Sam Raimi Wants Another Evil Dead Movie With Bruce Campbell

Sam Raimi says he wants to do something else evil death Ashes.Raimi’s movie with Bruce Campbell changed the horror landscape forever with his original low budget. evil death movie, then changed again a few years later with a horror-comedy sequel Devil II. More than 40 years after the first evil death Raimi’s franchise has cabin horror as its main subgenre evil death risesa movie that promises some interesting tweaks to the formula as well as lots of signed contracts evil death blood clot.

but even with evil death rises Remy said his arrival is to take the team in a new direction and he has yet to complete his contribution to the series, he said. Empire He would love to be reunited with the original evil death Other films starring Campbell and producer Rob Teppert. In a recent interview, Remy talked about 2013 evil death Reboot and plan for the Mia/Ash crossover, which will become Ash vs The Evil Deadthen open other possible doors evil death project. Check out what Raimi had to say in the space below:

Mia is a great character, so I’m curious. We talked about “Evil Dead IV” in another branch of that universe, and we were a little worried about a collision. Ash Vs Evil Dead is what it has become. But I always thought there was room for both. I still think there’s still room for many different Evil Dead movies. I don’t think they cancel each other out. …I enjoy working with Bruce and Rob. I love that as a producer because they’re great partners, but I also like their support as a director. So I hope this eventually becomes a reality.

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Will Ash and Mia still work together on an Evil Dead movie?

After 2013 evil death A reboot of the series, without Campbell as Ash, and with a brand new lead Mia, seems to set a new direction for the series. But after that movie, fans didn’t see Mia again and Campbell returned to the series Ash vs The Evil Dead. Monotonously speaking, Ash vs The Evil Dead closer to the original evil death The film will please those who missed out on the taste of horror comedy that Raimi and Campbell had to offer more than the 2013 reboot.

approach evil death From a tonal standpoint, this is of course a big deal. Not everyone has the ability to mix the world of supernatural horror and comedic humor like Raimi, and honestly, the 2013 reboot didn’t try. People who appreciate Raimi’s style probably wouldn’t particularly care if they met Mia again evil death universe, but very similar to Campbell’s return for the final bloody outburst, with Raimi returning to the director’s chair.

However, Raimi himself has said that he likes the character of Mia, which seems to open the door for the return of the character of Jane Levy. The best is evil death The universe seems like it could be anything and go anywhere, Raimi even brought Ash into the world of Arthurian legend in 1992. Dark Legion. Given that there doesn’t seem to be any restriction on evil death Movies are possible, and a collaboration between Ash and Mia still seems possible in the return of Raimi’s horror comedy.

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Source: Empire

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  • The Demon of Death Rises
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