The Equalizer 3 Ending Explained

Warning: The following contains serious spoilers for The Equalizer 3!


  • The ending of The Equalizer 3 revealed that Denzel Washington’s McCall had found peace and decided to withdraw from life as a vigilante.
  • The film explores the theme of where people end up, as McCall finds belonging and humanity in a seaside village called Altamont.
  • When the Camorra Mafia threatens the village, McCall is forced to fight back and protect the locals. He ends up killing the mafia boss and his men during a violent burglary.

Equalizer 3 The ending ends on an interesting note for Denzel Washington’s McCall, which doesn’t rule out a potential fourth film either.third Equalizer Former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Robert McCall was injured after taking out a Sicilian gang base. He was quickly taken in by locals in the seaside village of Altamont, who treated him as one of their own during his recovery. Unfortunately, the village locals are being threatened by the mafia group “The Camorra”; after they push the violence too far, McCall is forced to fight back with equal effect.

In a subplot, McCall assists CIA agent Emma Collins (Dakota Fanning) by providing her with information on a specially crafted drug shipment from a mob base he raids. It turns out that Camorra herself is in league with the terrorists, and after McCall kills the brother of Mafia boss Vincent (Andrea Scaduccio), the two are about to have their final showdown. Ultimately, after McCall kills Vincent and his men during a violent burglary and the wounded Collins gets a promotion, McCall seems to finally find peace as he decides to stay in the village.

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Is Denzel Washington’s Robert McCall really retiring?

a big theme Equalizer 3 The idea is that people end up where they’re supposed to be, and by the end of the third entry, McCall seems to have found where he belongs. The sequel presented a darker side to the character, who still seems reeling from the death of his best friend Susan (Melissa Leo) from the second film and the betrayal of a former colleague. McCall’s handling of his enemies is far more brutal and brutal, and seems bent on inflicting pain in the first place.

However, when the village takes him in and treats him kindly, he discovers his humanity again. After killing Vincent, he returns to Altamont and was last seen smiling as he attended a village celebration, having just delivered his black book to Collins, and it looks like McCall has truly given up lives of vigilantes. Equalizer 3 The ending doesn’t give any hint of a sequel, and if this is indeed the last one, it might be best to keep the character around.

Why McCall committed the ‘Equalizer 3’ opening massacre

Denzel Washington plays Robert McCall in

The beginning of the trilogy feels like a horror movie, with the mob boss returning to his vineyard to find the bodies of his men strewn across his home. His remaining followers confront McCall in the cellar, but of course, McCall wins handily and kills them all. Before that, McCall hinted that the reason he was there was because they took something that didn’t belong to them, and afterward, he was seen with a mysterious backpack. Only in the final scene does he reveal to Collins what’s inside.

The mob stronghold was also involved in cybercrime, McCall explained, and they stole the pension of a retired Boston man.McCall once gave the stranger a Lyft — a tribute to him Equalizer 2 He came to Italy with the sole purpose of returning the $360,000 to this man. Collins didn’t understand why McCall would go to such lengths to help a complete stranger, but when she later handed over the bag and saw the joy the recovered money brought to the couple, she did.

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What does Camorra want with this village?

Andrea Scarduzio shoots in The Equalizer 3

Equalizer 3 The antagonists aren’t given much depth, and they are portrayed as almost cartoonishly evil. Among the various crimes they committed were hanging an old man from a window and later chopping off a subordinate’s hand. They charged protection fees from Altamont’s many shops, but Vincent had bigger plans for this little paradise. He wants to build resorts and casinos for tourists, which would involve driving the population out. McCall made it clear that wasn’t going to happen, given the kind treatment he received.

“Jihad Drugs” Explained

Equalizer 3Equalizer 3

another important subplot equalizer 3 Collins investigated the drugs being transported in bottles from the vineyards that McCall raided. It’s a type of amphetamine known as a “jihadi drug” that Syrian terrorists sell to fund their activities. Of course, it turned out that Camorra was buying drugs and thus directly funding terrorism, which is why McCall got the CIA involved. McCall gave Vincent a taste of his own medicine in the finale and force-fed him a lethal dose of these pills. He then walks into the village with the fleeing Kamora chief and waits for him to die from an overdose.

Collins is the daughter of Susan Plummer

Dakota Fanning looks sideways in The Equalizer 3

Another lingering mystery throughout the film is why McCall would help a random CIA agent.He had a good relationship with Collins, but he always avoided answering Why He contacted her. The final scene in Collins’ office – after she recovers from the car bomb planted by Camorra – which nearly killed her – answers that question. She found McCall giving her his black book with a message that her mother would be proud of.

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Collins looks at a graduation photo on the table and realizes she is the daughter of McCalls’ old friends Susan and Brian (Bill Pullman). As Collins’ mentor, and then imparting his name and booklet of secrets, he puts her on the path to becoming a great agent like Susan. It was another sign that McCall himself was ready to forego the tiebreaker and retire.

Equalizer 4 possible?

Denzel Washington plays Robert McCall in

the third movie in Equalizer The series is believed to be the last.Director Antoine Fuqua suggested equalizer 4 It’s possible that a digitized McCall could be featured, or even Denzel’s son John David, but another entry isn’t certain yet. While some thought the third outing was the end and that McCall himself would die, that’s not the case. Instead, the sequel ends with the characters finding inner peace and deciding to embrace it.

Equalizer 3 Much of that works as an ending – but it doesn’t negate the fourth entry at all. Another sequel could simply pick up McCall on another revenge mission and simply explain that retirement just isn’t for him. Now that Collins has become his new ally, she can also turn to him for help with operations that require his unconventional methods.There’s no guarantee of another movie, but if the third installment does well and Denzel wants it, there’s no reason to Equalizer 4 Impossible.

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