New Mandalorian Mission Launches At Galaxy’s Edge On May 22, 2026, Tying In With Star Wars’ Next Movie

Disney Parks Star Wars: The Edge of the Galaxy Attractive, Millennium Falcon: The Smuggler’s Runwith the upcoming Mandalorian and Grogu Movie – so directly with Star Wars’ Next movie. It was announced at D23: Din Djarin and Grogu’s Ultimate Disney Fan Event in 2024 Millennium Falcon: The Smuggler’s Run Attractive, but there are few details about this and very far apart. However, new information has been revealed now.

In the SXSW team announced the future of Disney World construction, Screen roar Attendance, three exquisite concept art reveals the first good look of the attractions’ brand new storyline. This conceptual art includes the return of Din Djarin’s beloved shaver Ship, Earth BBESPIN The Empire Counterattacka fortress climbed by Java, and even the remains of the Death Star Station. Check out the amazing concept art below.

However, the most exciting thing is that this new storyline will debut on the same day Mandalorian and Grogu Popular Cinemas: May 22, 2026. This means being directly linked to the movie, which is confirmed by this Mandalorian and Grogu Director and author Jon Favreau. On the panel, he shared that this storyline is more than just “Retelling what happened in the movie – it’s more like participating in what happened outside the movie. ”

What this new Mandalorian mission means for Star Wars

The next movie takes things to a new level

There are a few things to pay attention to about this new task Millennium Falcon: The Smuggler’s Run. Most obvious and exciting is that this is our first look at the event Mandalorian and Grogu Movie. Din Djarin and Grogu will likely head to all these places in the movie, and the Mandalorian will obviously get his love shaver Return – or at least a newer version of it. This also means that the main feature of this attraction, Hondo Ohnaka can even be combined with the duo at some point.

This is our first good-looking movie for Star Wars

The adventure seems to have exceeded this galaxy

and related details Mandalorian and Grogu This concept art is still limited until it is released next year, and it’s our first good look at what’s going to happen – unless you’re one of the lucky few, you can see exclusive shots from the movie released last year D23. If Bespin is displayed in movies, then this will be the first time it’s been displayed in real person Star Wars Since then The Empire Counterattack. This may also be our first visit to the remains of Death Star.

Image from Mandala People -

8 Things Related Star Wars has revealed movies about Mandalor and Gro

Although Star Wars has been giving details on the Mandalorian and Grog, we still have 8 key things to do with regard to the upcoming movie.

Overall, it’s definitely an exciting look at everything first Mandalorian and Grogu. In addition to this concept art, the SXSW group also revealed that BDX robots will also appear in the movie, and I have no doubt that they will easily be excited about Din Djarin. This new storyline is Star Wars: The Edge of the Galaxy On May 22, 2026, the same day at Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort Mandalorian and Grogu Go to the theater.

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