Cyberpunk 2077’s Worst Romance Options (& Why They’re So Bad)

When V isn’t busy killing Gonks, messing with Johnny, or speeding through neon-lit streets in luxury cars, they might want to indulge in one of these. Electronic 2077Romantic choices – but sadly, some characters aren’t worth the extra effort. While each of them is well-written in the game’s overarching universe and stands out from the crowds in Night City, the romantic arcs with the latter characters are still pretty lackluster compared to the rest of the characters. other object. Players are better off looking for other options (or even just looking for clues about their fixers).

Vin doesn’t have many romantic options Electronic 2077 Firstly, this only adds to the problem. virtual freedom The DLC will be released sometime in 2023 and will hopefully include new options for players to explore. If not, there are several options available Electronic 2077 Characters that should be romantically chosen will greatly benefit from unraveling their stories in upcoming expansions. But most notably are the worst romantic choices in the game, and they leave a lot to be desired.

Cyberpunk 2077’s Meredith Has A Pointless Romance

Meredith Stout has the ability, one of the Electronic 2077Worst romantic option, die before V even has a chance to know her, it’s up to them in “pickup truckmission. However, if the player respects her at first meeting and then refuses to reveal her involvement with Royce, agent Militech will actually text them first and invite them to meet in person. Unfortunately, if V accepts, they’ll have a romance that doesn’t benefit them much (other than proving why business and entertainment should never be mixed).

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with Judy or Panam at Electronic 2077The busy woman seems to prefer a one-night stand – some players may prefer this romantic encounter to a committed fictional relationship – but despite this, the failure to form any What emotional connection to the character makes her romance fade? Even if the player only spends one night with Meredith, it helps a lot to learn more about her life or personality. However, Sir John Phallustiff’s iconic weapon somewhat makes up for this.

River has the potential to be Cyberpunk 2077’s romantic choice

In Cyberpunk 2077's restaurant, the river is opposite the player

Although River Ward shares a more personal and complex story with players, it falls short when it comes to romance. Most of the chemistry between the NCPD and V detectives takes place during their investigative adventures, and even that feels a bit out of place. After all, no matter what Electronic 2077 The path of life is for the player, who will end up working as a criminal for the underground elite of the Night City. When they meet River, their hands will be covered with a lot of blood: a trait idealists certainly do not appreciate.

This unique combination might have worked if his plot had featured consistent character development, but it doesn’t. Throughout the game, River is an energetic, outspoken man who is always preoccupied with family and work. It doesn’t sound like an exaggerated portrait of someone seeking justice for a city rife with crime, but at the same time, it makes him a caricature of what he could be. wall. River could have benefited from more weakness, selfishness, and even contempt for V, but his lack of depth ultimately made him Electronic 2077Worst romantic choice ever.

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Cyberpunk 2077 should expand Kerry’s romance

In the evening, Cyberpunk 2077's Kerry Eurodyne stands on the balcony wearing sunglasses.

Romantic Kerry Eurodyne Electronic 2077 Probably the most satisfying male pick, but the former rock boy is likely to be a better choice for V. The whole premise of dating and becoming close with former samurai members is pretty decent. weird, especially considering Johnny’s perpetual presence in V’s head, but it’s just a limit-melting romance that can be taken from the game’s popular girl Panam and Judy is there to steal the show. Regrettably, the limitations of this relationship eventually cemented Kerry as a Electronic 2077Worst romantic character ever.

Johnny is clearly a big deal for Kerry, and Kerry still has a lot of grudges against the lead singer of Samurai (which is understandable since Johnny is a narcissist who lied. Electronic 2077 players the whole time). But while it’s certainly an important part of his identity, it ultimately makes Carrey’s relationship seem distant and almost contrived. In fact, a tweet from R. Talsrian gameoriginal publisher Science Fiction The game on the table proves most of the reason why Kerry is so captivated by handsome V Cyberpunk 2077 ‘deeply rooted in unresolved issues involving Johnny’

A relationship with Kerry can lead to a strong character arc that highlights meaningful concepts like grief, forgiveness, and moving on. At the very least, he can play a bigger role in the whole story. Given his relationship as a Nightside rock star and his personal relationship with Johnny Silverhand, he would be the perfect fit for a dedicated character ending (besides his minor appearance in the Sun’s epilogue). Instead, Kerry seems to be stuck in the past, sadly portrayed as a Electronic 2077Worst romantic choice ever.

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Joytoys in Cyberpunk 2077 deserve better

Cyberpunk 2077 Joytoy Charlene is on the left and Joytoy Dusty is on the right.

Although one Electronic 2077 The mod turns the Smasher into a Joytoy, but it turns out that the prostitutes in the game aren’t very interesting right now. The Night City is not known for its purity and even if players are just walking the streets, they will hear and see no shortage of provocative advertisements. From a development standpoint, there’s a reason why the game’s Joytoys aren’t a priority, especially during its notoriously buggy launch. But from a storytelling standpoint, it’s surprising that after two years, V can only interact with two of the characters.

At last, Electronic 2077Each region has a distinct culture and is filled with characters from all walks of life. It will be fun to see Joytoys from each region, or these romantic companions can bring to life some of the empty locations and unused buildings in the game.

Joytoys, Meredith, Kerry and River at Electronic 2077 Romance, because unfortunately both are among the game’s worst choices. While each of these characters fit perfectly into the gritty out-of-date world of Night City, they seriously lack the depth and significance of the real story. virtual freedom CD Projekt Red will give players something new and exciting, but it would be wrong to forget about these pre-existing interests, everyone can benefit from a little extra love. Electronic 2077Worst character in love story.

Source: Cyberpunk 2077/YouTube, R. Talsorian/Twitter Game

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