Furious sisters who posted naked pics of dad’s lover online only for it to backfire ‘acted after rage took over’

WHEN Sophie and Ellie Brown discovered their dad had been cheating on their mum, they were furious.

Eager for revenge, they looked for the perfect opportunity to get back at the woman who helped destroy their seemingly perfect family.


Sisters Sophie and Ellie Brown, both left, put nude pictures of their father’s mistress on an escort website to ‘humiliate’ her for cheating on their mum, right, but it backfiredDad Geoff Brown had an affair with a woman who was also married


Dad Geoff Brown had an affair with a woman who was also married

So when they discovered the nude pictures the woman had sent to their dad, they jumped at the chance.

They first thought about putting the pictures on Gumtree and advertising her sex services for £5.

Instead they posted the footage on an escort site – along with the phone number of their victim’s husband.

As an act of revenge goes, it was a particularly low blow—and one that backfired spectacularly.

Constable Sophie, 27, had to leave her job as a patrol officer, while her sibling Ellie, 24, was told she could face jail for posting private images without consent.

It’s a sad end to a nine-year saga that tore their family apart and almost certainly destroyed the sisters’ future.

‘Calculate effort’

Perhaps ironically, their dad Geoff and mum Sarah appear to have saved their marriage and are staying in the family’s £300,000 home in upscale Wetherby, West Yorks, where a Jaguar sits in the driveway.

As far as anyone knew, they live as a happy family and are really nice people

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Sophie is believed to still live with her parents while Ellie has a home in Leeds.

Neighbors in the tidy cul-de-sac expressed their shock at the family crisis they had caused themselves.

One said: “As far as anyone knew, they live as a happy family and are really nice people. The eldest daughter lives there, but the youngest has her own apartment.

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“It’s sad to see them in this predicament, with one in big trouble and Sophie losing her police job, which she hasn’t had for a long time.”

Another neighbor told The Sun that Geoff and Sarah seemed like a “happy normal couple” and that she was a “keen rider and a proud mum to her girls”.

It would be hard not to sympathize with the girls if their actions weren’t so extreme.

On the surface, the family appeared to have a happy, rural life with holidays abroad, which included trips to India and Los Angeles, mother-daughter days out and a shared love of dogs and horses.

It all came crashing down in 2015 when Sarah Brown (57) discovered husband Geoff (61) was having an affair after finding intimate photos and videos of his lover.

However, seven years passed before her daughters’ act of revenge.

The sisters sent sexual images of their dad’s ex-lover to her husband via WhatsApp and made lewd posts about the woman on his business website.

They also sent a message to the couple’s unsuspecting daughter, who knew nothing about the relationship, which read: “I will make sure your mom never forgets what she did to my family.”

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It’s not clear whether the sisters just found out about their father’s affair, but criminal psychologist Naomi Murphy said it was likely.

A kind of rage took over. Something happened to trigger this response

Criminal psychologist Naomi Murphy

She said: “What the sisters did was a very inflammatory response – an emotional response.

“It’s not something you do if you’ve been bothering yourself for seven years and I wonder if they happened to come across pictures of their victim.

“Some kind of anger took over. Something happened to trigger this response.

“Sophie, as a police officer, would know that her actions would have implications, but when people are angry, they act in very irrational ways. Alcohol can make people want revenge. But I don’t think so here because they were seven years old and, even if they drink, why now?”

‘Under stress’

Whatever motivated the sisters, their actions were described at Leeds Crown Court earlier this month as a “vile and calculated attempt to cause trouble”.

Ellie had denied two counts of sharing private images without consent, but admitted it just before she was due to give evidence.

Judge Alexander Menary said it was “almost inevitable” he would be jailed for sentencing next month.

A court heard the wronged husband in the case said he could understand the siblings being “frustrated” by what had happened but had no idea why they were so “hell-bent” on trying to damage his business.

Geoff and mum Sarah appear to have saved their marriage and are staying at the family's £300,000 home in Yorkshire, pictured on holiday in India


Geoff and mum Sarah appear to have saved their marriage and are staying at the family’s £300,000 home in Yorkshire, pictured on holiday in India

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While her sister faces time behind bars, Sophie has had to resign from West Yorkshire Police in disgrace.

A police hearing in April found her guilty of gross misconduct and said she would have been dismissed had she still been serving.

She was acquitted of unrelated charges of racial discrimination, although she admitted repeatedly using racial slurs in phone messages to her sister.

The commission heard how Sophie “encouraged” and “encouraged” her, while Ellie was instrumental in getting the images published.

The sisters are said to have first considered posting the pictures on Gumtree and advertising sex for £5.

Phone messages exchanged between the couple indicated that they had switched to their escort seat plan.

‘This is not revenge’

Police Federation representative Sergeant Luke Stead told the hearing that the Brown family were under “stress” at the time of the incidents, which took place over a short period in August and September 2022.

Sophie repeatedly interrupted the proceedings and claimed: “This was not revenge.

“We were beating her up because of the photos she sent to my dad.”

A confused Geoff Brown refused to comment on the case at the family home.

With his wife clearly in tatters and one of his daughters facing jail while the other’s police career is in shambles, one might wonder if his relationship was really worth it.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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