Moon Knight: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Show

Moonlight Knight Hailed as one of the most groundbreaking franchises in the MCU to date, its unique blend of action, humor, and humanity has inspired fans to create dozens of memes. Oscar Isaac plays the Moon Knight, the vessel of the vengeful moon god Khonshu, who embodies both mercenary Marc Spector and his otherworldly partner, Steven Grant, bringing chiaroscuro to the chapter. Disney+ show. Ethan Hawke turned a minor villain from the Knights of the Moon comics into a supposed villain Arthur Harrow, a cult leader seeking to free the Egyptian goddess Amit, and defeat a chemical Khonshu’s body in the process.

Whether it’s Marc and Steven’s antics trying to control their single bodies, the sassy love triangle between Marc, Steven, and Layla or the sudden appearance of the hippo god Taweret, unexpected situations the glasses depicted in these memes all capture it perfectly Moonlight Knight very special.

every time steven sleeps

At the beginning of the episode, fans are at a loss for what to think when Steven Grant falls asleep and wakes up in an unfamiliar setting, remembering nothing of how he got there. Not even the sand by the bed or the duct tape on the door can explain his nocturnal wanderings. It wasn’t until they got to know Marc Spector that they began to understand each other.

As the meme suggests, his “Khonshuus state” involves transforming into the Knight of the Moon, a servant of Khonshu, the vengeful moon god, all of whom he considers immoral. . Sleepwalking, in which one loses control of one’s body, adds an extra layer of super humor to the series despite its potentially dangerous consequences.

Mark Spector wants to join

After being chased through the British Museum by an invisible jackal and scaring him to madness, Steven begins to realize that letting Mark take over his body isn’t a bad idea. If that doesn’t happen, he knows the alternative; At best he won’t die, and at worst, Mark will just complain until he’s allowed in.

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Whether in England or Egypt, Mark has to beg Steven to let him take possession of their bodies, often in puddles, car mirrors, and other reflective surfaces. In the end, Steven has a knack for using the suit for himself as Sir Knight, but their argument continues over who should be in control in a combat situation.

happy death

moon knight someone will die for a funny meme

As a psychological thriller focusing on a real villain, Moonlight Knight is one of the darkest shows on Disney+, but that doesn’t mean there’s no room for humour. Some of the funniest moments come from the chatter between no-nonsense Mark and his kind pagan Steven.

As this meme suggests, their personalities are quite different and although Steven has acquired Mr. Knight, he’s still not used to killing. Mark’s presence gives Steven the strength to survive dangerous situations, and in turn, Steven gives Mark the strength to be vulnerable and have a more positive outlook on life outside of combat.

Khonshu feels incomplete

Moon Knight Khonshu feels incomplete emoji

The series makes it clear that Khonshu helped Marc when he needed it most, but the mercenary didn’t realize how manipulative he was as Luna sought revenge by trading Marc’s certain death in exchange. take the service of his life.

By planting the seeds of self-doubt in Marc’s mind, Khonshu is able to gain more control over his avatar, distorting his reality by making him question his instincts. mine. His other alter ego, Steven, and his wife, Layla, help remind him that if he doesn’t agree with Khonshu’s ruling, he can come forward and claim his right to self-determination.

Jack and the coffin

Moon Knight Steven, Marc, Jake meme

A striking detail emerges in the middle of the series when Mark and Steven are trapped in a mental institution, trying to discover if their prison is real or just their imagination. They pass through a room containing a sealed red sarcophagus, which many fans believe is another prominent identity of the Moon Knight in the comics; Jack Rockley.

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Towards the end of the series, playing three separate alterations in one body led some fans to believe that Moon Knight was Oscar Isaac’s best portrayal, and these Easter eggs were sown to both mess up. The plot has just got comic fans excited about what Moon Knight’s The Legend’s work will include.

Mark, or Steven, or Jack

Moon Knights Jack, Steve and Mark as Hermione, Harry and Ron

Since the Moon Knight clones all have different personalities and skills, their purposes are also quite different. Mark is useful in combat, Jack is useful in carnage, and Steven has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of ancient Egyptian mythology and customs. Effectively as it is, having so many identities in one body causes stress, something the show never hesitates to highlight.

While there are many other Marvel characters worth doing character research, Moonlight Knight Give your character an opportunity to explore on an intimate level. These three distinct changes bring mental health issues, PTSD, and childhood trauma to the fore in Moon Knight’s story, setting him apart from other characters in the MCU.

The appearance of Taveret

Moon Knight Steve Marc on the run from the hippo goddess Taweret meme

While many ancient Egyptian gods have appeared in the series, including MVPs like Osiris and Isis, several lesser-known gods, notably Amit and Konshu, also play prominent roles. . But one of the most loved and unexpected is Taweret, a funny anthropomorphic hippo.

The scene where Mark and Steven meets her is both surreal and hilarious, and their horrified reaction alone has inspired countless memes like this one. Not a fearsome deity, however, Taweret was said to be a protector, especially for young mothers. Considering how self-righteous and pompous the other gods might be, Taveret is a breath of fresh air.

walk on broken glass

Moon Knight Harrow Uno Broken Glass Meme

When Arthur Harrow appeared, fans knew they would be entering another series with a very special villain, starting with Moonlight Knight Is a mysterious figure that intentionally stuffs broken glass into his shoe.

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Harrow doesn’t need to be controlled by an avatar to show his allegiance, offering penance and reverence by bringing him closer to Ammit’s sadistic tendencies. As her human, he can harness some of her powers, making his unique shoes worthwhile. Small details like these, combined with Ethan Hawke’s subtle acting, make him a memorable villain.

Mark, Leila, Steven

Moon Knight Meme by Mark, Lyla and Steven

In terms of romantic feelings, the complicated love triangle between Layla and Moon Knight’s two secondary doubles makes Moonlight Knight Unlike any other MCU program. Although Layla is technically Marc’s wife, she falls in love with Steven, whose sweet personality and kind nature stand in stark contrast to Marc’s cold and calm demeanor.

As the meme suggests, Mark and Lila often get into fights, which leaves Steven to bear the brunt of their turbulent past. Marc has a habit of ignoring Layla and Steven’s needs in favor of his own selfish trajectory, so it’s no surprise that Layla is so deeply attached to Steven, even protective of him. from Marc’s wrath.

mark and steven

Moon Knight Marc Spector Steven meme

Whether the audience is a longtime Moon Knight fan or has never heard of this superhero, the chemistry between Mark and Steven is one of the biggest reasons. Moonlight Knight It was such a success. While both are in the same body, the two are distinct enough to be convincingly separate entities and fans are invested in their journey as well.

Fans cheered as Mark put on the suit and wiped out his enemies, but they also cheered as Steven gained his own powers as Sir Knight, accepting threats in his own way. without affecting his humanity. The series’ unique balance of action, humor and drama makes for a great streaming experience and even better memes.

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