Famous Star Wars Actor Mark Hamill recalls his first impression of Luke Skywalker, his words reminding the real message Star Wars. No one has ever imagined it was successful Star Wars It will become; even George Lucas only hopes that the first movie will earn $1.5-2 billion at the box office, according to his friend Steven Spielberg. In fact, it made $775.8 million – $3.8 billion has been adjusted for inflation. Mark Hamill initially thought Star Wars It was a parody, but when he read the full script, he won.
Hamil recalls his first impression of Luke Skywalker when he talks about the Smart-free podcast. “When I tested, I was like, Harrison [Ford]I am the leader, I am an annoying partner.“He recalls.”I’m working on him and all these things.“Indeed, Luke Skywalker follows a classic hero journey, but Hamill’s misunderstanding can be forgiven; after all, heroes traditionally get girls, and Han is with Lai Leia together instead of Luke.
Mark Hamill’s first impression of Luke reveals George Lucas’ genius
Luke Skywalker is another hero
Modern audiences forget how unusual the real plot of George Lucas is. Harrison Ford is an arrogant, smart hero who is a boring pilot who can even win the heart of a princess; Instead, Lucas’s protagonist is somewhat grumbled by everyone’s heroes from the backwater of the galaxy, whose ultimate heroic act is to put down the lightsaber instead of using it. From this perspective, Luke Skywalker is a very different kind of hero.
Read Hamil’s comments, I can’t help but remember Star Wars: The Last Jedi. “What do you think?“Luke asked Rey.”I want to use a laser sword to go out and face the entire first level?“That’s what Luke Skywalker audiences expect to see (actually, this is the Luke we ended up being given to Mandalorian Season 2 finale). But this is the traditional Hollywood hero – the Marvel-type superhero – not the one created by George Lucas.
From this lens, Luke Skywalker feels more countercultural. He may have been trained by the troops, but his heart won. His faith in his father, his love and sympathy for others. We are all very excited about the power of power, but Star Wars That is that power won’t save a day; in fact, people obsessed with power pay tribute to the dark side. Luke is admirable because he is a person who overcomes background and loves non-love.
Our thoughts on Luke Skywalker
Heroes of all ages
Strangely, old Star Wars The extended universe – now considered non-processed – drives the same basis. The writer is fascinated by Luke’s sheer power. I will never forget Kevin J. Anderson, though, ultimately, Timothy Zahn’s Hand of Thrawn’s Earthly Death Technique A (recognized intensity) scene featuring the former emperor’s hand Mara Jade always chews Luke’s “call out“In the army – means he lost a lot.
Mark Hamill’s comment reminds me a lot. At first glance, George Lucas’s Luke Skywalker Star Wars It was the one who felt like a complaining partner, not a leading role. But the new hope of dawn in the galaxy is not the return of some superhumans, some nationally confident heroes who can drive out villains with a flick of wrists and a light sword of light. On the contrary, new hope Star Wars Even though everything is OK, love can be chosen every day. Doing so, the partner becomes the leader.
Source: No intelligence
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