Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – How to Upgrade Your Weapons To Level 10

Weapons with rarity 10 are the strongest equipment Monster Hunter Rises: The Sun Rises. While they are not available in the main story, post-game challenges will require these premium gear. There are at least some fully upgraded items that will help the super boss of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreaks.

Although the raw power is great, players should still choose the weapons and skills that are right for them. If people still find swords or axes too slow and cumbersome, it doesn’t matter how strong they are. This makes it even more important to retain all the crafting materials Monster Hunter Rises And use them for a special weapon or two.

Although rare weapon 10 is very powerful, many monsters can still be defeated with rare 8 or rare 9 equipment. Casual players can defeat many high-class monsters on their own or using a combination of Monster Hunter Rises . Only the toughest enemies need polishing of ultimate weapons and materials.

Weapon textures affected in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Players need to progress through the main scene Monster Hunter Rises: The Sun Rises And defeat the Level 5 Boss MHR Elder Dragon Gath Margam at least once. This will allow the base gear to be upgraded to rarity 9 and new rarity 10. However, many unique weapons still require a higher Mastery level and materials to get to level 10. , Geithmagom will drop all the materials needed to upgrade weapons made from their body parts. The most necessary items for forging are Torture Materials, which are dropped from the following beasts:

  • Bones Affected: Arzuros, Volvidon, Lagombi
  • Infected Pelts: Oito, Big Baji, Daworoji, Kuruaku
  • Tormented Blood: Tetranadon, Daimyo Hermituar, Bishaten, Khezu
  • Tormented Monster Bones: Aknosom, Royal Ludros, Bharat, Basarios
  • Infested Shells: Blood Orange Bisarton, Somnakanth, Shogun Giant Crocodile, Julatos
  • Scales affected: Tobi Kadachi, Rathian, Anjanath, Pukei Pukei
  • Blighted Claws: Aurora Somnakanth, Gauss Harragh, Lackner Kadaki, Almudron
  • Torture Fangs: Garangom, Magnamaro, Nargakuga, Barrios
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Some monsters are also roaming the base Monster Hunter Rises, to allow for additional farming or reuse of old strategies. In most cases, the necessary affected materials are used on the respective weapon of the same defeated monster, but there are some exceptions. In addition, the chance to receive items is only 20%, so players may have to farm monsters many times to get the necessary materials. Completing the Monster Hunter Rise anomalous quest may also provide affected materials, but that’s not guaranteed either.

As with other crafting, the highest tier weapons are crafted in the Blacksmith. Even if you are not ready to smith, you should get to this location early. Each weapon has extra common reagents in addition to the affected materials. This could include coins, tickets, or other popular items that people might want to collect right now. This saves time and some hassle during the actual upgrade.

Monster Hunter Rises Available on PC and Nintendo Switch.

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