D&D: Best Magic Items For Monks (& How To Use Them Correctly)

monk dungeons and dragons Classes are sometimes overlooked for more well-known classes such as wizards or druids, which may be more closely associated with magic items. However, monk classes have a number of unique traits and abilities that make them an interesting way to vary the typical in-game party. This is further enhanced by the game’s myriad of magic items, many of which fit well with the monk class, creating interesting synergies, moves, or significant boosts to stats.

Some players think monks are OP dungeons and dragons, but this is not always the case. While moves like Stunning Strike do give the class unique advantages, the Monk also has some disadvantages. For example, if they’re wearing armor, they lose the ability to use things like martial arts, making their character very soft, and their attacks are point-blank, making them more vulnerable to damage, further complicating this issue.These are the best magic items DND Helps increase monk level.

Defensive Bracers make D&D Monks less vulnerable

While a monk loses many of his abilities when donning armor, the rules don’t place the same restrictions on bracers.This is a fairly minor, non-game-breaking event DND Magic items can still provide a solid boost without any major changes to the DM. When wearing the Bracers of Defense, once the Rare item is attuned to the Monk they gain +2 to AC since they are not wearing armor or using a shield, this gives the Monk a solid way to get more restorative power in combat Intensity.

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Bloodrage tattoos solve two monk D&D problems

An orc gives another DnD character a magic tattoo.

Monks can take advantage of tattoos Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything good for them dungeons and dragonsAnd the Bloodrage Tattoo is undoubtedly one of the most powerful. This tattoo solves two of the monk’s problems: dealing enough damage, and being unable to heal.There are exceptions though, and as the game progresses the Monk may find himself weaker than other party members, but with the addition of the Bloodrage Tattoo DND Political parties may soon be overwhelmed.

The Bloodrage Tattoo comes with 10 daily charges that can be spent whenever the Monk hits an enemy in-game. dungeons and dragons. After hitting, the player can use the charge to deal an additional 4d6 necrotic damage, which is a huge power boost for this class. This damage is then converted to the monk’s health, dealing both damage and healing. Charge can also be used to enhance the Monk’s response to enemy attacks, allowing them to counterattack in an advantageous manner.

Boots of Speed ​​Make Monks Faster in D&D

D&D's green speed boots, white background.

The Monk is already an incredibly fast class designed to get hits and then get as far away as possible. With the Boots of Speed, the monk can walk twice as fast, which is great for charging into battle.While these rare boots may not be as DND tattoo from Tasha’s all-purpose cauldronthe ten minutes of speed they provide per long rest can be extremely useful if used strategically.

After coordinating, monks activate these speed boots by tapping their heels together wizard of oz style, in addition to doubling the distance they can now move, players will also find themselves somewhat protected from opportunity attacks. Enemies who attempt to attack the monk will be at a disadvantage, making it much less risky for the monk to take a detour. DND combat area. This means they can save their ki for other moves outside of Wind Step and give players a solid combat advantage.

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Spell Circle Storage is a D&D Monk Loophole

Gold D&D spell storage ring with small runes engraved on the outside and room for two fingers.

Typically, monks have very few spells they can cast dungeons and dragons,if so. However, spell storage rings can help players solve this problem, and also help them work around limitations in armor and shields.rather than dealing with the pros and cons DND In an attempt to gain spells, the monk can gain access to this ring through multi-level assortment – it can hold up to five levels of spells – infused by more magical party members, but can adapt it to themselves.

Spells that provide AC boosts like shields are great for this rare item, making up for the typical AC limitations of monks. However, it can be used in a number of creative ways, adding power or flavor to a character. Players can utilize the ring for ranged attacks to balance out the monk’s typical close combat style, or use things like Disguise Self to aid more stealth-focused monks. The ring utilizes the spell save DC, slots, and spellcasting attack bonus and abilities of the original caster, which is good news for players with powerful magic users in their party.

Broomsticks help D&D monks eliminate more enemies

D&D flying broom, brown broom on white background.

Some games, such as hadozee – a new 5e game DNDof spell disruptor: Space Adventure Outfits – and some in-game items, such as wing boots, that allow some form of flight or gliding Dungeons and Dragons. However, one of the easiest ways to achieve flight in the game is through the broomstick – it’s easier to get since it’s only a rare item and doesn’t require tuning, allowing monks to save room for other tuned items. Flight is very important for monks as they rely heavily on melee combat, and this broom allows them to easily get into range.

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The broomstick has a speed of 50 feet, but if the rider is over 200 pounds, the speed drops to 30 pounds, with a maximum weight of 400 pounds.In addition to being a useful combat tool, it’s also a great way for DMs to create homebrews inspired by fantasy books DND Activity for added flavor. A neat extra feature of the broomstick is that, if the character is familiar with broomsticks, the player can also send the broom itself to a location within a mile, as a potential taxi to disperse the party.

Of course, adding any magic items must be at the DM’s discretion, and some of the more powerful things on this list might be a tough sell. However, experimenting with magic items like this is a great way to spice up a class that sometimes gets as under the radar as monks.Players can do this in other ways as well, such as trying out new subclasses, but interesting objects can help add power and flavor dungeons and dragons No need to create a whole new character.

Source: StelySam/YouTube

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