Why ET Died (And How He Got Better)

In Steven Spielberg’s classic, ET extraterrestrial, the titular alien dies, comes back to life and makes a full recovery—but why did the alien die, and how did he recover? After ET successfully calls home, he begins to die in the forest. Michael managed to bring ET back to Elliot, but ET died when government agents took over the house and turned it into a quarantine facility. However, when Elliot was alone with him, he came back to life and said that his people were returning for him.

from beginning to end Eastern Time, The original script was a horror film, with aliens linked to various creatures including Elliot and Geranium. The connection is so strong that when he begins to die, Elliot and the flowers die with him. After being separated from the aliens, Elliot successfully recovered. Geranium, on the other hand, died with him. When Elliot is alone with the dead alien, both the alien and the plant come to life, and the alien says that other aliens will come back for him. In the moments before his resurrection, his heart also began to heat up.

A popular theory (from stack exchange) are aliens dying because they are susceptible to Earthly pathogens. The theory states that he is vulnerable to viruses and bacteria because of his DNA. This theory won’t be hard for viewers to accept, as pathogens have been responsible for the deaths of alien visitors in multiple movies, most notably another Steven Spielberg film, War of the Worlds. The concept was even parodied in Scary Movie 4. Other theories include reliance on cold temperatures and breathing carbon dioxide. The ETs may rely on carbon dioxide like plants and were revived after being placed in a cold chamber that appeared to use dry ice, which produces carbon dioxide.

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Another theory focuses on his glowing heart. Rather than relying on morbid explanations or recycling from other alien movies, the theory is consistent with the film’s symbolism. The movie begins by showing the audience that the aliens are connected by something that makes their hearts glow. This connection may be what kept them alive, with theories suggesting that the aliens lost contact while trapped.Logically, when his people return, the repaired connection makes his heart glow, resurrecting him, in the story’s ending ET Movie.

The symbolism in geraniums is a clear sign of alien contact with other beings. The flowers move mysteriously throughout the film and are always consistent with his health. He could have intentionally attached himself to Elliot and Geranium, knowing that he relied on his connections with his peers to survive. Unfortunately, the connection to a flower and a human boy cannot sustain him. Viewers also speculated that he created this connection on purpose. Elliot didn’t die, but the flower did, so he may have released his connection to Elliot to save his life.

He has proven that he can bring flowers to life, but he may not have this ability with humans. Thankfully, he had contacted the family and when they arrived, his heart began to glow and he and the flower that was still connected came back to life.exist ET extraterrestrialThe highest-grossing movie of all time, the titular alien dies because he no longer has contact with his people, but after successfully calling home, things improve for him as his family returns Looking for him.

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