Highly-contagious diarrhoea bug cryptosporidium found in family favourite sold at major supermarkets

A VERY contagious parasite has been found in pre-washed vegetables from several large supermarkets.

Cryptosporidium, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting, was present in 17 per cent of samples analyzed by scientists across Kent.

Pre-washed vegetables sold in four major supermarkets have tested positive for cryptosporidium, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting


Pre-washed vegetables sold in four major supermarkets have tested positive for cryptosporidium, which can cause diarrhea and vomitingCredit: Getty

The study, carried out by the University of Kent’s School of Biological Sciences, warned families to take extra care when consuming ready-to-eat products.

Cryptosporidium is a water- and food-borne parasite that causes an infection called cryptosporidiosis.

Over the past few months, it has affected people and domestic animals across the UK, causing diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, headaches and fatigue.

Several people were hospitalized.

Cryptosporidium is commonly found in lakes, streams, rivers and untreated drinking water, but may be present in food.

There is evidence of infections from eating and drinking unpasteurised milk, undercooked meat and offal (liver, kidney and heart), but research on the presence of Cryptosporidium in pre-washed ready-to-eat vegetables in the UK is limited.

The study, published in the journal Parasitology Research, looked at 36 pre-washed vegetables bought from four major supermarkets in Canterbury between May and July 2023.

Samples were randomly selected from packaged ready-made varieties and duplicates were obtained from each.

Twelve samples were excluded because not enough DNA could be extracted.

But of the remaining 24, 58 percent tested positive for cryptosporidium, and 17 percent (four) produced similarities to cryptosporidium parvum—the leading cause of human cryptosporidiosis.

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Although many people will experience mild symptoms, infections can be life-threatening – especially for young children.

“Infection is associated with failure to thrive, malnutrition, cognitive deficits, and stunting in infants and children, so efforts to prevent infections and outbreaks should be rigorously enforced,” the authors said.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends re-washing ready-to-eat vegetables to ensure they are safe and do not get sick.

The source of the parasite is unclear, but it could be present in irrigation water or fertilizers, or transmitted during harvesting, processing, packaging or transport, the authors said.


“This pilot study could reveal a potential common source of Cryptosporidium infection in various regions of the UK,” they added.

“Vegetables from individual supermarket chains are packed in their central facilities and then distributed throughout the country.

“While pre-washed and ready-to-eat vegetables are washed more thoroughly with water containing chlorine-based disinfectants compared to unpackaged vegetables, cryptosporidium particles (oocysts) are actually resistant to chlorine disinfection and can only be reliably removed by boiling water or filtration.

“So they are expected to be parasite-free and ready to eat straight from the package, but some oocysts remain and are likely to cause disease.

“Our study could contribute to the development of better strategies to prevent Cryptosporidium infection.

“Further studies could focus on tracking the exact point of contamination and addressing it.”

Take steps to protect yourself and your family

By Lizzie Parry, Head of Health

ANYONE who has had a bout of norovirus knows how miserable a stomach bug can be.

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In this case, the cause appears to be the parasite cryptosporidium, a tiny organism that causes a disease known as cryptosporidiosis.

The bug can be found in the intestines and feces of infected people and animals.

Anyone can get sick, but it most often occurs in children from one to five years old.

Other people at high risk include people who work with animals, people exposed to human feces (parents changing diapers), and people who swim in open water.

This is because you got the bug from an infected person or animal by coming into contact with their feces.

Other sources of infection include drinking or swimming in contaminated water, eating contaminated fresh food (unwashed or unpeeled vegetables or salads), and drinking contaminated raw milk.

As with norovirus, the symptoms can be very unpleasant, watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, fever and loss of appetite, which can lead to dehydration.

Symptoms usually last about two weeks, but may subside and reappear during that time.

The only way to know for sure if you’re infected—and to tell it apart from other stomach bugs—is to ask your doctor to test a stool sample.

As with other contagious insects, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family.

First and foremost, wash your hands thoroughly with warm soap and water before handling any food, after preparing raw food, after going to the bathroom or changing a child’s diaper, and after playing with or caring for animals – including your pets.

And if you or a member of your family becomes infected with the bug, be sure to wash all dirty linens and towels, avoid sharing towels, clean all bathrooms, and avoid preparing food for others until at least 48 hours have passed without symptoms.

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It goes without saying that if you have symptoms, you should avoid going to work or taking your children to school until you have been symptom-free for 48 hours.

There is no specific treatment, but most healthy people will recover within a month. The NHS notes that it is important to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

If you’re worried about your child or can’t ignore the bug, it’s worth talking to your GP – try filling out the online consultation form.

dr. Anastasios Tsaousis, head of the research, added: “Although our 2023 study cannot differentiate between live and inert Cryptosporidium, it is still important because the presence of Cryptosporidium in pre-washed vegetables may mean reconsidering the sanitation methods used by suppliers along the production chain such as improved hygiene measures during harvesting, processing, packaging, transport and storage.

“There is also a need to increase awareness among consumers about proper storage of vegetables and washing hands before eating.”

As well as through food, you can get cryptosporidiosis directly from another person or animal by touching feces, (for example when changing a diaper) and putting your hands near or in your mouth without washing them thoroughly.

It is also spread from infected animals or by swimming in contaminated water or drinking.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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