10 Incredible Rick and Morty Cosplays That Look Just Like The Real Thing

Since its premiere in 2013, rick and morty’s popularity continues to grow. Whether it’s the duo’s violent tendencies and crude humor, or the imaginative supporting characters. Showrunners Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland have created a rogues gallery of weird and wonderful space aliens; from Birdman to Squatch and beyond To “Ants in the Eyes” Johnson. People’s love for these characters is reflected through fan art, internet memes, and most incredibly, some of the coolest cosplay ever created.

Top 10 list will show the absolute best rick and morty The role play was so real, it was like we were living in another dimension in the show!

Evil Rick and Evil Morty

Coming in at number 10 is this cosplay by Instagram user Tomhathaway. Evil Rick and Evil Morty look ready to take over the world here. The wig, haggard white makeup and scar rendering make this cosplay sell better.

A suave black and white suit paired with a half-burned cigarette makes this look even more outstanding, presenting a sinister but cool character image.


Number 9 brings hilarious cosplay of fan-favorite character Bird-Person from Instagram user thatgypsygeek. The drawn potbelly and extremely accurate costume make this cosplay even more outstanding.

Every detail of the costume is here, from the large hanging wings to the hawk-shaped head and bushy eyebrows, and it’s the closest we’ve gotten to it since his tragic fate at the end of Season 2 Episode 10 #justiceforbirdperson: “Wedding Predator”.

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ricks council

No. 8 is brought to us by Instagram user kimmaaahh and their fellow Ricks committee members. The attention to detail in the different hairstyles, even the blue brows, goes a long way in livening up the board.

With a bevy of wigs in various shapes, a collection of faithful white robes, and expressions that would make any version of Rick proud, it’s hard not to wonder if you saw this group in public!

Supernova and a million ants

Seventh place goes to the astronomical cosplay duo of Super-Nova and Million-Ants, created by Instagram user cpt_eleanore. Two space superheroes from the Vindicators are faithfully represented in this role play.

Supernova’s galactic super suit and clear white contact lenses are a big indication that she may have superpowers. The Million Ants look just as unsettling as they do in the comics, making them perfect for this great role play.

summer, birdman, rick and squatch

Instagram user reidoll_cosplay comes in at number 6 with this combo featuring characters like Summer, Rick, Bird-Person and even the gaunt cat creature Squanchy! Birdman looks even more regal here than he does in costume form.

Superb makeup, wigs and costumes bring these wild characters to life. It’s hard not to imagine that these characters have entered our world directly through one of Rick’s portals; just make sure not to disturb Squanchy while he’s crouching!

Mr Misex

You can almost hear the fifth line from Instagram user doccanecosplay: “I’m Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me!” The faithful cosplay of the overeager blue servant is made even more complete by the nervous look on his face.

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Luckily for the person who took this photo, this Mr. Meeseeks may not be real, but it looks like Jerry has put his hands on him and asked for help with his swing, and if you see him, it’s best to stay out of the way This man is on the street!

Pickle Rick

Another cosplay from doccanecosplay is the famous meme Pickle Rick. It seems that this user had a great idea of ​​wearing this outfit to work. His colleagues were probably frightened as soon as he walked in! It’s hard not to laugh at seeing such an extremely disturbing character act so casually in an office setting.

Rick’s crazy eyes and gnarled rat limbs create an uncanny sense of fear. This big green cosplay brings the cast’s craziest characters into the real world.Although it is not recommended that you try to bring your rick and morty Wear cosplay to work unless you want your coworkers to be afraid of you.

rick morty and scary terry

The last post from prolific Instagram user doccanecosplay brings a nice cosplay of Rick and Morty as they try to escape the clutches of Scary Terry. First of all, it would be crazy not to mention the superb cinematography here; purple-blue lighting, sharp shadows, and saturated colors create a lifelike cartoon feel.

Secondly, Rick’s spiky blue hair, long white lab coat, and even a recreation of the famous portal gun all complement the size-accurate Morty cosplay, looking just like he does in regular episodes Equally scary, there’s Terry the Terrible Horror Mask. This is absolutely the best and most accurate roleplay the series has ever seen.

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rick and morty

Number two on this list takes us into the wild world of Twitter, specifically this amazing cosplay of a user @BooGAYmen. This cosplay recreates the show’s most iconic images and really looks like they came straight out of a cartoon on the TV screen!

Makeup is really the star here, playing up disturbing real-life images. Morty’s elongated eyes and worried frown, Rick’s frantic expression and the drop of saliva on his lower lip are details that haven’t been brought to life as faithfully as they are here.


Number one is an absolute gem from Instagram user aachase1401. Snowball, also known by his slave name Snuffles, made a splash at MegaCon earlier this year wearing a bipedal mecha suit.

Flashing lights, precise proportions and majestic frames make this the absolute best cosplay out there rick and morty Already seen it. Of all the cosplays listed here, this has to be the most exciting one. The cute plush snowball is surrounded by giant mechas and attracts everyone’s attention as soon as it appears.

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