What Does the Slang Phrase “Dabbed Up” Mean?

Plus, everything you need to know to do the “dap”.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow writer Aimee Payne, MFA. Aimee Payne is a writer and editor living in Jacksonville, Florida. For more than 10 years, she has created informative and engaging marketing content for the insurance, collectibles and apparel industries. She graduated from Otterbein University where she studied English literature and music, and received her MFA in writing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Find out more…

Have you ever heard the term “tapped” and wondered what it means…or is it the same as “tapped”? In most cases, the modern meaning of “beautified” is the same as “beautified” and refers to a way of greeting a friend. But that is not the only meaning of this popular slang term. This article explains the different meanings of the term “beautified”, how to beautify someone, and where the term comes from.

Many believe that “beautified” is a mispronunciation of the slang term “beautified,” which is the act of greeting a friend with a complex handshake. However, others believe that the term refers to a dance move or a method of using marijuana.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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