Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Museum Entrances (Design Tips & Tricks)

Animal Crossing: New Horizons gives players a museum to fill with bugs, fish, and art to display on the walls. This guide will help players customize their museum entrance with helpful tips and tricks. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the best selling games on the Nintendo Switch, even beating out superstar franchises like Super Smash Bros and Pokemon. Players can beat customize their islands to almost every degree. From changing the layout of the island with terraforming to growing the size of the players home by taking out loans, Animal Crossing: New Horizons gives its players the opportunity to express themselves from the type of island they want to produce. Early on, the player will have the opportunity to open up the museum on their island. Inside the museum, players can display their findings from the island in beautiful exhibits. While the inside of the museum cannot be changed aside from adding new specimens for the exhibit, the player can change its surroundings on the outside. If the player has ever visited a museum in the real-world, most museums have a theatrical design for their exteriors, providing a sense of adventure and historical context for what the visitor can expect. This guide will help players customize their entrances for the museum in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

For players to unlock the museum, they would need to bring 5 different specimen types to Tom Nook at the very early stages of the island. This is before either Timmy or Tommy open up the Nook’s Cranny shop and before the Resident Hall gets its big upgrade. Providing these specimens to Tom Nook will give him the idea to call up his friend Blathers. Blathers is a reoccurring character in the Animal Crossing series that is associated with the museum. Once Blather’s arrive, his personality with pop as he presents his excitement for fish and art. Although, when the player presents Blathers with a bug, Blathers will cower in fear at the mear sight of it. This fear of bugs originates in Blather’s childhood, where a mantis egg case ruptured on his desk, causing thousands of mantises to fly out and scare him. This is a pretty traumatic experience for anyone to go through and makes valid sense for his fear of bugs. Blathers will remain inside of the museum, waiting for the player to present a new specimen for submission. Here are some helpful tips for designing the outside of the museum.

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Museum Entrance Design Tips

For starters, the museum should represent and match the theme following the rest of the island. Base the way you plan to build your museum entrance as it matches the rest of the island. This means to take certain color schemes into account, and what patterns the player would like to have on display. Museums are monuments to history, recalling life that existed a long time ago into one location. It is recommended to use the custom designs app on the Nook Phone to create a color for a carpet. This carpet will be placed at the entrance of the museum and rundown to the very bottom of the island (or at least until the player feels comfortable stopping). The player can also create rope fences to barricade. Players can get the recipe for rope fences by redeeming Nook Miles at the Nook Stop machine in the Residence Hall. Once the recipe is collected, the rope fences require 4 Iron Nuggets to be constructed. The neat thing about making rope fences is the fact that it comes in a stack of 10 per crafting, making it easier to bulk make several fences at once.

Once the rope and carpet have been laid down, if the player has any additional fossils that Blathers will not accept, rather than selling them at the Nook’s Shop, access them, then place them out on display at the front of the museum. It is recommended to use the skulls of the fossils to put out in the front since these look the coolest. Showing off a tailor a random wing of a dinosaur isn’t nearly as impressive.

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As for fish, C.J will often appear on the island. He’s a blue-eyed beaver that will purchase fish for a higher price than Nook’s Cranny. When he appears is completely random, but keep an eye for him for when he does. C.J also has the ability to create statues of certain fish that have been captured by the player. The player will need to bring three of the same fish in order for him to create the model replica. Placing this model replica will not only flex the fishing ability of the player but will excite visitors for what’s to come once they go inside, making it a perfect addition for the front of the museum. Flick is another character in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that makes models of specific creatures. Flick is essentially the bug equivalent for C.J’s fish, as Flick will also make a special model for the player once they bring him three of the same bug. Make sure to put these out on display near the museum entrance.

Within the walls of the museum are achieves of everything that the player has collected up to this point. Each fish, bug, and fossil has a memory attached to it, reminding the player of the time they enjoyed playing the game. The museum begins extremely barren, with very little to see or do. But as the player continues to expand its collection, the museum becomes much more elaborate in its presentation. This is why it is recommended to visit other islands in different hemispheres. Players can do this by traveling to a friend who has an island in a different hemisphere. Different species appear depending on the time of year and Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game for players to return back to every day. It’s a gameplay experience that grows over time alongside the player and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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