Bruce Campbell’s Evil Dead Rise Cameo Teased By Director

evil death rises According to director Lee Cronin, the film has a hidden figure of Bruce Campbell. Sam Raimi produced the original 1981 evil death It only sold for $375,000, but the film became the horror classic that launched the entire franchise. evil deathRaimi’s friend Campbell returns for every sequel in the series, even appearing in the 2013 end credits. evil death restart.

Campbell’s Ash Williams Is Clearly Not The Latest Lead evil death cronin film evil death risesbut according to the director, he does appear in the new movie. Talk about EmpireCronin joked that Campbell himself might not be in the movie evil death A hidden star somewhere in the movie. Cronin even promised that any evil death rises. Check out what the director had to say in the space below:

“It seems that in order to take the brand to new places and unlock the potential of the universe to tell more stories, it needs to stay away from [of Ash]. But Bruce is hiding somewhere in the movie. Bruce Lee’s presence in the film is minimal. The first person to find out and tweet me, I’ll give them $50. “

How Evil Dead Rise tweaked the franchise formula

campbell is not present evil death risesaside from the hat Cronin teased, it’s actually a great development for the franchise. But it seems Cronin really wants to make his mark in the latest installment evil death the movie, in his view, meant getting rid of Ash’s character and all accumulating evil death Legend accompanies him.

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Removing Ash Williams as a real character isn’t the only way evil death rises Change the franchise formula. Another major change is the setting of the film, as the action takes place in a Los Angeles apartment rather than a creepy chalet in the woods. Cronin reassured fans that although evil death rises Out of the forest, the new film still revolves around the feeling of being trapped in a small space that was characteristic of the original. The new film also delves into themes of family, which were not the main aspects of the previous films, which featured a group of friends haunted by demonic forces.

Magic is obviously the key factor evil death rises An earlier entry in the franchise has been kept as it will not evil death There’s no Necronomicon movie, and someone stupidly utters the magic words that bring out best friends. Finally, there may be evil death Proof that the 2013 film did not have Ash Williams in the lead role. But Ash doesn’t necessarily have to leave the franchise forever, as Raimi himself has only said that he hopes to eventually make another film. evil death Movie with Campbell. But now, evil death rises In Cronin’s hands, it will be interesting to see what he does with the franchise.

Source: Empire

main release date

  • The Demon of Death Rises
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