What happened to Bandman Kevo? Roasted over Donald Trump mugshot tattoo

A name is in headlines and creates the attention of the people. This news has made people shocked and devastated. Yes, we are talking about Rapper Bandman Kevo, who is in the spotlight because of his Tattoo. This news is getting circulated on the web and gaining the attention of the people. This news has made people curious to know about the news. People are hitting the search engine to gain all the details about the news. What is the entire matter? Where is the Tattoo on his body? Which type of tattoo is this? We will try to tell you about the news. Let’s continue the article.

What happened to Bandman Kevo?

He came into the headlines after he got a new tattoo on his leg that featured the mugshot of Donald Trump. The former president’s mugshot was taken after he capitulated at the Fulton County Jail on the day of August 24, 2023. He came on social media to share the Tattoo’s video. Bandman Kevo went to a studio in Hollywood, Florida related to Tattoo and it was made by artist Gabriel Gonzalez. Several things remain to tell you about the news, which you will find in the next section of the article.

The news came out after disclosing merchandise with the mugshot included on top of the products. There is a big collection of T-shirts, hats, stickers, and more on Trump’s official website. Several other people started to sell their products in support of Trump to earn some profit. His new Tattoo has become a hot topic and people are talking about this topic so much. Netizens have created a lot of questions in the minds of the people. Now, netizens are searching for their answers. Scroll down the page to learn more information about the news.

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Furthermore, Nevertheless, people were very happy when they had a look at his tattoo. People are sharing their mixed reactions and talking about the news. While some people mentioned that it was weird one social media user mentioned that Kevo’s ancestors were “rolling over in their grave when they have watched the Tattoo. This news has raised several questions in the minds of the people. We have shared all the details about the news, which we have fetched from other sources to make this article for the readers. If we get any further details we will tell you first at the same site. Stay tuned for more updates.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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