D&D’s Robe Of Useful Items Might Break Your Game, But It’s Great

in the whole process Dungeons and Dragons During the event, the party will have a chance to collect some useful items. These items can be found by searching in dungeons or simply by visiting shops in towns or kingdoms. While some of these trinkets may be nothing more than potions, gems, or important items Dungeons and Dragons Books and many rare and precious items can greatly increase the player’s overall abilities, such as the cloak of useful items.

cape of useful items Dungeons and Dragons is a great dress. Great items are rare and often expensive if purchased in the store. They may have magical properties that increase their power Dungeons and Dragons A character’s AC, giving it an advantage in certain checks or possessing useful abilities. The cloak of useful items is a magic item that is not common in research and development, which means it may appear in shops or dungeon loot more often than rare wonders. It can be worn and used by any class or race.

After buying Dungeons and Dragons Cloak of useful items, players need to work with their DM to determine what items they can use. The cape is covered with patches representing items, which can be removed with an action. Once detached, the items become visible. According to DnDBeyond, the cloaks of all useful items come with 12 guaranteed patches.

  • dagger x2
  • x2 Bullseye Lantern ready to use
  • steel mirror x2
  • x2 10ft . columns
  • x2 50ft . Hepen Wire
  • x2 sacks
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D&D useful items cloak can provide different options

Along with the first 12 predefined patches, in Dungeons and Dragons The utility item cloak also has an additional 4D4 patch. They are determined by rolling the D100 and referring to the facts table. Dungeons and Dragons Players get a perfect score and they can have up to 16 extra special patches. This makes it possible to have up to 28 patches for capes of useful items. Here are other items that players can get based on the cape they roll the dice.

  • 01-08 – A bag of 100 GP.
  • 15-09 – Silver Chest worth 500 GP, 1 foot long, 6 inches wide and deep.
  • 16-22 – A 10′ wide iron gate can be placed in the existing opening.
  • 23-30 – 10 different gems, each worth 100 GP.
  • 31-44 – A 24 foot long wooden ladder.
  • 45-51 – A fully equipped horse.
  • 52-59 – 10 cubic feet pit, placed anywhere the player chooses within 10ft.
  • 60-68 – x4 Healing Potion.
  • 69-75 – 12-foot rowing boat.
  • 76-83 – A spell scroll containing a level 1 to level 3 spell.
  • 84-90 – x2 Mastiff.
  • 91-96 – 2′ x 4′ windows that magically fit into the wall.
  • 97-00 – portable ram.

After all patches have been applied to the Cloak of Useful Items, the Cloak loses its magical properties and becomes a normal garment. However, some Dungeons and Dragons The DM may choose to allow the player to roll D4 at each long break, restoring some of the player’s original patches on the cape. These homebrew restrictions depend on Dungeons and Dragons DM, as access to unlimited items may give an unfair advantage in certain event settings. No one wants to fix things just by pulling something out of their cloak, as that can drain the immersive experience (and DM’s patience) very quickly.

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Source: DnDBeyond

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