WH.shared.addLazyImage('65b2bf6d32f50') World History Trivia Quiz

Am I a world history buff? Test your knowledge of history with this quiz! Start the quiz

World War II. The Russian Revolution. Cold war. At its core, world history is a patchwork quilt of humanity’s greatest achievements and conflicts. But how much do you really know about the subject?

There’s only one way to find out. Hit “Take Quiz” to see if you’re a certified world history expert.

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The link has been copied! Start Quiz 1. In which country did D-Day take place?

  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Great Britain
  4. Netherlands

Not! D-Day took place in Normandy, France. 2. In what year did Australia officially become a country?

  1. in 1942
  2. in 1883
  3. 1901
  4. in 1957

Not! The Commonwealth of Australia was officially founded in 1901. 3. After which global conflict was the United Nations formed?

  1. World War I
  2. the 2nd world war
  3. Cold war
  4. Korean War

Not! The United Nations was formed after World War II. 4. Which of these countries is the oldest?

  1. Iran
  2. China
  3. NOW
  4. India

Not! Iran has existed for more than 10,000 years. 5. Which country was NOT considered one of the “big three” allies in World War II?

  1. NOW
  2. UK
  3. Soviet Union
  4. Canada

Not! The USA, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union were the “Big Three” allies. 6. Which Latin American country was involved in the infamous missile crisis of 1962?

  1. Cuba
  2. Guatemala
  3. Venezuela
  4. Mexico

Not! Cuba was the country involved (in a conflict known as the Cuban Missile Crisis). 7. What was the name of the military mission led by the USA in the Gulf War?

  1. Operation Desert Storm
  2. Operation Thunder Wave
  3. Operation Desert Ground
  4. Operation Ocean Shield

Not! The mission was called Operation Desert Storm. 8. What was the name of the famous network of trade routes that connected China with other regions?

  1. The Ivory Road
  2. Silk Road
  3. Spice road
  4. The way of wool

Not! The network of trade routes was known as the Silk Road. 9. In which country was the Taj Mahal built?

  1. India
  2. Thailand
  3. Pakistan
  4. Myanmar
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Not! The Taj Mahal was built in India. 10. What was the first state founded in the USA?

  1. Pennsylvania
  2. New York
  3. Delaware
  4. Rhode Island

Not! Delaware was the first state to officially join the US on December 7, 1787. 11. Which prehistoric era is NOT real?

  1. Iron Age
  2. Stone Age
  3. The golden age
  4. Bronze Age

Not! The Iron, Stone and Bronze Ages were real prehistoric periods. 12. What event was the reason for the beginning of the First World War?

  1. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  2. German invasion of Luxembourg and Belgium
  3. German naval blockade of Great Britain
  4. The sinking of the Lusitania

Not! The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the catalyst for the First World War. 13. Which of the following was NOT one of Christopher Columbus’ ships?

  1. Nina
  2. Santa Maria
  3. Niño
  4. Pint

Not! Those 3 ships were Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria. 14. Who was the first Roman emperor?

  1. Augustus
  2. Caligula
  3. Nero
  4. Tiberius

Not! Augustus was the first Roman emperor. 15. What battle ended the American War of Independence?

  1. The Battle of Yorktown
  2. Battle of Trenton
  3. Battle of Lexington and Concord
  4. The Battle of Bunker Hill

Not! The Battle of Yorktown was the battle that ended the American Revolutionary War. 16. What was the name of the infamous European plague from the 1300s?

  1. The plague to end all plagues
  2. The great plague
  3. Black death
  4. The big showdown

Not! The plague was known as the Black Death. 17. Who helped start the Protestant Reformation by writing a document known as the Ninety-Five Theses?

  1. Martin Luther
  2. John Calvin
  3. William Tyndale
  4. John Knox

Not! Martin Luther is the correct answer. 18. What event prompted the US to get involved in World War II?

  1. The bombing of Pearl Harbor
  2. Invasion of Poland
  3. Capture of Paris
  4. Blitz UK

Not! The bombing of Pearl Harbor was the event that prompted the US to join World War II. 19. Who did the ancient Egyptians worship as the sun god?

  1. Anubis
  2. Ra
  3. Horus
  4. Seth
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Not! Ra was the Egyptian sun god. 20. Which small European territory is home to the Catholic Pope?

  1. Vatican City
  2. Andorra
  3. San Marino
  4. Monaco

Not! The Vatican is the home of the Pope. 21. Which country joined the USA on January 3, 1959?

  1. New Mexico
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Hawaii

Not! Alaska joined the USA on January 3, 1959. 22. In what year did World War 2 end?

  1. in 1943
  2. in 1944
  3. [In1945[1945godine
  4. in 1946

Not! World War II ended on September 2, 1945. 23. Australia officially gained independence from which country in 1986?

  1. United Kingdom
  2. Belgium
  3. Netherlands
  4. France

Not! Australia established independence from the United Kingdom. 24. Who was the leader of the Russian revolution in 1917?

  1. Vladimir Lenin
  2. Karl Marx
  3. Joseph Stalin
  4. Georgy Malenkhov

Not! Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Russian Revolution. 25. Which European city was famously divided by a wall between 1961 and 1989?

  1. Paris
  2. Budapest
  3. Prague
  4. Berlin

Not! Berlin is divided by the Berlin Wall, which was demolished in 1989. 26. Which of the following countries still has an emperor?

  1. Japan
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Brazil
  4. Vietnam

Not! Japan is the only country with an active emperor. 27. Which of the following was NOT one of the original 13 US states?

  1. Georgia
  2. Virginia
  3. New York
  4. Florida

Not! Florida is the 27th state, and it joined the USA only in 1845. 28. What is the official dividing line between North and South Korea?

  1. 38th parallel
  2. 35th parallel
  3. 40th parallel
  4. 21st parallel

Not! The 38th parallel is the dividing line between North and South Korea. 29. Which African country has the most built pyramids?

  1. Egypt
  2. Sudan
  3. Uganda
  4. Ethiopia

Not! Sudan actually has the most pyramids, although Egypt’s are a little more famous. 30. How many years was Alexander the Great king of Macedonia?

  1. 13 years
  2. 20 years
  3. 25 years
  4. 8 years

Not! He was king for 13 years, from 336 to 323 BC. Start the quiz

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History is a mainstay in most school curricula – and for good reason. Let’s dive deeper into why this field is so important:

  • It helps us understand today’s society. Civilization as we know it now does not exist in a vacuum – it was shaped and influenced by the nations, leaders and decisions of the past. Understanding how the world worked is an essential part of understanding how it works now.
  • It holds us accountable. Every civilization and country has made its fair share of mistakes – some bigger than others. Reflecting on and learning from past wars and conflicts can help prevent such conflicts from reoccurring.
  • It helps us develop critical thinking skills. History is not just reading words on a page. It’s about reading between the lines and better understanding why certain civilizations were so successful in the past (and why others weren’t).
  • It helps us see how things have improved. There are many things wrong with the world as a whole; but, thanks to history, we can still appreciate how society grew and became better.
  • It helps us understand what it means to be human. World history, at its core, is an examination of humanity’s greatest successes and failures. It invites us to look at humanity’s most revolutionary achievements, horrific tragedies and everything in between. When you study history, you are actually studying the endless determination and motivation of the human spirit.

World history is such a fascinating field, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are just a few great resources to help you get started:

  • https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/
  • https://www.archives.gov/
  • https://whyy.pbslearningmedia.org/subjects/social-studies/world-history/?rank_by=recency
  • https://www.loc.gov/

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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