Who Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile? Make Use of the Profile Viewer in LinkedIn Today

“Connecting the world’s experts to be more productive and successful.”

With such a tagline, the expectations are enormous, and this is exactly what LinkedIn offers in a professional environment. This brilliant platform is used by more than 690 million users from different parts of the world to explore jobs and interact with people in the same field.

Users have the opportunity to add new skills to their resume by taking tests, interacting and connecting with influencers, and following the leaders on the platform closely to learn the key points.

Recently, various questions have resurfaced online and people have been looking for answers to them. How to see who viewed your LinkedIn profile without premium? This has become the focus of all LinkedIn users, free or premium.

In case you are also interested in who visits your profile to follow or hire you, follow this blog all the way to learn how to do the same without breaking a sweat.


  • How to make the best profile on LinkedIn?
  • Is it possible to check who viewed my LinkedIn profile?
  • Why is LinkedIn the perfect professional platform?
  • Frequently asked questions

How to make the best profile on LinkedIn?

  • Fill out the profile appropriately

No matter how many articles you read and how many textbooks you consult, this will always be the first thing that comes to mind. It won’t matter if you are the best in the business or the most capable person ever unless you have completed your profile thoroughly. There may be other factors, but keep in mind that this is the most important to all recruiters and managers.

  • An image can clarify things for you

According to statistics, profiles with a good photo get up to 21 more views than profiles without photos. The best way to create a good profile picture is to keep it professional and friendly at the same time.

Below are some tips that can be used to create the perfect profile picture;

  • Try to come up with a neat and clean look
  • Profile pictures should cover your profile, so make sure it’s not a full body picture.
  • Make sure a low resolution image is not clicked.
  • Adding a professional interest or hobby can bring a lot of people’s attention to your profile.
  • Prepare the perfect headline
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Having a good headline is an absolute must for any user, as it is the first thing a recruiter usually looks at. It just conveys the fact of who the user is and what he is like, in a pretty clear and concise way.

Please note that the title should contain a main keyword that simply explains what you do. Also, remember to ignore less descriptive titles as much as you can.

  • Stand out with your summary

These are some of the things one should include in their LinkedIn resume to stand out from the crowd.

  • The total number of years you have worked in your current position
  • Actual position
  • Things you are passionate about
  • Major achievements and things you excel at
  • Type of job you are looking for (as long as you want to change)
  • The world and your profile revolve around keywords

As you already know, having all the right keywords is the best you can have, because having the right keywords simply means that the LinkedIn algorithm will find your relevant profile.

In case you are interested in digital marketing, these are the keywords that you can add to your profile;

  • PPP
  • Advertising
  • google ads
  • content marketing
  • facebook ads
  • Design a custom URL for your profile

LinkedIn automatically generates a link for your profile, but it can be a bit tricky at times. Users can create a more professional custom URL themselves.

Here are some simple steps that can be used to easily change the URL;

  • visit your profile
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, click the “Edit Public Profile and URL” option.
  • For the next step, move to the top right corner again and hit the pencil image to edit.

Once you’ve followed the steps in the correct order, enter your first and last name to complete the process.

  • show your work

Have you worked on a cool project? Boasting. Showing off simply implies that you have a lot of experience in the workplace. Just go ahead with adding the “featured” section.

Is it possible to check who viewed my profile?

Can you see who is viewing your LinkedIn profile? Contrary to popular belief, there are several options through which a user can access the option to check who has viewed their LinkedIn profile.

In simpler terms, yes, LinkedIn shows who has viewed your profile unless the user has turned on private mode or has access to a premium account.

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This is an easy way to see who viewed your LinkedIn profile in the last 90 days or 3 months.

Solution Brief – Login
  • Sign in to your LinkedIn account and click the profile icon in the top left corner of your page to get started.
  • From there, simply click on the “view profile” option located right next to the settings button.

  • In the next window, simply use the analytics tab to check who viewed your profile in the last 90 days.

LinkedIn analytics tab to check who is viewing your LinkedIn profile

Note: Please note that only premium members can check who has viewed their LinkedIn profile anonymously, as free account holders who enable private mode cannot see who views their LinkedIn profile.

As we mentioned in the note above, users can make good use of the private window feature to prevent other users from knowing that they have visited their profile. Think of it this way, if I turn on private mode, others won’t be able to know if I’ve visited their profile, but at the same time, I won’t know about the person who viewed my LinkedIn profile either.

Also Read: Find Out Who Viewed Your Twitter Profile

Why is LinkedIn the perfect professional platform?

  1. Great exposure to different managers and recruiters.

According to statistics, almost 93% of all recruiters and managers use LinkedIn. The platform gives you the ability to create an online brand that allows decision makers and influencers to see who you are and what you have to offer.

  1. The perfect research tool

Having LinkedIn not only increases your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers and recruiters, it also gives you the opportunity to research different companies, hiring managers, recruiters, etc., which can be very helpful if you want to submit a application, so you can do better research on your examiner and other important things.

  1. The perfect place to showcase your skills, credibility, and knowledge.

A LinkedIn profile says a lot about who you are in a professional setting, and also lets recruiters know what you have to offer in their particular position after viewing your LinkedIn profile.

  1. Your skills and talent are socially recognized

How nice would it be to have someone praise your past actions and all the hard work you’ve put in? Every time someone on the platform endorses your profile, it simply shows that other experts on the platform endorse you and that you possess certain skills. This can further help an individual to create good relationships.

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And as for credibility, it is built with the reviews and recommendations that your contacts leave on your profile.

  1. LinkedIn- The perfect platform to post jobs

Compared to traditional job opportunities, LinkedIn offers many more, including some that may not exist in the previous option. On the platform, a user can apply for jobs directly, save specific job searches, and even introduce themselves to recruiters who are willing to hear about opportunities.

  1. Take advantage of LinkedIn groups

Do you want to meet people from the same profession or people who share similar goals and interests? Start joining groups on LinkedIn to connect with people who are or are already working in the same industry as you. Being in a group allows you to take part in healthy discussions, as well as ask questions and show your knowledge to people who work in the same industry and are influential.

  1. follow companies

If you’re looking for a way to learn more about a company and the employees who work there, there’s no better place for you than LinkedIn. Also, you can use this to target people who work for specific organizations you want to apply to.

Enough about all the benefits LinkedIn offers. Now let’s shift the focus to the elephant in the room or the one stalking the roommate, i.e. to see who viewed your LinkedIn profile.

Frequently asked questions

Q.1 How accurate are LinkedIn profile views?

Answer 1 – The profile view feature on the LinkedIn platform can be said to be quite accurate unless the viewer has turned on private mode or in case they have access to a premium account.

Q.2 Can I know if the same person visits my profile twice?

Answer 2: Yes, you will be able to tell how many times someone has viewed your profile as a separate notification appears each time someone visits your profile, unless they simply reload the page instead of visiting it again.

Q.3 Is it possible to identify a spam profile on LinkedIn?

Answer-3: Although there are no clear methods, you can search for common names and even do a Google image search to see if the user is authentic or not. The same can be verified for a business, and if it’s not registered with the county or national government, it’s safe to say it’s a scam.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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