The Justice League Need to Answer for Creating a God-Tier Villain

The Justice League may be DC Comics’ greatest heroes, but they created one of DC’s greatest crimes that no one seems to remember.

When it comes to DC Comics’ greatest heroes, few teams can match the legendary Justice League, but the team responsible for creating one of the most powerful villains in the DC Universe. While other early teams like the Titans and Justice Society are iconic in their own right, both in terms of continuity and publication, the JLA is truly a league of its own. But just because they’re the world’s greatest heroes doesn’t mean they’re infallible — one of Justice League’s biggest mistakes has long since been resolved.

Whether individually or in groups, the Justice League have fought countless villains of their time. From cosmic threats like Darkseid to more realistic monsters like the Joker, Justice League’s heroes have taken down every villain ever encountered in their path. But unfortunately, they’re also responsible for creating one of DC Comics’ biggest threats: the tyrant Solaris.

Solaris is Justice League’s biggest failure

Justice League Generates Solar Energy

During this period get a million In a sequence of events by Grant Morrison, Val Semeiks and many other creators, the Justice League finds themselves on a team through time with their successor from the 853th century – Justice Legion A – against a combined force. of the Savage Terminator and Solaris the Sun Tyrant. As part of their nefarious plot, the Justice League’s immortal opponents sought to send an engineered organic virus back in time to destroy humanity in the Justice League’s homeland era.

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The only way to get rid of the virus is to build Solaris yourself and put the virulent mechanopathy at its core. With the main heroes of the Confederacy trapped in the 853th century, today’s Auxiliary members of the Justice League work with the Timeless Legion to successfully activate Solaris and plant the seeds for victory. the last of the Justice League in millennia. its future. However, this victory came at a heavy cost for the rest of the universe.

While it is true that Solaris needs to be created in the end to save the present and the distant future, that cannot erase the incalculable damage he has done to the universe in the years since he was born. born until failure. In many ways, Solaris has truly become Superman’s worst enemy, and his battle with Iron Man has spanned thousands of years. The Justice League could use their selfless purposes to justify the way Solaris was born, but that’s little consolation for the lives that the Sun Tyrant would suffocate the stars.

Justice League is not a god — even if no one reminds them

Key members of the Justice League line up in Liberty and Justice.

One of the biggest criticisms of the Justice League, both fictional characters and quite a few readers, is that they are transcendental gods who have done too much for humanity. While many believe this cannot be further from the truth, the truth is that the creation of Solaris is yet another example of how the Justice League changed the general course of history for centuries to come with its name. meaning to save humanity from the virus as much as from themselves. After Solaris’ final defeat in the 853th century, no one really held them accountable for the monster’s actions for years, so it’s no wonder people believe the Justice League thinks they are inviolable.

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The Justice League are undoubtedly the greatest heroes in the world. But even Superman makes mistakes. Unleashing Solaris may eventually be the Justice League’s biggest mistake, but it all depends on whether DC Comics holds them accountable.

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