Joleen Cummings Wiki, parents, education, missing, investigation, relationship, murder and more

Joleen Cummings Wiki:- Joleen Cummings was born as Joleen Rebecca Jensen in 1984 and grew up in Nassau County, Florida. She was known for her liveliness and sense of humor and lived with her mother and her stepfather.

Detectives thought Joleen Cummings, a single mother, was missing and a victim of domestic abuse. It was hard to believe who actually killed her.

Joleen Cummings Wiki

Kimberly Kessler was convicted of first-degree murder Thursday in the death of Joleen Cummings, a co-worker at Tangles Hair Salon in Nassau County, after just over an hour of deliberation. Since she went missing in 2018, Cummings, a mother of three, has never been found.

The State reviewed all the evidence and took the jury through a timeline of Kessler’s actions during closing arguments. Blood was found all over the salon, and video showed Kessler driving Cummings’ car and shopping for supplies.

joleen cummings


After graduating from high school, Joleen enrolled in cosmetology courses in nearby Jacksonville, Florida, with the intention of opening her own salon. She had a daughter with a man, but the relationship was short. “Joleen was delighted to have a son.

Sometimes he didn’t choose the best men. Why, I have no idea. she managed to get a job as a hairstylist at Tangles Barber Shop in Fernandina Beach. Through social media and his innate people skills, she has built a loyal clientele.

joleen cummings educationjoleen cummings education

He is lost

On May 14, Joleen’s mother notified the Fernandina Beach Police Department that she was missing. She was last seen leaving the office on May 12. According to Florida’s First Coast News, she missed picking up her children from her father the next day after the weeklong trip. “The children’s father called Anne Johnson, the girl’s mother, and asked, ‘Do you know where Joleen is?

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According to Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper, in the episode “Snapped”, they didn’t know where he was even though he was supposed to pick up the children.

missing joleen cummingsmissing joleen cummings

last seen

Cummings was last seen leaving Tangles Hair Salon in Fernandina Beach, located at 474315 E State Road 200. She had a full day at work and was supposed to leave at five o’clock. Kessler was reportedly the last person to see Cummings.

main report

Cummings’ mother, Ann Johnson, contacts the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office to report him missing. Just yards from Cummings’ home, officers and detectives are conducting a search near a wooded area. While searching for leads, the agents claim they received a lead. Agents are posting photos of Cummings and his Ford Expedition.

joleen cummings deficiency reportjoleen cummings deficiency report


His private life was also going well. In 2013, they recorded the relationship of Jason Cummings and Joleen, who later gave birth to a son. Another boy will be born in 2015. She was so focused on those babies that nothing else mattered to her. Mariah Lorraine, a friend of hers, told “Snapped”: “Those kids came first.” Unfortunately, Cummings’ union began to deteriorate and they parted ways in 2017.


When the detectives returned to the Tangles hair salon, they met Jennifer Sybert again. Being the last to see Joleen alive, they were eager to ask her more questions, but once again she refused. She decided to avoid getting involved with the police. On May 15, someone who noticed Joleen’s abandoned car parked in the Home Depot parking lot notified authorities in Yulee, Florida.

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Categories: Biography
Source: HIS Education

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