Baby dies after ‘exhausted mum fell asleep while breastfeeding’ when she was sent home just four hours after birth

A NEWBORN baby died tragically after her exhausted mother was sent home just four hours after a lengthy labour, an inquest heard.

Little Evelyn Grace March was just one day old when her mom fell asleep while trying to nurse her in her own bed.


The boy was pronounced dead at Leeds General Infirmary in Leeds Credit: AFP

Evelyn and her mom were discharged home on September 26, 2023 despite having little sleep for two days until her baby was born.

On Wednesday, September 27, around 1:45 a.m., the baby was brought into the mother’s bed because she was upset.

It is believed that the mother fell asleep while breastfeeding.

When she awoke again around 4 a.m., the baby was at her mother’s breast, unresponsive.

Despite emergency treatment she could not be revived and was sadly pronounced dead at 7.50am at Leeds General Infirmary – the same place where she had been born just the day before.

Evelyn’s cause of death was recorded as “undetermined”, but the coroner said the death was likely caused by accidental suffocation of the baby by a sleeping adult.

During her investigation, it was determined that she suffocated because her mother fell asleep while trying to feed her.

Now, the senior coroner for West Yorkshire, Kevin McLoughlin, warned that “the tragedy could have been avoided” if she had been allowed to sleep at Leeds General Infirmary for a few hours, with her baby monitored.

Writing to Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, he questioned the “wisdom” of sending Evelyn’s mum home “so soon” after a prolonged labor and induced labour.

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Mr McLoughlin added that they believed there was a risk of future deaths if the hospital did not take action.

The coroner said: “In my opinion action should be taken to prevent future deaths and I believe your organization has the power to take such action.”

In a report sent to Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, the coroner identified four issues of concern.

It said: “The mother endured prolonged labor and little sleep from Sunday, September 24, until her baby was born at 4.38am on Tuesday, September 26. She was exhausted.

“The baby and her parents were sent home four hours after the birth – at 8.39am.

“The baby’s death is believed to be the result of the exhausted mother falling asleep while trying to nurse the distressed baby in her own bed shortly after 1.45am on Wednesday 27 September.

“One should think about how wise it is to discharge a mother so soon after a prolonged labor and induced labor.

“Had she been allowed to sleep in the hospital for a few hours knowing her child was being monitored, the tragedy may have been avoided.”

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has been given 56 days to respond to the report detailing the action taken or proposed.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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