LOST: 10 Hilarious “4 8 15 16 23 42” Memes That Are Too Funny

It’s been over a decade since the hit series lost Finished its last episode. However, the series has always been a fan favorite for its rich nostalgia that makes it a meme at its best.

One of the show’s most important references is the sequence number 4 8 15 16 23 42, which is repeated throughout the series. They were originally found in the order of Danielle’s notes, and Hurley believed they were winning numbers that brought him more bad luck than good. They were again discovered in the trapdoor as Desmond executes the code every 108 minutes to prevent an unknown disaster. Fans of the show have grown to love numbers, using them at all times, including memes.

bad luck Brian won the lottery

The classic meme originated on Reddit in 2012, when real-life “Brian” friend Kyle Craven posted a deliberately awkward high school photo. During the photo session, Craven is said to have rubbed his red face and flashed his famous smile, prompting his principal to ask for a photo.

In true style, Craven has become the meme of Bad Luck Brian, and absolutely nothing good has ever happened to him. So if the unlucky Brian wins the lottery with one of these notoriously unlucky numbers, then you know that an equally dire fate awaits his winnings.

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Expanded brain memes

Speaking of numbers, there are some common numbers popping up all over the place, namely for the wrong reasons. For some unknown reason, people’s junk brains like to constantly bring these numbers into their lives as if they meant something.

The Exploding Brain meme really touches on the human need to recognize and classify. In this case, the top of the list of unlucky numbers is lost The number makes fans both love and fear.

Tada Will Smith

any fact lost Fans don’t pick random numbers. With the arrangement ingrained in their minds and requiring no prompting, fans are always willing to speak their mind in sequence, even when they know they shouldn’t.

So when they were actually asked to come up with “random” numbers, the numbers weren’t random at all. As much as they don’t want to for them, there they are!

Press the button to perform 4 8 15 16 23 42

When Hatch (or Swan Station) is discovered, it unravels an increasingly complex conspiracy involving electromagnetism, fate, and seemingly unforgettable number series fans. Part of this complexity includes that Desmond Hume has to perform this sequence of numbers every 108 minutes to make the disaster public. When he failed, Flight 815 landed on the island.

So naturally, when faced with solving world poverty, compared to employment 4 8 15 16 23 42 , lost Fans choose numbers each time.

Jacob’s email password

This is more of a comic than a meme, but it’s still pretty funny. At the beginning of the episode, the writers didn’t really have any intentions with the numbers until they suddenly became a part of everything on the show.

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Each number represents a different passenger, a total of six, who are intended to replace the island’s guardian, Jacob. If you consider how often a person forgets their password, the person doing the job must remember that password a million times.

Hey, I just met you, this is crazy

Carly Rae Jepsen’s catchy melodies are not only catchy but also super resonant. It looks like Frank’s Red Hotyou can put the lyrics on everything.

Combine that sweet single Hurley photo, those overly clever lyrics, and a set of unlucky numbers, and you’ve got a meme that’s so good it’s almost sad. When you think about his brief romance with Libby, who was tragically shot, we really start to feel sorry for the unfortunate man.

mischievous eel

Of course, there’s also room for the “Bad Joke Eel” meme. In any string, there is an infinite number of possible puns. This is too simple, but enough.

it’s really nice class lost Fans are totally playing with the numbers in the lottery and they are likely to lose. What’s more, this sequence of numbers from the beginning was unlucky, wasting a lottery ticket. However, the urge is calling and you can guarantee that many fans have tried these numbers at least once.

Complex WIFI password

Anyone who has ever had to enter any complicated wifi password can relate to this meme. Sometimes it’s even hard to enter your own password, let alone a case-sensitive combination of numbers and letters in a noisy restaurant where you’ve just sat down — did you hear Is the waiter correct?

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it is especially suitable for lost Fans remember the hieroglyphs displayed on the trapdoor countdown timer. The official translation of the hieroglyph is said to mean “underworld”. Real fans come forward, this could be your new wifi password.

people don’t simply forget the numbers

This meme has existed and rarely disappoints. It originates from Lord of the Rings Boromir’s claim that “one does not simply enter Mordor” is hilarious in itself.

lost Fans simply can’t forget the numbers. They are everywhere. They use them to play the lottery. They use them in memes. They can also name their children after them. The meme was more of a reminder than a meme, and fans laughed until they cried a little.

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