Today in History, 25 July: What Happened on this Day

Historical Events


Emperor Constantine I is proclaimed Roman Emperor by his troops

In the year 306, Constantine I, also known as Constantine the Great, was proclaimed Roman Emperor by his troops after the death of his father, Constantius Chlorus. This event marked a significant turning point in Roman history as Constantine would go on to become one of the most influential emperors. He is best known for his efforts to reunify and strengthen the Roman Empire and for his support of Christianity. Constantine’s reign eventually led to the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted religious tolerance to Christians, and played a crucial role in the Christianization of the Roman Empire.



Foundation stone laid for King’s College Chapel in Cambridge by King Henry VI

In the year 1446, King Henry VI of England laid the foundation stone for what would become one of the country’s finest medieval buildings – King’s College Chapel in Cambridge. The construction of the chapel began during the reign of Henry VI but was completed in 1515 during the reign of King Henry VIII. The chapel is renowned for its stunning Perpendicular Gothic architecture, including the world’s largest fan vault and beautiful stained glass windows. King’s College Chapel remains a symbol of the University of Cambridge and a testament to the medieval craftsmanship and architectural brilliance of its time.



Portuguese forces attack Malacca

In 1511, Portuguese forces under the command of Afonso de Albuquerque launched a significant assault on the prosperous trading city of Malacca, located on the Malay Peninsula. The conquest of Malacca was a crucial strategic move for the Portuguese as it gave them control over the crucial sea routes of the spice trade in the Indian Ocean. The fall of Malacca marked the beginning of Portuguese colonial dominance in the region and had far-reaching consequences on the trade and geopolitics of Southeast Asia.



Henry II of France is crowned King of France

In 1547, Henry II ascended to the throne of France and was crowned the King of France. His reign lasted until his death in 1559. Henry II was part of the Valois dynasty and played a significant role in the complex power struggles of the time, including the wars against the Habsburgs and the Huguenots (French Protestants). His reign saw the continuation of the Renaissance in France, marked by patronage of the arts and culture, but it was also marred by religious conflicts that would later escalate into the French Wars of Religion.



Maximilian II becomes Holy Roman Emperor

In the year 1564, Maximilian II succeeded his father Ferdinand I as the Holy Roman Emperor. He was a member of the House of Habsburg and ruled over vast territories, including Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary. Maximilian II was known for his moderate and tolerant policies, especially towards religious matters. He sought to find a middle ground between the Protestant and Catholic factions, attempting to bring religious peace to the empire, although his efforts were only partially successful.



Battle of Arnay-le-Duc ends the Third War of Religion in France

The Battle of Arnay-le-Duc, fought in 1570 in Burgundy, marked the conclusion of the Third War of Religion in France. The conflict was a part of the larger French Wars of Religion, which were fueled by religious tensions between Catholics and Protestants. In this battle, Huguenot forces achieved a victory that forced King Charles IX of France to agree to a peace treaty, known as the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye. The treaty granted certain religious freedoms and rights to the Huguenots, temporarily ending the hostilities until the outbreak of the Fourth War of Religion in 1572.



King Henry IV of France converts to Catholicism

In the year 1593, King Henry IV of France, a Protestant and a Huguenot, converted to the Roman Catholic faith. This conversion was a significant political move on his part to secure his position as the King of France. Henry IV’s religious conversion, famously summarized in his statement “Paris is worth a Mass,” helped him gain the support of the Catholic majority and paved the way for his formal coronation as King of France in 1594. He would go on to implement the Edict of Nantes in 1598, granting religious freedom to Protestants and effectively ending the Wars of Religion in France.



Bonnie Prince Charlie lands on Eriskay, Hebrides, sparking the Jacobite Rising of 1745

In 1745, Charles Edward Stuart, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, landed on the island of Eriskay in the Hebrides, Scotland. This event marked the beginning of the Jacobite Rising of 1745, an attempt to restore the exiled Stuart dynasty to the British throne. Bonnie Prince Charlie, the young pretender, managed to gain significant support from Highland clans and led his forces in a series of military campaigns. Although initially successful, the Jacobite Rising ultimately ended in defeat at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, leading to the decline of the Jacobite cause.



Maryland issues currency depicting George III trampling Magna Carta

In 1775, the colony of Maryland in British America issued currency notes that depicted King George III of England trampling on the Magna Carta. This act was a symbolic representation of the growing tensions between the American colonies and the British monarchy, leading up to the American Revolutionary War. The Magna Carta was a historical document that had long been regarded as a symbol of fundamental rights and liberties, and the image was meant to protest against perceived violations of those rights by the British crown.



Horatio Nelson loses more than 300 men and his right arm during the failed conquest attempt of Tenerife

In 1797, the British naval hero Horatio Nelson led an ill-fated assault on the Spanish-controlled island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. During the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Nelson’s forces attempted to capture the city but faced fierce resistance from the Spanish defenders. The battle resulted in a significant British defeat, with Nelson losing more than 300 men and sustaining a severe injury that led to the amputation of his right arm. Despite the setback, Nelson’s naval career would continue, and he would go on to achieve further victories, solidifying his status as one of the greatest naval commanders in history.



French-Egyptian forces under Napoleon I defeat the Turks at the Battle of Abukir

In 1799, during the French campaign in Egypt, Napoleon Bonaparte led his forces to victory against the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Abukir, also known as the Battle of the Nile. The battle took place near the town of Abukir on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Napoleon’s strategic brilliance and the disciplined fighting of his troops secured a decisive victory, which allowed the French to consolidate their control over Egypt temporarily. However, Napoleon’s ultimate objective of establishing a permanent foothold in the region was thwarted by the British naval victory in the Battle of the Nile later that year.



English engineer George Stephenson introduces his first steam locomotive, Blücher

In 1814, the pioneering English engineer George Stephenson unveiled his first steam locomotive, named “Blücher,” after the Prussian general Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher. Stephenson’s locomotive was designed for hauling coal on the Killingworth wagonway in Northumberland, England. It was a significant development in the history of railroads, as it demonstrated the potential of steam power for transportation and laid the groundwork for the rapid expansion of railways around the world in the coming decades. Stephenson’s subsequent inventions, such as the “Rocket,” would further revolutionize the locomotive industry and solidify his reputation as the “Father of Railways.”

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General Agustin de Iturbide is crowned Agustin I, 1st Emperor of Mexico

In 1822, General Agustin de Iturbide, a Mexican military leader, declared himself Emperor of Mexico and was crowned as Agustin I. This event marked the establishment of the short-lived First Mexican Empire, with Iturbide at its helm. However, his reign was met with internal and external challenges, and after only a year, in 1823, the empire collapsed, and Iturbide was exiled from Mexico. This marked the beginning of a turbulent period in Mexican history characterized by struggles for independence, the rise and fall of various governments, and ultimately the establishment of the modern Mexican state.



Charles X signs the July Ordinances, suspending freedom of the press, among other effects

In 1830, King Charles X of France signed the July Ordinances, a series of royal decrees aimed at restricting civil liberties and increasing the powers of the monarchy. The ordinances suspended freedom of the press, dissolved the newly elected Chamber of Deputies, and restricted the franchise. This move provoked widespread public discontent and led to the July Revolution later that month. The revolution culminated in the abdication of Charles X and the rise of the “July Monarchy” under Louis-Philippe, who was known as the “Citizen King.”



Walter Hunt is awarded the first U.S. patent for a paper shirt collar

In 1854, American inventor Walter Hunt was awarded the first U.S. patent for a paper shirt collar. Hunt’s innovation revolutionized the clothing industry, as it provided a more convenient and affordable alternative to traditional fabric collars. The paper collar was disposable, making it a hygienic option, and its mass production significantly simplified the process of shirt manufacturing. This invention paved the way for further developments in the textile and apparel industry, transforming the way people dressed and contributing to the growth of ready-made clothing.



Ulysses S. Grant named 1st General of the Army in the United States

In 1866, Ulysses S. Grant, the renowned Union general of the American Civil War, was named the first General of the Army of the United States. This promotion elevated Grant to the highest rank in the U.S. military, and he played a pivotal role in the post-Civil War reconstruction era. Grant later became the 18th President of the United States, serving two terms from 1869 to 1877. His presidency was marked by efforts to protect the rights of newly freed African Americans and to combat corruption in government.



James J. Jeffries defeats Bob Fitzsimmons for the heavyweight boxing title

In 1902, American boxer James J. Jeffries successfully defended his heavyweight boxing title against Englishman Bob Fitzsimmons. The two fighters had previously clashed in 1899, where Jeffries had won the title from Fitzsimmons. The 1902 rematch saw Jeffries emerge victorious once again, securing an 8th-round knockout. James J. Jeffries was one of the dominant heavyweight champions of his time, retiring undefeated after his victory over Jack Munroe in 1904.



W. G. Grace plays his last club cricket match at age 66

In 1914, W. G. Grace, the legendary English cricketer widely considered one of the greatest players of the sport, played his final club cricket match at the remarkable age of 66. Grace’s cricketing career spanned several decades, and he made significant contributions to the development of the sport. Known for his batting prowess and skills as an all-rounder, Grace became a national icon and his influence on the game has endured through the years.



Franklin D. Roosevelt bans selling benzine/gasoline to Japan

In 1941, amid escalating tensions between the United States and Japan, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt imposed an embargo on the export of benzine (gasoline) and other petroleum products to Japan. This move was a response to Japan’s military actions in Asia, including the occupation of French Indochina, and was intended to exert economic pressure on the Japanese government. The embargo further strained diplomatic relations between the two nations and contributed to the events that led to the attack on Pearl Harbor later that year.



Benito Mussolini dismissed as Italian Premier and arrested on the authority of King Victor Emmanuel III

In 1943, during the course of World War II, Benito Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy, was dismissed as the Italian Premier by King Victor Emmanuel III. Mussolini’s leadership had led Italy into the war as a part of the Axis powers. However, as Italy’s fortunes turned sour and faced defeats on multiple fronts, public dissatisfaction with Mussolini’s regime grew. In a dramatic turn of events, he was arrested and later rescued by German forces. Mussolini then established a puppet state in Northern Italy under German protection, while the southern part of the country aligned itself with the Allied forces.



John F. Kennedy emphasizes that any attack on Berlin is an attack on NATO

In 1961, U.S. President John F. Kennedy delivered a speech in which he emphasized that any attack on Berlin would be considered an attack on NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). The speech was made in the context of the Cold War and the tense situation in Berlin, where the Berlin Wall had been erected the previous year. Kennedy’s words were aimed at reinforcing the commitment of the United States and its NATO allies to defend West Berlin and maintain a strong stance against Soviet aggression during the period of heightened tensions between the East and the West.



Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical “Humanae vitae (Of Human Life)”

In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued the encyclical “Humanae vitae,” addressing the topic of human life, marital relations, and birth control. The encyclical reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s stance against the use of artificial forms of birth control, such as contraception, as contrary to the moral teachings of the Church. The document sparked significant debate and controversy within the Church and beyond, leading to discussions on matters of faith, ethics, and reproductive rights.



Edward Kennedy pleads guilty to leaving the scene of an accident after Chappaquiddick car accident that killed Mary Jo Kopechne

In 1969, U.S. Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident following a tragic car accident on Chappaquiddick Island, Massachusetts. The accident occurred when Kennedy’s car went off a bridge into a pond, resulting in the death of his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne. The incident raised questions and controversy about Kennedy’s actions that night and his delayed reporting of the accident. The event had a significant impact on Ted Kennedy’s political career and reputation.


July 25, 1978

World’s first “test tube” baby, Louise Joy Brown, is born

On July 25, 1978, Louise Joy Brown made history as the world’s first baby to be conceived via in vitro fertilization (IVF). The groundbreaking procedure was carried out by British scientists Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Professor Robert Edwards at Oldham and District General Hospital in Manchester, England. Louise’s birth was a major medical milestone, revolutionizing the field of reproductive medicine and offering hope to many couples struggling with infertility. The success of IVF opened up new possibilities for assisted reproductive technologies and has since allowed millions of couples worldwide to conceive and have children.


July 25, 1987

R. Venkataraman becomes the eighth President of India

On July 25, 1987, R. Venkataraman was sworn in as the eighth President of the Republic of India. Venkataraman, a seasoned politician and lawyer, served as India’s President from 1987 to 1992. During his tenure, India witnessed a period of political instability, with four different Prime Ministers – Narasimha Rao, Chandra Shekhar, Viswanath Pratap Singh, and Rajiv Gandhi – taking office in quick succession.

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July 25, 1992

S. D. Sharma becomes the ninth President of India

On July 25, 1992, Shankar Dayal Sharma, commonly known as S. D. Sharma, was sworn in as the ninth President of India. A prominent figure in Indian politics, Sharma held the highest office in the country from 1992 to 1997. As President, he played a key role in upholding the constitutional values and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Indian democracy.


July 25, 2007

India gets its first female President, Pratibha Patil

On July 25, 2007, Pratibha Patil was sworn in as the 12th President of India, making history as the country’s first female President. Patil’s election to the highest office was a significant milestone for women in India and demonstrated the country’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment. She served as President until 2012 and left a lasting impact on Indian politics and society.



Israel and Hamas review John Kerry’s proposal for an immediate ceasefire and hold meetings in Cairo

In 2014, amidst ongoing conflict and hostilities between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry proposed a plan for an immediate ceasefire. Both Israel and Hamas reviewed the proposal and held meetings in Cairo to discuss the terms and conditions of the ceasefire. The situation in the region remained complex and sensitive, with continued efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.



Imran Khan’s party wins the most votes but not a majority in Pakistan’s general election

In the 2018 general election in Pakistan, the party of former cricketer Imran Khan, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), emerged as the winner, securing the most votes. However, the PTI did not win an outright majority in the National Assembly, leading to the formation of a coalition government. Imran Khan’s election as Prime Minister marked a significant shift in Pakistani politics, with hopes for reform and change under his leadership. The election was marred by violence and a bomb attack that tragically claimed the lives of 31 people, highlighting the challenges and tensions in the electoral process.

Entertainment History


1st Dutch live radio concert by Duke Ellington

On an eventful day in 1933, Duke Ellington, the renowned American jazz composer, and bandleader, delivered the first live radio concert in the Netherlands. The radio premiere marked a significant moment in music history, as it showcased the power of radio broadcasting to reach audiences far beyond the confines of concert halls. Duke Ellington’s innovative and groundbreaking musical style captivated listeners worldwide, and this live broadcast further solidified his status as a musical icon. The event not only left a lasting impact on the Dutch music scene but also paved the way for the widespread use of radio as a medium for delivering live performances and shaping the future of entertainment.



Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis debut as a comedy team

In 1946, at the iconic 500 Club in Atlantic City, New Jersey, history was made when Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis took the stage together for the first time as a comedy duo. Their unique blend of Martin’s suave charm and Lewis’s slapstick humor immediately resonated with audiences, propelling them to unparalleled fame in the entertainment industry. The dynamic pair went on to conquer radio, television, and film, becoming one of the most celebrated comedy teams of all time. Their influence on modern comedy and their ability to captivate audiences through laughter cemented their legacy as true pioneers in the world of entertainment.



The Supremes release “You Can’t Hurry Love”

The Supremes, one of Motown’s most successful and influential acts, released their hit single “You Can’t Hurry Love” in 1966. Penned by the legendary songwriting duo Holland-Dozier-Holland, the song showcases the group’s harmonious vocals and catchy melodies. “You Can’t Hurry Love” topped the charts, becoming one of The Supremes’ signature songs and a timeless classic. The Motown sound, characterized by its soulful rhythm and blues influences, became a prominent cultural force, shaping the music industry and inspiring generations of artists to come.



“Sleepless in Seattle” hits the big screen

In 1993, the romantic comedy film “Sleepless in Seattle” was released, enchanting audiences with its heartfelt storyline and stellar cast. Starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, the film follows the journey of two individuals who, despite living on opposite coasts, are destined to find each other. Directed by Nora Ephron, the movie struck a chord with viewers and achieved both critical acclaim and commercial success. “Sleepless in Seattle” further solidified Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan’s status as Hollywood’s favorite on-screen couple and remains a beloved classic in the romantic comedy genre.



Autumn Jackson’s extortion attempt on Bill Cosby

In 1997, a high-profile case shook the entertainment world when Autumn Jackson was found guilty of attempting to extort a staggering $40 million from actor and comedian Bill Cosby. Jackson claimed to be Cosby’s illegitimate daughter and threatened to disclose this information to the media unless her demands were met. The trial garnered extensive media attention, shedding light on the issue of celebrity privacy and the challenges faced by public figures. The case served as a cautionary tale about the potential pitfalls of fame and the need for stringent measures to protect against extortion attempts in the entertainment industry.



Revival of “I’m Not Rappaport” opens on Broadway

In 2002, the revival of Herb Gardner’s beloved stage comedy “I’m Not Rappaport” premiered at the Booth Theatre in New York City. Starring Judd Hirsch and Ben Vereen in the lead roles, the play offered a poignant and humorous exploration of friendship and aging in urban America. With critical acclaim and a successful run of 53 performances, the revival brought Gardner’s timeless work back into the spotlight and showcased the enduring power of live theater to entertain and resonate with audiences.



“Sherlock” debuts on British TV

In 2010, the British TV series “Sherlock” made its much-anticipated debut, introducing a modern take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic detective Sherlock Holmes. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Holmes and Martin Freeman as Dr. John Watson, the series was created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, who skillfully transported the classic characters to contemporary London. “Sherlock” received widespread acclaim for its sharp writing, brilliant performances, and innovative storytelling. The show’s success revitalized interest in the Sherlock Holmes franchise and cemented its place as a beloved classic in television history.


2018 Film & TV History: Georgian representative resigns after Sacha Baron Cohen’s TV series prank

In 2018, a startling incident occurred when Georgian representative James Spencer resigned after being tricked into making racial slurs on Sacha Baron Cohen’s TV series “Who is America.” The satirical show, known for its provocative and controversial humor, often exposed public figures to candid and awkward situations. Baron Cohen’s unique brand of comedy sparked heated debates about the boundaries of satire and the ethical implications of such pranks in the realm of entertainment and politics. The incident served as a reminder of the potential consequences of participating in unscripted and unvetted television productions.

Notable Deaths

DateJuly 24, 1862July 24, 1974July 24, 2001
EventDeath of Martin Van BurenDeath of James ChadwickCommemoration of Phoolan Devi’s Death
PersonMartin Van BurenJames ChadwickPhoolan Devi
DescriptionMartin Van Buren, the eighth President of the United States, passed away at the age of 79 due to heart failure. He served as President from 1837 to 1841, representing the Democratic Party and leaving a significant impact on American politics.James Chadwick, a renowned British physicist, died on this day. He was known for discovering the neutron, a groundbreaking achievement that earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935. His work in nuclear physics had far-reaching implications for the understanding of atomic structure and nuclear science.Phoolan Devi, also known as the “Bandit Queen,” was a controversial figure in Indian history. Born in poverty, she led a life marked by violence and oppression. After serving time in prison, she entered politics and became a Member of Parliament in India. However, on July 25, 2001, she was tragically assassinated outside her residence in New Delhi, sparking debates on caste, gender, and justice in India.
ContributionsMartin Van Buren played a significant role in shaping the early American political landscape and was known for his political acumen. Despite facing challenges during his presidency, he remained dedicated to his political ideals.James Chadwick’s groundbreaking discovery of the neutron revolutionized the understanding of atomic structure and had significant implications for nuclear science and technology. His work laid the foundation for further advancements in the field.Phoolan Devi’s life was marked by violence and hardship. She gained notoriety as a bandit in northern India, seeking revenge against upper-caste men. Her later entry into politics made her a symbol of empowerment and controversy, with her death sparking discussions on complex social issues in India.
LegacyMartin Van Buren’s death marked the end of an era in American history, and his legacy continues to be studied by historians.James Chadwick is remembered as one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century, and his contributions to nuclear science remain significant to this day.Phoolan Devi’s life and legacy continue to be subjects of fascination and discussion in India, with views on her actions and impact varying widely. She remains a symbol of empowerment and controversy in the country’s history.
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Notable Birthdays

James I


James I, also known as James I of Scotland, was the King of Scots from 1406 to 1437. He was born in Dunfermline Palace, Scotland, and ascended to the throne at the age of just six. His reign was marked by efforts to establish a strong centralized monarchy and maintain stability in Scotland. James I is credited with promoting education and literature, commissioning the compilation of the famous historical work, “The Kingis Quair,” during his imprisonment in England.


Henry Knox


Henry Knox was an American general who played a vital role in the Revolutionary War. He served as the Chief of Artillery in the Continental Army and later became the first United States Secretary of War under President George Washington’s administration. Born in Boston, Massachusetts Bay, Knox was a trusted confidant of Washington and was responsible for organizing the Continental Army’s artillery, playing a crucial role in the eventual victory of the American forces.


Thomas Eakins


Thomas Eakins was a renowned American artist known for his realist paintings and contributions to American art and culture. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is best known for his masterpiece “The Gross Clinic,” a powerful and realistic depiction of a surgical operation. Eakins is celebrated for his dedication to anatomical accuracy and his innovative teaching methods, influencing a generation of aspiring artists.


Arthur Balfour


Arthur Balfour was a prominent British statesman who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905. He was also the Foreign Secretary during the famous “Balfour Declaration” in 1917, which expressed British support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. Born in Whittingehame House, East Lothian, Scotland, Balfour was a key figure in British politics during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


Jim Corbett Birth Anniversary


Jim Corbett, born Edward James Corbett, was a British-Indian hunter, conservationist, and author. Born on July 25, 1875, in Nainital, India (present-day Uttarakhand), Corbett was a dedicated conservationist who played a crucial role in preserving India’s wildlife and natural habitats. He became renowned for his efforts in tracking and hunting down several man-eating tigers and leopards that had terrorized communities in the region during the early 20th century. Corbett’s works, such as “Man-Eaters of Kumaon,” brought attention to the importance of wildlife conservation and earned him international recognition.


Davidson Black


Davidson Black was a Canadian paleoanthropologist and anatomist. Born in Toronto, Ontario, he made a significant contribution to the field of anthropology by discovering the fossilized remains of “Peking Man” in China. His work provided crucial evidence of early human evolution and helped shape our understanding of human history.


Gavrilo Princip


Gavrilo Princip was a Bosnian-Serb nationalist whose actions led to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914. Born in Obljaj, Bosnia, his assassination of the Archduke triggered a series of events that eventually led to the outbreak of World War I, profoundly shaping the course of 20th-century history.


Woody Strode


Woody Strode was an American football end who played for the Los Angeles Rams and the Calgary Stampeders. After his football career, he transitioned to acting and appeared in numerous films, including “Spartacus” and “The Professionals.” Born in Los Angeles, California, Strode’s contribution to both sports and cinema made him a significant figure in American entertainment.


Whipper Billy Watson


Whipper Billy Watson was a Canadian professional wrestler born in East York, Ontario, Canada. He was a popular figure in the world of wrestling during the mid-20th century and is remembered for his charismatic persona and in-ring abilities.


Rosalind Franklin


Rosalind Franklin was an English chemist whose work was crucial to the discovery of the structure of DNA. Born in London, she used X-ray diffraction to capture images of DNA molecules, providing vital data that helped James Watson and Francis Crick formulate their famous double helix model of DNA.


Estelle Getty


Estelle Getty was an American actress best known for her role as Sophia Petrillo on the TV series “The Golden Girls” and its spin-off “The Golden Palace.” Born in New York City, Getty’s exceptional comedic talent and portrayal of the witty and sharp-tongued Sophia earned her widespread acclaim and popularity.


Emmett Till


Emmett Till was a young African American boy who became a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he tragically lost his life at the age of 14 when he was brutally murdered in Mississippi for allegedly whistling at a white woman. His death and the public outrage it generated played a pivotal role in galvanizing the civil rights struggle and highlighting the pervasive racism and violence faced by African Americans in the 1950s.


Matt LeBlanc


Born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1967, Matt LeBlanc is an American actor best known for his iconic portrayal of Joey Tribbiani on the hit TV series “Friends.” His comedic talent and charm made him a fan favorite, and the show’s success contributed significantly to his fame in the entertainment industry. LeBlanc’s contributions to television continue to be celebrated by audiences worldwide.


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Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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