Twilight: Why Rami Malek’s Benjamin Is So Unique (And So Important)

the role of rami malek in the show Sunset legendary Dawn – Part 2Benjamin is both unique and very important to the series. Before he was an Oscar winner and upcoming Bond villain Safin, Bohemian Rhapsody And robot man the malik star appeared briefly in Sunset legendary. The actor plays Benjamin, an important and compelling character in Stephenie Meyers’ original supernatural romance series.

However, like many of the series’ mythological details, the unique importance of Malick’s character is largely lost in the truncated film adaptation. Viewers get a glimpse of what makes Benjamin so special among the vampire actors that appear throughout the film, but his character’s story remains largely unsolved. What is clear, however, is that he is different, and it is that difference that makes him important.

An Egyptian vampire, Benjamin is unique among the legendary vampires for his ability to manipulate the elements. In Meyers’ divisive reinterpretation of vampire lore, each vampire has a special power, and each family of Volturi and the villainous Karen possesses distinct and unique abilities, such as, for example. like super strength, telepathy and vision. But Benjamin is the only character who can manipulate the elements, while the other vampires in the series can only manipulate humans and each other. of many vampire clans, such as the villain Volturi in the series or Benjamin’s Amon brothers, who seek to gain or maintain world domination. Sunset legendary.

As a result, Benjamin plays a small but important role in the series’ climax — or if the climax actually happens. The infamous, epic, and shockingly brutal 12-minute battle sequence comes to an end Breaking Dawn Part 2 It was really just a hunch of what might be coming, and it turned out to be powerful enough to scare the Volturi villain away from any potential battle. This change would have created a happy ending with little surprise for the series, if not for the minor villain Marcus being stripped of the death he so desperately wanted. But this controversial decision also significantly undermines Benjamin’s place in The Twilight Saga.

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As a very powerful yet naive character, hiding the Volturi for fear that he will be killed or possessed by an evil sorcerer, his presence in this battle is a high-risk tactic. . The brave Cullens needed him, and the earthquake he caused was directly related to their eventual bloody victory. but it’s time to join Breaking Dawn Part 2At the end of the fight scene (and insisting to his agent Amon that he refuses to leave), Benjamin is in danger of being captured and a lifetime of endless service to the Volturi, a fate Marcus proves. is better than death is worse. It’s a touching moment for viewers to discover that a character who didn’t know the central characters Edward and Bella was willing to risk their lives to protect them and their families. If only movies could provide such a setting, and in this case, Malick’s Sunset Performance can have a bigger impact.

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