WH.shared.addLazyImage('6720dee8120aa') Guess My Deepest Secret Quiz

Can we guess your deepest secret? Get ready to be blown away by what this quiz will tell us about you! Start the quiz

You can’t hide anything from us! Just by answering a few quick questions, we bet we can reveal what your deepest, most private secret is.

If you don’t want anyone to know, you better leave now. But if you want to test us… press “Start Quiz” to get started!

A girl in a red shirt holds her index finger to her mouth, as if to say,

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The link has been copied! Start the quiz 1. What motivates you?

  1. Fear of disappointing others.
  2. My own goals and dreams.
  3. The desire to change the world for the better.
  4. Self-preservation.

2. What separates you from other people?

  1. I am more honest than other people.
  2. I am kinder than other people.
  3. I am more unique than other people.
  4. I’m more self-conscious than other people.

3. Do you usually rehearse what you are going to say before a phone conversation?

  1. Yes, to the point.
  2. Not really.
  3. Not at all.
  4. you’re kidding I never talk on the phone if I can help it.

4. Say you’re a weather guy. What would you be?

  1. Dreary, gloomy, rainy afternoon.
  2. A sultry, sultry summer day.
  3. A thunderstorm rumbles in the distance, slowly approaching.
  4. A warm, cloudy day with hints of sunshine.

5. How do you think other people see you?

  1. Like confident and charming
  2. As calm and reflective
  3. As creative and intelligent
  4. Like friendly and warm

6. Pick something up off the ground.

  1. A perfect, unbroken shell
  2. Four leaf clover
  3. Fin
  4. An old, lost letter
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7. What is your favorite time of day?

  1. Early morning. I like to wake up before everyone else to breathe, drink coffee, meditate and prepare for the day ahead.
  2. Afternoon. I love the sun and the hustle and bustle of the world in the middle of the day.
  3. Evening. I like to relax with a warm dinner, talk about my day with friends or family and curl up with a book or my favorite TV show.
  4. Midnight. I love raw darkness and silence. I love the feeling of being the only person there is.

8. What do you need most at this moment?

  1. compassion
  2. Peace
  3. Understanding
  4. Friendship

9. What’s on your bucket list?

  1. To apologize to everyone I have wronged.
  2. Fall in love with your soulmate and share life together.
  3. Climb Mount Everest.
  4. Contribute something extraordinary to society.

10. With whom do you have the closest relationship?

  1. No one, really – just me, me and me.
  2. My parents.
  3. My siblings or friends.
  4. My pet.

11. Let’s say you are a world-famous celebrity—what did you do to gain international recognition?

  1. I’m a pop star or a movie star and I enjoy the limelight.
  2. I have committed a great crime. 😬
  3. I’ve written a literary masterpiece, but I’m mostly hiding from my celebrity.
  4. I invented a device that will end world hunger.

12. How would people react if your secret was known?

  1. I would be in trouble.
  2. I wouldn’t be in trouble, but I would be judged.
  3. I wouldn’t be in trouble, but I would be ashamed.
  4. Probably nothing would happen, but I still don’t want people to know.

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We’re a secretive species – but why do we keep some things secret? (And why are we so curious when it comes to other people’s secrets?)

Many people’s “deepest secrets” are not very extreme and could probably be more accurately called “private”. Many people keep their political and religious views to themselves in order to keep peace with other people they think would disagree with them. Financial matters are also often kept private, as it is considered “rude” to discuss how much money you make or how much you paid for your house. Sexual orientation – and sex life in general – is also usually kept secret.

And then there are secrets that people keep because they are associated with criminal or immoral behavior or because they fear that they might be judged for their behavior. For example, someone who cheats on a test may not be willing to share that information in case they get into trouble, and someone who has a crush on their married friend may not want to admit it because it might be considered inappropriate.

But if we are so compelled to keep our lives private, why are we often so curious about what goes on behind other people’s closed doors? The answer probably has to do with our desire to understand the world around us, and even to feel connected to other people, including the person whose secrets we are trying to uncover. For example, The Diary of Anne Frank is an extremely popular text that, by its very nature, should never have been seen by anyone but its author—yet so many readers appreciate it for what it has to say, not only about Frank, but about the world in which lived, and the world in which the readers live.

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For more information on why we keep secrets, visit these resources:

  • https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/202207/why-we-keep-so-many-secrets
  • https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210302-why-we-cant-stop-peeking-into-other-peoples-lives

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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