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Am I a Genius Quiz

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Is it possible to be a genius without just knowing it? That’s what this quiz wants to find out! These questions are specially designed to test your brain in unique ways. If you answer all of them correctly, then we think you really are a genius!

So what are you waiting for? Face a challenging series of puzzles, problems and brain teasers to see how close you are to becoming a genius.

A boy stands in front of a panel with a light bulb above his head.

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The link has been copied! Start Quiz 1. Choose the correct analogy! A child is to a man as:

  1. A kitten is a cat.
  2. The dog is for petting.
  3. The bird is to fly.
  4. The plant needs to grow.

The correct answer is “The kitten is for the cat.” Kittens are young cats, as children are young people. 2. Which word is not like the others?

  1. Kayak
  2. A racing car
  3. Woof
  4. Woof

I’m sorry! The correct answer is “Wow.” The other three words are spelled the same way backwards and forwards, making them palindromes. 3. How many birthdays does the average person have?

  1. 1
  2. Every year
  3. 75
  4. 90

I’m sorry! The correct answer is 1—because a birthday refers to the date a person was born. So everyone in the world has exactly one birthday. 4. Determine which number best completes the following sequence: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, ?, 22.

  1. 16
  2. 14
  3. 15
  4. 18

Each number in the sequence adds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the previous number, so the missing number in the sequence is 16 (11 + 5). 5. Which of these animals is the least similar to the others?

  1. Lizard
  2. Lion
  3. Grizzly bear
  4. Hamster

A lizard is a reptile, while lions, hamsters and bears are all mammals. 6. Look at the following sequence: AZBYCXDW E. Which letter completes the sequence?

  1. V
  2. IN
  3. M
  4. Q
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There are two alternating series here: A, B, C, D, E (going forward) and Z, Y, X, W, V (going backward). 7. Choose a set of words where each word has a different meaning when the first letter is capitalized.

  1. dog, play, peace
  2. March, Turkey, Polish
  3. glass, song, lyric
  4. bird, fence, feeling

“March” refers to the month when capitalized, “Turkey” refers to the country, and “Polish” refers to the people from Poland! 8. Which three numbers give you the same result when you add them or when you multiply them?

  1. 1, 2, 3
  2. 2, 4, 6
  3. 3, 5, 7
  4. 1, 3, 4

1 + 2 + 3 = 6, and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 as well. 9. At the swimming meet, Alan was neither first nor last. Jane beat Alan. Alan defeated Morgan. Gina was neither the first nor the last. Gina beat Kevin. Morgan defeated Gina. Who came last?

  1. Kevin
  2. Alan
  3. Morgan
  4. Gina

Since Alan and Gina are neither first nor last, Jane beat Alan and Morgan beat Gina, Kevin must be last. 10. Rita went to visit Rachel. Rachel is the only daughter of Rita’s mother-in-law’s only daughter. What is Rachel’s relationship with Rita?

  1. Rita’s daughter
  2. Rita’s stepdaughter
  3. Rita’s sister-in-law
  4. Rita’s granddaughter

Rita’s mother’s husband is Rita’s father; his daughter is Rita and her daughter is Rachel. Start the quiz

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What is genius?

Technically, there is no scientific definition of genius. In general, a genius is considered someone with extraordinary intelligence or creative insight. To possess “genius” involves the ability to think and work in areas not previously explored, using originality and creativity to provide something of value that would not otherwise exist. There is a difference between genius and talent, as talent refers to a person’s natural aptitude for a particular skill.

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The definition of genius In terms of intelligence quotient (IQ) is based on research from the early 1900s. One psychologist, Lewis M. Terman, proposed that an IQ of 140 or higher set the standard for “potential genius,” while another, Leta Hollingworth, proposed an IQ threshold of 180 instead.

Over the years, psychologists who have studied gifted children have noticed that there are more who fit the definition of “genius” than might be expected. This can also be reconciled with the possibility that conventional intelligence tests simply cannot accurately measure the full range of a person’s intellectual abilities beyond a certain point.

As a reminder, this quiz does not measure IQ! It’s just a fun way to see how well you can analyze problems and puzzles.

Other types of intelligence

In 1983, Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner published a book arguing that one narrow definition of intellectual capacity cannot possibly measure all the different talents and abilities a person may have. In other words: you can struggle in one thing (like math, for example) but be super talented in another area (like music or athletics). Although Gardner’s theory lacks empirical evidence, it is still widely used among educators.

Gardner’s 8 types of intelligence are:

  • Visual-spatial. People with visual-spatial intelligence are good at visualizing things. They often have a strong sense of direction and are good at interpreting maps, diagrams, videos and pictures, as well as putting together puzzles and recognizing patterns easily.
  • Linguistic-verb. People with linguistic-verbal intelligence are good with words! They tend to excel at writing, speaking, reading, explaining concepts in a way that is easy to understand, and remembering information.
  • Logical-mathematical. People with logical-mathematical intelligence have strong reasoning abilities. They can recognize patterns, analyze problems and tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationships and patterns.
  • Bodily-kinesthetic. People with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are good at body movement and physical control. They have strong hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
  • Musical. People with musical intelligence have a knack for thinking in terms of patterns, rhythms, and sounds. They are usually talented when it comes to music composition and performance.
  • Interpersonal. People with interpersonal intelligence have a natural talent for interacting with people. I can easily assess and read the emotions, motivations, intentions and desires of those around me.
  • Intrapersonal. People with intrapersonal intelligence are super self-aware. They are very good at revealing their own emotional state, feelings and motivations, often engaging in self-reflection and analysis.
  • Naturalistic. People with naturalistic intelligence are more in tune with nature. They may be more interested in exploring the environment and learning about other types of flora and fauna. They may also be more aware of subtle changes in their environment.
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Ultimately, this theory is a great reminder that there are many different ways to measure a person’s intelligence and talents, and that the term “genius” doesn’t really cover all the ways a person can be considered smart. After all, there are many IQ tests (and standardized tests in school) that do not take into account different types of intelligence. So, regardless of the score you got on this quiz, don’t worry: you absolutely have a talent to be proud of!

For more information on intelligence, genius, and how your mind works, check out the following resources:

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3181994/
  • https://www.simplypsychology.org/multiple-intelligences.html
  • https://www.mensa.org/what-is-iq/
  • https://www.britannica.com/science/genius-psychology

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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