Pope Francis on Jaranwala, muslim mobs attack churches in Pakistan

Here we are going to give the details about the recent incident that happened in eastern Pakistan as the public is going through the internet to know more about it. The public like to know what happens there and why these attacks are held over there. So, for our readers, we have brought information about this incident in this article. Not only that we are also going to give the details about the ongoing viral news regarding this matter as the public is searching about it over the internet. So, keep reading through the article to know more.

Pope Francis On Jaranwala

There has been news going viral recently about the attack in eastern Pakistan. There have been allegations made that one of the Christian men has dishonored the Quran and not only that they also destroy that man’s house. when the public gets to know about this all are shocked and enraged by this news. The public around churches has burned down then and not only those churches some of the other houses are also burned down in the process. The public is going through to know if there have been any casualties in this incident.

This kind of violence is very horrifying for the common public. Some people are very unclear regarding this matter and to clear things out, everyone is going through the internet. The scale of this violence is so high that government has to be sent to make sure the safety of the public and to restore the peace of order in that area. The damage done by the public was horrifying. But till now there has been no news regarding the casualties in this incident but the public is still searching for new updates regarding this matter. To know new updates on this incident and also about government action regarding this matter, this information is available in the next section of the article.

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According to the sources, the roots of this incident started when some of the people have seen a man who was identified as Raja Amir a local christen, seen destroying the pages of the Quran and not only that he was with some of his friends and they all are also have written the insulting remarks on some of the pages. According to the police chief, this event angered the local Mulsim and they all come together and start attacking other christen homes and churches.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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