What Does UPS “On the Way” Mean?

Download the article Understanding UPS Shipping Jargon so you can get your package as soon as possible

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United Parcel Service (UPS) uses a number of different tracking statuses to keep customers up-to-date on the current whereabouts of their packages. “En route” is a common status that UPS customers may see when tracking their package, as well as “En route for delivery”, “Tag created” or “Exception”. We’ll give you a quick overview of what all these statuses mean (along with tips on how to track your package), so you can stay informed about the status of your shipment.

Disclaimer: If you have a problem with your UPS order, please contact UPS Customer Service on their website or by calling [1].

  • “En route” means that your UPS package is in transit to its next destination, but not for delivery.
  • “Out for Delivery” means that your UPS package is in the delivery truck and will be sent to your home by the end of the day.
  • “Exception” means that the delivery date of your package is likely to be delayed. UPS will provide a reason for the delay in the tracking status.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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