ 11.99 or plus a level for $ 16.99.
- The first 30 days will be free of charge. After that, SCRIBD or Everand will charge you a subscription once a month.
Register an account on the SCRIBD or Everand app. In the search engine, open an Appy or Android device and type “Scribd” or “Everand”. Choose the application you are looking for from the best search results and download it. When installed on your mobile device, open it and follow the screen instructions to apply with your new account.
Cancel SCRIBD or EVERRAN via the site of your account on the site. Go to or and click “Sign in” in the upper right corner of the homepage. Enter the login information and go to the page of your account. On the account page and the payment details go to the subscription and payment section and click “Complete my subscription” or “cancel subscription”. Read and inspect each page of the cancellation procedure carefully without skipping any of them.[6]
- When you receive a certificate of the IE -Cost that says your subscription has been canceled, you know that the cancellation process has been completed.
Check out a subscription to the Apple or Google Pay Subscribe on your mobile device. If you have subscribed to SCRIBD or Everand via the App Store on your iPhone or Android, you may need to cancel it by returning to the App Store or by opening your phone settings. Here’s how to do it using Apple’s App Store or Google Play.[7]
- Cancellation via the App Store: Open the settings on the Apple device. Choose your Apple ID and then tap the subscription. Tap SCRIBD or Everand (depending on what you are subscribed to) and then cancel the subscription.
- Cancellation through Google Play: Open the Google Play app on your Android device and tap a profile image in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap the payments and subscriptions, then subscriptions. Find Scribd or Everrand on the subscription list, then tap the subscription cancel.
Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education