The Most Interesting Facts About Animals

Discover interesting details about animals. In these pleasant segments you can discover the amazing secrets of the animal world.

The most interesting facts about animals


Octopuses have three hearts, two to pump blood to the gills and one to circulate throughout the body.


Cows form close relationships and friendships with other cows, sometimes showing sadness when separated from their favorite friends.


Elephants feel grief when a family member dies. They touch and comfort the bones of their dead herd mates to express their grief.

Polar bear

Polar bears appear white because their fur is transparent and reflects light. Their skin is black underneath and helps them stay warm by absorbing sunlight.


Giraffes usually take short naps standing up and rarely sleep more than thirty minutes each day.


Gorillas have unique “nose prints” formed by wrinkles on their noses, which are used to locate each individual.


Hippos are the closest relatives of aquatic animals such as whales and dolphins.


Lions have the loudest roar of any big cat, which can be heard up to 5 kilometers (3 miles).


Jaguars have six times better night vision than humans.

Wild Bactrian camels

Wild Bactrian camels have the ability to consume up to 50 liters (88 pints) of water per day, even salt water.

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Scientific facts about animals


Turtles can live a very long time, and some even reach 100 years.


Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, with speeds of up to 75 mph.

Rhino horns

Rhino horns are made of keratin, the same protein found in hair and nails.


Tigers have great physical stability, given that individuals remain standing even after death.


Ostriches have strong legs and sharp claws, which make them dangerous targets.

Howler monkeys

Howler monkeys are some of the loudest land animals, and the sounds can be heard from great distances.


Flamingos get their pink color from canthaxanthin, a natural dye found in their diet of marine shrimp and blue-green algae.

Giant squid

Giant squid can grow to over 50 feet.


Koalas sleep a lot because their food is low in nutrients and rich in fiber.

Nile crocodiles

Nile crocodiles have extremely strong jaws that can apply 5,000 pounds of force per square inch.

Fun facts about animals


Sloths are known for their slow movement on land, but they swim very fast. They swim three to four times faster than on land.


Kangaroos are known for their amazing jumping skills, but they can’t walk backwards. Their muscular legs and tails make it difficult for them to move backwards.


Hyenas are closer to cats. Despite their canine appearance. They are members of the same family as cats, which makes them unusual in the animal kingdom.


Camels are often referred to as “ships of the desert” because of their unique walking style that allows them to travel easily across the sand.

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Bunnies have excellent hearing abilities, as they can turn their large ears to pick up sounds from a distance, keeping them attentive and cool in hot weather.


Chimpanzees have certain habits similar to humans, such as drinking fermented palm juice, which shows their advanced behavior and social relationships.


Zebras have black and white stripes that help them blend in with the tall grass and avoid being bitten by horseflies.


Dogs can notice time periods and distinguish between short and long periods of absence.


Cats have a good sense of taste, with a certain level of sweetness, which they lack due to their meat diet.

Giant pandas

Giant pandas, which are both rare and cute, mainly eat bamboo, but they are also omnivores, sometimes eating small animals and fish.

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Categories: General
Source: HIS Education

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