The Good Place: 10 Best Life Lessons Eleanor Taught Us

Good place It’s over, and while everyone is crying into their margaritas because of how perfect the ending was, we’re looking back at some of the most important life lessons this show has taught us. Because that’s one of the beautiful things about The Good Place: It’s not just a high-concept comedy, it’s a show that shows everyone how to live a happier life and create their own “The Good Place.”

Of course, what it does so brilliantly is that it uses such relatable characters – the status-obsessed Tahani, the anxious Chidi, the not-so-bright Jason and, of course, the dirtbag herself, Eleanor. Eleanor is a perfect example of someone who doesn’t actively try to be “bad,” she’s just kind of self-centered and lazy and doesn’t make a special effort to be good. Thankfully, she ended up teaching us a lot.

Be kind to small things

One of the most important things we can learn from Eleanor’s journey is really about the little things – being a good person doesn’t necessarily mean raising millions of dollars for charity or being perfect. Instead, it’s about letting someone walk in front of you in line at the frozen yogurt shop. Or be polite to the person standing outside the supermarket with a clipboard. Not everyone can change the entire heaven/hell system to save every soul…but everyone can be a little better sometimes.

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never stop learning

Eleanor wasn’t keen on traditional education while on Earth, but once she gets to the Good Place (or, strictly speaking, the Bad Place), she discovers that if she wants to stay, she’s going to have to do some studying. And it is this that brings her all kinds of wonderful things. Not just the changes she and Cockroach make to The Good Place, but her friendship, her relationship with Chidi, her understanding of herself… the list goes on. Finally, keep learning!

Get help when you need it

Eleanor sits next to Chidi in The Good Place

One of Eleanor’s biggest mistakes is that she takes the idea of ​​self-reliance to an extreme, but when she considers that she has been accidentally placed in the Good Place and needs to find a way to stay there (or go to hell), she turns to her Reach out to those you think can help. Granted, she didn’t do it for the best of reasons, but it did lead to the best results – and it’s a good reminder that if you need help, you can ask for it.

stop comparing yourself

Especially at the beginning of their friendship, Eleanor had a habit of constantly comparing herself to Tahani—a habit that never really went away, though she did get better. This is our next lesson (this also comes from Tahani as she is able to stop comparing herself to her sister and find a closer relationship there).

No one is perfect—not even a perfectly stylish semi-celebrity like Tahani. Even if she were, Eleanor could never be anyone but herself—and that’s fine. Regardless, the two have a better relationship as friends than as some ridiculous competition!

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contact with people

Although Eleanor is far from the kindest or most outgoing person at the beginning of The Good Place , by the end, she has figured out how to connect with truly kind people. She went back to neutral to see if she could talk to Mindy about going through her new process — and at this point, Eleanor wasn’t actually getting anything out of it. She’s just kind and takes risks (especially with someone as rough as Mindy), which is something everyone can learn to do.

Just enjoy simple pleasures

Stone Cold Steve Austin Kristen Bell The Good Place

No matter how Eleanor grew, changed, and developed, she remained a person who always loved simple pleasures—just like the shrimp. And margaritas.

She knows that even when a person is busy dealing with some big issues or trying to deal with a heavy situation, that doesn’t mean there isn’t time for a good meal – even that becoming a “better person” doesn’t have to mean giving up everything along the way of guilt.

Be confident in your appearance

Kristen Bell The Good Place Season 4 NBC

Regardless, even though Eleanor realizes she might not be that great of a person, she never doubts how attractive she is—and she doesn’t hesitate to tell others she’s “a legit snack.” Granted, this kind of confidence is easier to come by if you happen to be Kristen Bell, but everyone can use a little bit of it from time to time.

Think creatively

Eleanor finally figures out what exactly happened in the original Good Place/Bad Place, and she does so because she’s not afraid to take a fresh angle and really think outside the box. While it makes sense to approach things logically at first, Eleanor can tell us that it’s good to occasionally take a fresh approach and think outside the box to get answers.

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It’s okay to be vulnerable

The Good Place Season 4 Finale Eleanor and Chidi

This is one of Eleanor’s biggest (and most important) lessons throughout the show – even though she’s spent most of her life taking care of herself and convincing herself that she doesn’t need (or want) other people, she actually Her vulnerability ultimately makes her happier. Sure, it took her a long time to open up (and she needed to find the right person to open up to!), but once she did, she found that it was more valuable than saying no to anyone.

A leap of faith is better than doubt

This is probably one of the best quotes in the show, as Eleanor tries to explain why they should make a move…and while she may be saying it in a uniquely “Eleanor” way, she’s not wrong! Sometimes, taking a leap of faith is the only way forward – if the cockroaches stay safe and refuse to try, they may go to hell, or disappear. Instead, they decided to take a decisive step with a little faith.

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