Kylo Ren might have the coolest lightsaber in the world Star Warsits unstable nature due to its cracked kyber crystals makes the Saber look like a flaming sword rather than a beam, while the side vents give the appearance of an Energy Crossguard. Regardless of one’s opinion of Kylo Ren as a character, or the sequel trilogy as a whole, this lightsaber is terrible. But maybe it’s not the greatest, because that honor arguably belongs to another person Star Wars Villain: A Sith named Darth Momin.
exist Darth Vader #22 Created by Charles Soule and Giuseppe Camuncoli Help Darth Vader build his fortress on Mustafar It was the long-dead Darth Momin. Centuries ago, before his physical death, Darth Momin infused his essence into his helmet. Not only does this allow him to remain in the physical world, it also gives him the ability to possess anyone who wears the mask. As Momin worked with Vader, Momin revealed his backstory, which included the history of his lightsaber.
When Moming was a child, he would kill small animals and use their mutilated corpses to make sculptures. As he grew older, Mo Ming would do the same thing to people, which is why he was imprisoned. However, a Sith Lord heard of his twisted tendencies and cast him out, making him her apprentice. Under her guidance, Momin used his artistic talents to build himself a helmet using two mini-lightsaber carving tools – the very same ones he used to mutilate his face before donning the helmet for good. tool. After a while, those mini lightsaber carving tools turned into his Sith lightsaber.
Darth Momin’s lightsaber reveals what kind of Sith he was in Star Wars
Darth Momin was an artist before he became a Sith, and his lightsaber reflects that
The fact that Darth Momin kept the hilt of his carving tool after he bled out the kyber crystal says a lot about who he is as a person. Momin held the hilts of these knives when he carved the helmet where his soul would reside for generations, and he also held them when he disfigured his face, making him want to keep them as his primary “sabers.” “This fact becomes very scary and deeply disturbing.
Not only that, but the fact that Darth Momin transformed his carving tool into a lightsaber really revealed what kind of Sith he was. As the story progresses, Momin makes it clear that he has no interest in learning the ways of the Sith and has no need for a master or apprentice. Momin only wants to please the dark side of the Force through his works of art – his twisted fleshy sculptures. Previously, Momin only had universal sculpting tools to create his horrific art, but as a Sith, his lightsaber became his sculpting tool—literally.
Kylo Ren’s lightsaber looks cool, but Darth Momin’s has more personal meaning
The added meaning of Darth Momin’s lightsabers makes them better than Kylo Ren’s
The unstable nature of Kylo Ren’s lightsaber reflects his uncontrolled rage, while his cracked kyber crystal reflects his broken psyche as a man torn between light and darkness, but these are quite Universal similarities. Darth Momin, on the other hand, has a lightsaber that speaks to who he is on a more personal and important level. Momin is a twisted artist, and his lightsaber is the tool with which he sculpts art for the joy of the dark side—which is insanely dark in the coolest way.
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Although there are definitely more Sith and other types of dark side Star Wars Aside from Kylo Ren and Darth Momin, the canon wielding amazing lightsabers, there’s no denying that these two dark side men have some of the coolest lightsabers around Star Wars history. However, the title between the two Star WarsThe greatest Sith lightsaber has to belong to Darth Momin—sorry, Kylo Ren.
Star Wars
“Star Wars” is a multimedia film franchise created in 1977 by founder George Lucas. After the release of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope (originally titled Star Wars), the series exploded, spawning multiple sequels, prequels, TV shows, video games, comics, and more. When Disney acquired the franchise, they quickly expanded the universe on Disney+, starting with The Mandalorian.