Anakin Skywalker’s 10 Greatest Force Feats In Star Wars Canon


  • As the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker performed many incredible feats of the Force throughout Star Wars.

  • Even with no formal Jedi training, Anakin displayed Jedi reflexes in some high-stakes situations, even as a child.

  • Anakin’s famous fighting prowess also stems from his Force powers, which he has demonstrated on several different occasions.

As the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker was able to harness the Force to accomplish some truly epic feats, and these 10 are among his greatest displays of power in the universe. Star Wars Canon. George Lucas had his work cut out for him when he created the Chosen One prophecy. After all, viewers won’t just accept the assertion that Anakin is incredibly powerful; They need to see it to believe it. Lucas and company are ready for the task. In both canon and legends, Anakin’s talents in the Force are evident.

George Lucas has three theories on how Anakin was created. One involves the Force itself creating him, one involves the midi-chlorians creating him as a reaction to an imbalance in the Force, and one involves a powerful Sith Lord manipulating the midi-chlorians to create him. Regardless of which of these theories is correct, it’s clear that Anakin’s creation was tied to the Force, which is why his midi-chlorian count is so high.Because of this, Anakin connects to the Force more easily than others—and Star Wars This is shown in many ways throughout the series.

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10 Anakin uses the Force to build C-3PO

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Anakin and C-3PO look at each other in

In the novels of Daniel Jose Auld Rush to the crash point towerA High Republic Jedi Padawan named Ram Jomaran had a deep connection to technology through the Force. He can use the Force to diagnose and solve any problem. This was encouraged, as Jedi during the High Republic believed in exploring their personal connection to the Force and unique abilities.

This Jedi power is very rare, as most Jedi only bond with living things. After all, the Force is an energy field created specifically by living things. At least for now, there is no mention of midi-chlorians in non-living matter. Star Wars Canon.

Although the Jedi Order had stricter views on how to use the Force Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Anakin Skywalker used the same powers as Ram Chomaran when creating C-3PO. Although he was just a kid with no Jedi training at the time, he was able to use the Force to guide him as he built C-3PO. The fact that Anakin is able to use Force-connected technology shows how powerful his powers are.

9 Anakin uses his Jedi reflexes to win a speeding race

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Anakin and Sebula go head-to-head in The Phantom Menace Boonta Night Classic pod race

When Anakin first met Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé Amidala, he told the three that he was the only human who could win the pod race. Qui-Gon replies that he must have Jedi reflexes. While unusually fast reflexes might not seem like the greatest Jedi strength, it’s worth noting that Anakin didn’t have any Jedi training at the time. He knew nothing about the Force. This means that he is mindlessly using the Force to enhance his physical and situational awareness. Normally, this is something a Jedi would have to train to perfect, but Anakin did it automatically.

8 Anakin uses his Jedi reflexes to destroy the Trade Federation Droid Control Center

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

In The Phantom Menace, young Anakin Skywalker pilots a Naboo starfighter and destroys a Trade Federation control ship

exist The Phantom Menace, Anakin destroyed the Trade Federation’s spaceship droid control center by blowing up the main reactor. This is another example of Anakin using the Force to enhance his reflexes and situational awareness. Even though Anakin had never flown a starfighter before, he was able to find his way in the cockpit and fly it like he’d been training for his entire life. While he does have some pod racing experience, a pod cockpit is not the same as a starfighter cockpit. However, he quickly figured out how to pilot it thanks to his Force-enhanced reflexes and situational awareness.

7 Anakin uses the Force to create bubbles

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4, Episode 3 “Prisoners”

Anakin and Kit Fisto pictured after creating a bubble that allowed Padmé Amidala to breathe underwater

inside Star Wars: The Clone Wars In “Prisoners”, Padmé, Anakin, Jar Jar Binks, and Jedi Master Kit Fisto were imprisoned at the ocean world of Mon Cala. Padmé’s helmet was damaged and began to take in water rapidly. Anakin and Kit Fisto used the Force to create a bubble that allowed her to breathe long enough to seal her helmet. Not only does creating the bubbles require tremendous control over the bubbles themselves, but they are located very deep underwater. This means Anakin and Kit Fisto are also battling water pressure.

6 Anakin single-handedly defeated a giant spider robot

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie

inside Star Wars: The Clone Wars In the movie, Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi encounter giant spider droids while fighting an army of Separatist droids. Anakin used the Force to take down one of the droids all by himself. This is an impressive feat, as these droids are much harder to destroy than typical Separatist droids – and the fact that Anakin did it alone is pretty remarkable.

Kenobi's Darth Vader next to his Star Wars Force artwork
RELATED All of Darth Vader’s Force Powers in Canon Explained Since his introduction in 1977, Darth Vader has displayed many Force powers in Star Wars canon. Below is a summary and explanation of each of these.

5 Anakin jumps off the speedboat

Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Anakin jumps out of the yellow speedboat in Attack of the Clones

exist Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones, Anakin and Obi-Wan are hunting down Padmé’s would-be assassin, Zam Wessel. During the chase, Anakin nonchalantly jumped from his and Obi-Wan’s airship, falling several stories in the busy traffic of Coruscant. He evades the race car and lands unscathed on Wessel’s airship. Wessel also managed to catch him when he tried to get rid of him by erratic flying.

This is an amazing feat. Not only can he use the Force to dodge flying, speeding vehicles, but he’s also able to provide enough cushioning when landing so that he doesn’t get hurt after falling onto metal. This is enough to prove how powerful he is.

4 Anakin Kan Skywalk

Thrawn: Alliance

In Timothy Zahn’s book Thrawn: AllianceIt was revealed that the young Chiss girl known as Skywalker could use the Force to travel through dangerous and chaotic space. They use their ability to see seconds into the future to guide the Chiss ship through Chaos, a region of space known for its spatial anomalies and dangerous hyperspace lanes. Anakin can also do this, which is called “double vision.” He is able to see both the present and the near future simultaneously.

3 Anakin kills the Sith Lord

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

In Star Wars, Anakin kills Count Dooku on Chancellor Palpatine's orders

exist Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Anakin single-handedly defeated the Sith Lord Count Dooku. Even after Obi-Wan was knocked out, Anakin was still able to call upon the Force to enhance his reflexes and senses to defeat Dooku. This is an incredible feat, as Dooku is one of the most powerful users of the Dark Side. After all, he was trained by Master Yoda and Darth Sidious. This makes him highly skilled. The speed with which he defeated Obi-Wan proved it. However, Anakin killed him easily.

2 Anakin becomes a Force Ghost without training

Return of the Jedi

it is at Star Wars Canon holds that becoming a Force Ghost requires a great deal of strength and training. Yoda and Obi-Wan were guided by Qui-Gon’s Force ghost. Yoda also learned from a group of Force Priestesses. Anakin, on the other hand, became Darth Vader before being trained as a Force Ghost.But he appeared at the end Return of the Jedi Becoming a Force Ghost almost immediately after his death. Not only that, but he was able to manifest into his younger self, all without any known training.

1 Anakin balances the power of Mortis

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 16 “Altar of Death”

Anakin brings balance to Mortis' force

exist clone wars, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka Tano finally came to the mysterious and dangerous Force world Mortis. There they met the gods of Mortis: the Father, who represented the balance of the Force, the Son, who represented the dark side of the Force, and the daughter, who represented the light side of the Force. At his father’s request, and in an effort to save Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, Anakin briefly balanced the Force, forcing his son and daughter to submit. His father told Anakin that he was indeed the Chosen One and begged him to stay. Anakin chose to leave.

This is Anakin’s most powerful moment. However brief, this moment shows that he is actually capable of balancing the Force and fulfilling the prophecy.It gives us a glimpse of what might have been Star Wars If he hadn’t become Darth Vader.

all Star Wars Movies and TV shows are available to stream on Disney+.

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