Garden Rescue star Charlie Dimmock’s early career in pictures

Charlie Dimmock has been a regular on our TV screens for many years, but nowadays you can find the presenter and garden expert appearing on the likes of the popular BBC show, Garden Rescue.

But back in the day, Charlie was best-known for appearing on another popular garden show. The 56-year-old began her career back in 1997 when she first appeared alongside Alan Titchmarsh and Tommy Walsh on Ground Force.

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The programme ran for eight years before it came to an end, making Alan, Tommy and Charlie household names. Here’s a throwback to Charlie’s early career and what the presenter looked like then and now…

Charlie Dimmock then: early TV career

After studying horticulture and training at the Chelsea Physic Garden, Charlie landed her gig on Ground Force alongside fellow hosts Alan Titchmarsh and Tommy Walsh. Charlie became somewhat of a heartthrob on the show. However, the presenter admitted her newfound fame was something she admitted she didn’t expect to happen.

charlie dimmock alan ground force© Photo: RexCharlie presented Ground Force alongside Alan Titchmarsh

Speaking in 2014, Charlie said: “It was all very silly. I remember Esther Rantzen said to me, ‘You’ll be referred to as the bra-less one for the rest of your life.'” She added: “People still comment on it to me. Some of them are male fans, some of them are female.”

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charlie dimmock early career© Photo: Getty ImagesThe presenter pictured in her early career

Charlie Dimmock now: Garden Rescue

In July 2016, Charlie began presenting new gardening show Garden Rescue. For those unfamiliar with the format, Charlie, along with fellow horticulture experts Lee Burkhill, Flo Headlam and Chris Hull, transform unloved gardens up and down the nation into their owner’s dream outdoor space. The green-fingered presenter previously hosted the show alongside Harry and David Rich and Arit Anderson until the trio left the show in 2021. 

Charlie Dimmock, Alan Titchmarsh and Tommy Walsh© Tony Sapiano/ShutterstockCharlie Dimmock, Alan Titchmarsh and Tommy Walsh on Ground Force

Charlie returned to screens in 2016 after an 11-year break from TV. Addressing the reason behind her hiatus in a previous interview with, Charlie said: “People think that if you’re suddenly not on telly, you’ve stopped working. “That doesn’t happen, because we all have mortgages to pay,” she added, laughing. 

“I had been on TV a very long time [1997 to 2005], but I had always been doing other things. Ground Force ran its course. It was of its time. It was good fun, very enjoyable, and it had its run.” 

She added: “I’ve been busy. At the end of the day I do have a real job. I’m a gardener. I do garden design. I’ve been doing a lot of work with dementia homes, at flower shows, giving demonstrations, working on cruises. I’ve been pootling around doing quite a lot of things.”

Charlie Dimmock Chris Hull standing in sunny garden on Garden Rescue© Natalie LingCharlie Dimmock with her co-star Chris Hull on Garden Rescue

Charlie Dimmock’s personal life

Although Charlie is reportedly currently single, the presenter has had her brush with romance in the past. While travelling in New Zealand during the early nineties, Charlie met viticulturist John Mushet, whom she settled down with upon returning home.

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charlie dimmock past love© Photo: Getty ImagesCharlie pictured with John Mushet

Although John referred to her as “the missus” during their relationship, the pair were never married and split in 2001 after Charlie had a fling with Ground Force microphone operator Andy Simmons.

MORE: Inside Garden Rescue star Charlie Dimmock’s home and family life away from cameras

MORE: Garden Rescue star Charlie Dimmock’s family heartache revealed

Garden Rescue presenters Chris Hull, Flo Headlam, Charlie Dimmock, Lee Burkhill© Spun Gold TVCharlie with her fellow Garden Rescue presenters Chris Hull, Flo Headlam and Lee Burkhill

On the prospects of love in the future, Charlie told the Daily Mail: “I’m too old now, certainly too old for marriage, there’s no point. I do think I’m too old now. I can’t see anything happening when it comes to romance; somebody would have to really bowl me over. I am quite content without a man in my life.”

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Categories: Entertaintment
Source: HIS Education

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