Persona 5: Best Character Build for Yusuke Kitagawa (Fox)

Players want to provide their teammates with the best abilities Persona 5. This is done by upgrading that character’s character and making sure they have the right skills to maximize their abilities. This is a bit in-depth for the protagonist Joker, but much easier for teammates like Yusuke.

Unlike the Joker, Yusuke only has one character to choose from at the beginning, but players can upgrade to more powerful versions by completing parts of the game. Players who want to ensure that Yusuke is as powerful as possible in battle should fully upgrade his persona and choose the best skills possible. This guide will show players how to get the best look for Yusuke.

Persona 5: Obtain Yusuke’s final persona

Yusuke has three separate characters throughout the game, and players need to complete certain actions to unlock all of them. His first Persona will be unlocked automatically as the story progresses, so players don’t have to worry too much. To unlock the second Persona, players will need to max out Yusuke’s Emperor’s Confidant. This will automatically give Yusuke Kamu-Susano and the ability to dodge fire.

The third and final character is only available after the second character is unlocked. Players will need to wait until the bonus term in January and then go talk to Yusuke. After talking to the character, he will unlock Wuji. This allows Yusuke to cast Thermal Booster on the entire team, while also increasing the team’s dodge ability.

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Persona 5: Yusuke’s best look

Persona 5 Yusuke Tou

Once players unlock Yusuke’s final character, they will want to make sure they are equipped with the appropriate skills. These are the skills players want.

Brave Blade – This attack causes a large amount of physical damage to an enemy.

Vorpal Blade – This deals massive damage to all enemies.

Mabufudyne – By using this attack, the player can deal massive amounts of freeze damage to all enemies.

Hyakka Ryouran – Use this skill to cast a thermal booster on all allies, increasing attack power, defense, and agility for three turns.

Dodge Fire – Increases evasion rate.

High Counterattack – This gives the player a 20% chance of knocking back all physical damage.

Charge – Having this ability enhances all physical attacks.

Weapon Master – This will halve the cost of using physical skills.

Persona 5 Playable on PlayStation 4.

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