Nevada Rangers Wikipedia, Police, Tribal

Nevada Rangers Wikipedia, Police, Tribes

Nevada Rangers Wikipedia, Police, Tribal – A two-lane, rural route winds its way through northwestern Nevada to Burning Man. An estimated 80,000 people travel to the venerable bacchanalia every year, many pulling trailers and caravans across miles of steamy desert to reach their famous Gomorrah. This year, however, a 28-foot trailer blocking the road and an hour-long traffic jam caused by climate activists temporarily halted the flow of enthusiastic festival-goers. They fought with angry Burning Man visitors and Nevada rangers.

Nevada Rangers Wikipedia, Police, Tribes

Climate activists block road for Burning Man attendees.

Burning Man has moved away from its hippy roots in recent years and is now better known for its extravagant campers, wild parties and Silicon Valley dudes. Extinction Rebellion, Rave Revolution and Scientist Rebellion were among the environmental organizations represented by the Seven Circles protesters, who demanded that Burning Man ban the unlimited use of generators and propane, as well as private planes and single-use plastics. Around the roadblock, signs with the message “Burners of the world, unite!” “Mother Earth Needs Our Help” and “System Change” were posted. Four activists chained themselves to the trailer and locked their hands through PVC pipes.

The protesters traveled separately to their chosen site of action, stopping on the road as the trailer driver swerved in front of them and swerved blocking both lanes. Those in the cars that pulled up behind them at first thought there had been an accident and got out to see if everyone was okay. When onlookers realized it was a protest against climate change, many of them were furious and returned to their cars in frustration at the inconvenience. Protesters rushed to put up their placards and flags amid the commotion. Attendee Molly, who was at the festival, shouted: “They are crazy, it’s idiocy. They believe that by preventing Burning Man, they can stop climate change. Whatever their defense is, they should be screwing themselves.

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The festival’s roots are anarchist and countercultural, having begun as an informal meeting in San Francisco in 1986. Unlike a traditional festival, participants construct the event themselves, bringing their own infrastructure, food, water and entertainment in lieu of planned music acts, transforming the 4,000-acre dry lakebed into a transitory metropolis called Black Rock City. The radical spirit of Burning Man also prohibits brands from advertising their wares on the festival grounds and prohibits the exchange of money.

But in recent years, Silicon Valley technocrats, celebrities, influencers and others have taken an almost cult-like interest in Burning Man, using the event as an opportunity to network, post selfies and experiment with psychedelic chemicals. These rich people often travel to the festival in fuel-guzzling luxury camper vans. Last year’s 103°F Black Rock Desert heat contributed to greater reliance on generator-powered air conditioning. Despite the festival’s intention to expand, federal officials limited attendance to 80,000 due to concerns about illegal dumping.

According to Tommy Diacono, co-founder of Rave Revolution, “Burning Man attracts the elite of the elite to have fun and pretend to be in a classless society with no money.” “However, there are more private jets traveling to Burn than ever before. We have fun burning propane. Air-conditioned domes are getting bigger every year.

Another Rave Revolution co-founder, Emily Collins, said the technological utopianism embedded in Burning Man culture made many of its attendees feel complacent. Many individuals believe they are vegans who drive electric cars and work towards sustainability, she said. He has a very rich, technocratic mentality.

They have a rich mentality.

Activists believed their demonstration would point to how our critical climate requires broader system changes alongside the personally transformative experiences of self-discovery that can occur at the festival, alongside their concerns about Burning Man’s carbon footprint, which reached 100,000 tonnes of CO2 in 2019.

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The organizers of Burning Man claim that they are trying to be more environmentally friendly. Festival organizers highlighted their recent achievements in their 2023 sustainability report, including implementing a solar panel pilot program, purchasing carbon credits to offset their emissions and supporting eco-conscious camps as they strive to achieve negative carbon status by 2030. These actions, according to activists , are not enough to slow the uncontrolled rate of global warming.

“The climate movement has reached a point where there is a split between climate mitigation through technological fixes and climate justice that is more oriented towards systemic inequalities,” said Will Livernois, a scientist with Scientist Rebellion who attended the protest wearing a white chemist’s hat and sitting with a dejected expression faces next to the trailer. “We need to turn away from the green capitalism of Burning Man and focus on reducing growth.”

“We’re not moving fast enough to achieve net zero goals for 2030,” argued Christina Chu of Solarpunks, a climate-focused camp that built a community microgrid using solar panels during an event last year. “Burning Man has inspired individuals like me to develop initiatives like this, but there is still much room for development. Most of this is done by volunteers at the local level and does not provide top-down guidance on how to decarbonise. Raise your hand if you’re planning to go solar this year, that’s what it says right now.

Not everyone behind the blockade was a Burning Man participant. One man passionately declared that he was a working-class person just trying to get to work during a heated conversation. Diacano tried to calm him down by saying, “I’m on your team, I promise.” “The government doesn’t care about us.” He shook his head and walked back to his car.

Later, Diacono added: “The individualization of structural problems in the late stage of capitalism is absurd. There is this idea that if I just change myself, the rest of the world will follow. However, the existing economic system has forced us to monitor both inequality and carbon in the air, and they are linked.

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Most of the Burning Man visitors who roared through traffic did not support the activists. After the barricade was erected, several people tried to lift and move the trailer themselves, while others called the police to report the protesters. The activist handed him a leaflet with a list of their demands, which one man crumpled up and threw away in disgust. A man named Will Semmbs, who was traveling to the festival, said: “I think the protest is very important, but destroying and upsetting people doesn’t do anything.” “I have solar panels on my camper,” he said. “The demonstrators arrived in gas vehicles. They actually make the climate worse.

Burning Man has already made sustainability one of its main principles, so festival-goers wondered why protesters were targeting the event while waiting for traffic to clear. The festival has a “leave no trace” policy, which requires participants and organizers to clean up all trash and debris from the festival grounds after the event. This policy is in addition to the development of ecological solutions. Benjamin Jorgens, a 10-year-old Burner, stated, “We have values ​​that we try to live by, and many of them are cultural and environmental in nature. According to Jorgens, Burning Man takes more precautions than any other celebration in the world. This is actually as fantastic as it gets, in my opinion.

Rangers from Nevada drove directly into the blockade they set up against climate protesters on the road to Burning Man. The policeman took out his gun, grabbed the protester and threatened to shoot. Environmental activists demanded that #BurningMan ban private jets + single-use plastics

— michelle lh࿊࿊q (@MichelleLhooq) August 28, 2023Nevada Rangers Wikipedia, Police, Tribes

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