Is this the rudest hotel room sign ever? Optical illusion has the internet in hysterics

THIS innocent hotel room sign is inviting guests to sit back and relax with ‘peace of mind’.

But is there a rude innuendo hidden in the picture?


What do you see?Credit: Imgur

The optical illusion has gone viral after being posted on Imgur, where it’s been viewed nearly 1.3 million times, but people see very different things.

The sign is informing guests that they have access to an in-room safe, where they can lock up their valuables.

Then they are invited to sit back and relax with a good book.

But others see something A LOT ruder. There appears to be the outline of a woman, with a ponytail, performing an oral sex act on the man.

Did your mind go straight to the gutter? What about this image of two men dancing – is it smutty or innocent?

Chilakuas wrote: “Yup I thought he was getting a b***job” and Sailing is Fun joked: “Congrats on the book-job.”

While J0EYGEN wrote: “Artist knew exactly what they were doing.”

But others felt that only those with dirty minds would see the picture in this way.

A Travelling Robot from the Future said: “I think this is a case of see what you want to see.

“How does the other half of the book and the deformed leg/arm fit into the illusion?”

The Crispiest Noodles added: “I don’t see it. I guess I prefer reading over dirty things?”

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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