Superman’s Version of A Sun-Fueled Healing Factor is Absolutely Ridiculous

While not the only superhero with sun-based healing abilities, Superman has taken his healing abilities to the next (and funny) level. Unlike the average person, Superman can fix all of his vision problems by looking directly at the sun — literally.

For decades, Superman’s entire power plant has been powered by the Earth’s yellow sun, like all the people of Krypton. Radiation from the sun infuses his body with energy at the cellular level, giving him the ability to fly, super strength, thermal vision, etc. Of course, this source of energy also has its limits. : if Superman stays away from the sun for too long, or is exposed to red sunlight, his powers will weaken or even disappear. The reverse is also true: Superman can release all of the solar energy stored in a solar flare, causing potential destruction. At its most balanced, however, Superman’s relationship with the sun gives him strength and peace – and even healing, especially when he’s so close and intimate with the sun. yellow sky of the Earth.

Superman’s ‘eye drops’ will kill an ordinary person

Superman shows readers how he “gets close” to the sun in 1983 DC Comics Gifts #58 By Mike W. Barr, Curt Swan, Dave Hunt, Gene D’Angelo, John Costanza. While teaming up with Robin and Slender Man, Superman is shot by a strange ray gun. The “bad guys” hoped that the flash would completely remove Superman’s vision, but they had no such luck; instead, Superman’s depth perception is completely out of control, making him a threat to others. As a resourceful Kryptonian, Superman has found a solution to this problem. He left the war and flew straight into space — saving a plane with its eyes closed on the way — stopping only inches from the sun. He cured his eyes by looking up at the close sun, saying to himself: “This should be equivalent to eye drops!

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Superman fans know that his solar-powered healing element is one of the most powerful in the DC Universe, but seeing Iron Man up close and personal with Earth’s true sun The land is still strange – and sometimes even funny. In a panel like this, he’s literally on the surface of the sun, a feat truly insurmountable for any ordinary person, yet he’s telling jokes. horror to yourself. Moments like these remind readers of Superman’s true strength – but how charming and funny he can be despite his immense strength.

Superman’s healing factor is one of his most useful and powerful abilities, especially since he can get very close to the yellow sun. No doctor would recommend gazing at the sun, even from far away from the surface of the Earth – but Superman has always had a reputation for breaking the rules and doing the impossible.

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