Secret Skyrim Lore You Still Haven’t Heard After 11 Years

Anyone with a glimpse of the legend behind The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Know that Bethesda’s blockbuster role-playing game franchise is filled with detailed, highly fantasy stories. About ten years ago horizon lineFans have been digging every nook and cranny since its release horizon line Solve some big (and disappointing) mysteries, but there’s a side to it horizon lineA lot of fans seem to be ignoring this lore – and it could have major implications for the future of the ongoing Dwemer Mystery.

horizon line is the most recent main item The Elder Scrolls franchise and the latest in the series’ cosmic chronology. It depicts the story of Dragonborn, in which the playable protagonist is destined to challenge and defeat the game’s main antagonist – a dragon named Alduin the World Eater.

In addition to the sweeping Norse epic of the main plot, horizon line also includes ruins that tease fate horizon lineDwemer – an ancient race of technologically advanced elves that mysteriously disappeared during the events mentioned The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. The mystery of the dwarves has been carefully studied Test system A fan for decades, but with some underrated details either created by the Bethesda link or taken back from the series’ past horizon lineCan see a theme in a variety of stories horizon line Players don’t even think about it.

Dragonborn’s Roar is a sound magic

The first detail to pay attention to is horizon lineThe protagonist, who was born from the prophesied dragon, stands out from the rest of Tamriel’s inhabitants by his ability to shout, or understand and recite the dragon’s language. As we all know, Thu’um seems to be the basic myth of the Nords who were born with the ability to use screams. horizon lineDragonborn.What horizon line What is less obvious, however, is that there are other instances in the lore of the series where magic is performed not by manipulating magic, but by manipulating sound.

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The first and perhaps best known is the Redguard tradition of swordsmanship. in-game knowledge book Red Guards, their history and heroes (see dagger rain) tells the story of these Red Guards:

Kendo – “Dual Swords” – became their life. The people on the sword keep their poetry and skills, creating beautiful swords with magic and power from the unknown gods.

The book refers to “nameless god“Suggestion that the ancient Red Guard sword adventurer The Elder Scrolls No power is gained through known Aedric or Daedric entities. Even more interesting, their sword,”weave with magicexpress “theirs”poetry and art.If the swordsmen’s power hadn’t come from demigods or magic, they might have manipulated the power of their voices to superhuman effect. The fact that they are called swordsmen says a lot about this point, and also shows the point where swordsmen born from dragons and swordsmen use similar powers.

Concept art for the lost race of dwarves from The Elder Scrolls.

Oddly enough, the art of sword singing is nothing more than a legend in the main events The Elder Scrolls game. The cultural traditions of Tamriel’s fictional races seem to echo each other, as some Red Guards see swordsmanship as central to their customs as does the legend of Thu’um in Nordic folklore. . existence is an all too familiar topic this The Elder ScrollsBecause the ruins of Dwemer are scattered everywhere Tomorrow, horizon lineAnd this Scrolls online.

European Southern Observatoryabout a thousand years ago horizon lineHeavy chanting Dwemer relies on a technique called “Hue Architecture“, as described in Dwarf Super Structure Tutorial:

Dwemer has demonstrated almost complete mastery of timbre. Even today, countless centuries later, they are unbeatable in this regard. Sound, not magic, fuels their rise […] Dwarves use sound for mining, medicine, construction – even psychology…

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In reality, The Elder Scrolls The dwarves in the game can structure their structures in such a way that they control the flow and intensity of the sound, creating powerful magical effects without the use of magic, such as Dragonborn and Toom did. Some have even suggested that part of the reason the Dwemer disappeared was due to timbre magic, which could lead to another Forgotten Plane for particularly strong notes.

city ​​of sound

The entrance to Kagrenzel's Dwemer ruins in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.  Three pillars surrounded a pedestal in the center of the dark room.  A ball of light hovered above the base.  Various items are scattered around the pedestal, including two dead bandits.

As if The Elder Scrolls history associated with one of the mysteries horizon lineOf the many Dwemer ruins in 1970, one seems to be directly linked to the Dwemer use of tonal architecture. Near Riften, nestled on a mountainside are the ruins of a Dwarf called Kagrenzel – which translates directly as “City of Music” in the Dwemer language. When the Dragonborn first entered the destroyed city, they found two dead bandits who appeared to be trying to enter the ruins but were killed by a strange glowing orb that swept the Dragonborn and then drop The floor allows them to enter it, initiating the longest free fall horizon line.

The orb of light is unique to Kagrenzel and appears to have been designed by Dwemer, but why would it kill the bandit and allow the Dragonborn to venture into the ruins? The most likely answer is Thu’um – Dragonborn can also control pitch and voice. The orb was likely a security system, scanning to check if participants could use timbre magic that only Dwemer could use to keep their enemies out.

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Things got even weirder when the Dragonborn landed in a deep cave full of Falmer or snow elves, and they The Elder Scrolls‘The dwarves were once enslaved. While Kargrenzel herself doesn’t have much to loot, there are two environmental details that stand out: the mysterious rumble that occasionally shakes the foundations of the ruins, and the large bones that lay on the surface of the caves. .

The name Music City alludes to Kagrenzel as a place dedicated to acoustic architecture. Some dubious, unofficial legends even explain bones; they are likely the remains of cod whales that lived in the “On the highest mountain peaks, singing with wondrous melodies, spreading joy with the victory trumpet Snow,” based on this The Elder Scrolls Writer Michael Kirkbride, from The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages. Even though the dwarves aren’t there horizon line, Falmer’s Fate shows that Dwemer is capable of cruel, cruel acts and can use the cod whale’s magical abilities to further his experiments with timbre magic. Thus, the earthquakes rumbling inside Kagrenzel could be a remnant of the explosive sound the Dwemer used to advance their civilization, from the past back into the present of the Dragonborn.

With countless magic disappeared from the world horizon line And The Elder Scrolls Like Swordsong, and the fact that ancient creatures and customs—dragons and Thu’um—can clearly emerge from historical chronicles, future games could see magic Art of the Ancient Redguards, Nords and Dwemer Tonal added.

Source: Michael Kirkbride/The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages

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