MHA Shigaraki Cosplay Makes Manga Accurate Horrifically Real

The popular manga and anime series recently returned titled my hero academy Creating some of the best cosplay ever in the nerd community, current series villain Tomura Shigaraki’s new cosplay adds an element of fear to an already terrifying villain!

Bryan Dracule (u/BZNintendo), an “artist, designer, cosplayer and creator of a variety of costumes and board/card/board games”, was recently shared on r/ Reddit’s cosplay, Role-playing part is part of this impressive list. Skill is at the heart of his latest creative endeavor. Also, he did a surprisingly good cosplay as Gaara from the sand naruto Not only does Bryan’s Shigara look like the manga, but with some digital editing to set the tone, it’s a live-action costume that perfectly adapts to the real-world setting. real.

The leader of the criminal group known as the Occult Liberation Front, Shigaraki Tomura is a villain without boundaries. Taught by the ultimate my hero academy In Bad Guys, All For One, Shigara’s ability is called “Decomposition”, giving him the ability to decompose any object and anyone he touches, whether organic or inorganic. . Brian’s cosplay also shows the hands of deceased family members that Shigara accidentally killed when his eccentric personality was revealed, and his cosplay made this evil a reality. should come to life in a way that makes anyone who sees it shudder. The characters come to life.

Wearing Shigara’s signature black coat, red shoes and, of course, the rest of the dead family members on the arms, shoulders, head and face, Brian’s design perfectly embodies the aesthetic. the aesthetic of a villain whose appearance is known to be unique and terrifying. equivalent measures. Bryan also wears a gray-blue wig that matches Shigara’s shaggy hair, and he stands in a whimsical and eerie way, his cosplay and character posing through Bryan standing in the rain drenched to be zoomed in to edit pictures of the city center. Block, is definitely ready to fight the next hero that gets in his way.

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This is the first of 14 different photos that fans can flip through, and the accurate cosplay designs from Bryan’s comics are not only a great cosplay lesson but also show off his costumes. How well does Shigaraki work in live action. my hero academyTomura Shigaraki was once a terrifying villain on the news page and screen, and now, with Bryan Dracule’s cosplay, he’s become scary in a whole new way!

Source: u/BZ Nintendo

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