Omid Scobie’s a weaselly lickspittle making a living peddling garbage about the Royals… I know Endgame is full of lies

The word ‘lickspittle’ is one of my favorites in the English language.

It is a derogatory medieval term first used in 1586 by a professor named John James Gryneus who wrote of ‘the flatterers who licked the saliva of Dionysius the Tyrant and said it was sweeter than sweet wine.’

Weasel Scobie's new book is ridiculously one-sided


The new Weasel Scobie book is ridiculously one-sided Credit: pixel8000
Scobie sells fantasy on behalf of his eternally bitter friends Harry and Meghan


Scobie sells fantasy on behalf of his eternally bitter friends Harry and MeghanCredit: BACKGRID
The Omid Scobie conspiracy offers no evidence for the allegations he makes in his book, writes Piers


The Omid Scobie conspiracy offers no evidence for the allegations he makes in his book, writes Piers

So it literally meant that someone was willing to lick the saliva off another person’s lips and tell them it was sweeter than sweet wine, no matter how awful that person was.

In modern parlance, it signifies a sycophantic, sycophantic, brown-nosed swindler who insincerely flatters himself for personal gain.

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Which brings me neatly to Omid Scobie, a tiny weasel with thick eyebrows who makes a living running constant nonsense about the royal family on behalf of the world’s most disingenuous victims Meghan and Harry.


His latest book, Finding freedom was a ridiculously one-sided book designed to make his pets, the royal renegades, look like impeccable paragons of honesty and virtue, and the rest of the royal family a disgusting bunch of callous traitorous racists.

Until Scobie came along, I didn’t think I’d seen a worse defender of the indefensible than Comical Ali, Saddam Hussein’s bumbling ‘Minister of Information’ during the Iraq War who boasted that American ‘infidels’ were being killed ‘in their hundreds’ at the gates of Baghdad – while TV viewers could literally hear American weapons loudly destroying Iraqi forces in the background.

But Obsequious Omid makes Comical Ali a bastion of truth.

All you need to know about him is that he can’t even be honest about his age.

In 2020, he told journalist Andrew Billen that he was 33 years old, but he was actually 38.

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He then tried to lie about his lie, insisting that he never told Billen his fake age, until Billen confirmed that it had all been recorded.

‘It was unfortunate and naive of me,’ Scobie told The Times this week. ‘You live and learn.’

Hmmm, and you, Submissive Omide?

Endgame spews nonsense

In the same Times interview, he said he never uses private jets until the interviewer said she saw a recent photo on his Instagram of himself in a private jet.

‘Okay, it was a private jet,’ he admitted, ‘but it was only going from LA to Palm Springs. It was very short.’

Then just a little lie!

The horrifying photo was quickly deleted from his Instagram.

Why does Scobie’s cheesy crap about his own life matter?

Because that goes right to the question of his credibility as he publishes another book, Game over spewing even grimmer, largely unsubstantiated claims about the royal family that once again portray Meghan and Harry as heroic, bullied, disrespected freedom fighters fighting against a vile and decrepit institution bent on destroying them.

Over the past week there has been a steady stream of damaging revelations from the book and Scobie himself on his promotional tour.

He says, without presenting any real evidence, that Prince William is a hot-headed, power-hungry, scheming gossiper who colludes with the media.

He calls the Princess of Wales an empty, cold woman who burns with jealousy over Meghan and is too afraid to do anything but pose for photographs.

And he accuses King Charles of being a stunted and incompetent old man, so he makes the staff iron his shoelaces.

All this, according to my well-placed royal sources, is complete nonsense.

And I trust them, not Scobie.


Well, because he lies about me too.

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In the book, Scobie states as a fact that Queen Camilla and I ‘enjoy regular telephone conversations.’

But the truth is that I have never had a single telephone conversation with Her Majesty in my life.

He also says that ‘when Piers called the Duchess of Sussex a ‘Pinocchio princess’ and then a ‘racebait’ Good morning Britain… Camilla quietly thanked him for defending the company.’

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This, again, is a lie.

I had no contact with Queen Camilla during that period.

I did with some other members of the royal family, as I said at the time, but not with Camilla.

Scobie just read what I said, and guessed wrong that it was Camilla.

A vicious race of insults

So, given that everything he says about me in the book is false, forgive me if I take the rest of it with a grain of rotten old dubious salt.

Of course, some of his material – according to my information – is correct, and I doubt where he got this stuff from.

For example, it includes specific details of letters exchanged between Charles and Meghan following the Oprah Winfrey row in which she claimed there were ‘concerns and discussions’ with members of the royal family about her unborn son’s skin colour.

Scobie says the letters name the two royals involved who are said to have expressed their ‘concerns’, but says he cannot legally name them.

If those names are who I think they are, again based on my very good sources, I find it impossible to believe that any of them would ever express any racially motivated ‘concern’ about the skin color of Meghan and Harry’s baby.

But while Scobie would run into legal trouble in the UK if he named them here, there is nothing stopping him from revealing the names in America where he would be protected by the First Amendment which covers freedom of speech.

The reason he won’t is because he knows it would ignite a storm of fury and almost certainly provoke the royal family in question to publicly denounce those vicious racist insults for which Meghan has never produced a shred of evidence.

Instead, like Meghan, the cowardly sycophant chooses to taint the entire family with alleged guilt by association.

But who told him the names of the people mentioned in that letter?

We know it wasn’t King Charles, so that leaves only the other person involved in the exchange of letters: Meghan.

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Of course she and Harry denied any involvement in the end game, as does Scobie, although he admits: ‘I have mutual friends with [Meghan]and that definitely helps in getting information and uncovering details.’

I wonder who your ‘mutual friends’ are?

Especially since I remember Meghan also claiming she had nothing to do with Finding freedom.

Then later, while in court and under oath suing the Mail on Sunday for breach of privacy, she was forced to admit that she had emailed one of her associates “briefing notes” before his meeting with Scobie.

In other words, she lied and was a key primary source for the book.

So, all in all, I think I’ll wait for Meghan’s next sworn appearance – which could happen very soon in her legal battle with her half-sister Samantha – before I believe her latest denial of any involvement, direct or otherwise, in this latest a book.

But what is undeniable is that Obedient Omid intends to cause as much damage as possible to the royal family, which is still suffering from the death of its matriarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and to promote himself and enrich himself in the process.

As long as we’re supposed to believe that Meghan and Harry want to build bridges with the royals and even want to spend Christmas with them at Sandringham, which seems about as likely as inviting me upstairs to cook a festive cracker.

I can’t speak for Charles, Camilla, William or Kate, but if two close members of my family have spent the past few years destroying the rest of us on global media platforms, the only way I’d want to spend Christmas with them is if they were human chestnuts who are baked on my open fire.

Harry would do well to heed the warning of Dionysius the Tyrant who was left a broken man by his constant warmongering and finally driven away by his own full family.

Scobie smears the dignified royal family to promote Harry and Meghan's victim complex


Scobie smears dignified royal family to promote Harry and Meghan’s victim complexCredit: AP
King Charles and Camilla have to put up with Scobie's fibs being leaked


King Charles and Camilla have to come to terms with a drip of Scobie fibsCredit: Getty

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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