How Old Pelle REALLY Is & His Role In The Harga Cult Explained

Folk Horror by Arian Astor mid autumn festival Tells the story of the Harga sect’s Mid-Autumn Festival, its origins, ages, and the role of Pelle (Vilhelm Blomgren) in the cult. While he seems to play a much smaller role than the rest of the cast, his character really pushes the movie forward. Pelle seems like another member of the Swedish cult, but he mid autumn festival before the movie.

It stars Florence Pugh as Dani, who becomes Queen of May at the end of the story. As her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) overcomes her grief from the trauma of her family’s sudden loss, Pell hugs her and assures her she is being taken care of. . His behavior can be inferred from the way Harga raised him, but it’s also the only way for him to function successfully during Midsummer Celebration. Astor’s folk horror films don’t reveal much about his origins. He told everyone that he was orphaned after his parents died in a fire. Some fan theorists speculate that they participated in the ninth and final day of the festival, when they were burned as part of a midsummer ritual.

This theory is somewhat plausible, but it means they died 90 years ago, the last time the festival was held. The Harga sect believes that when a person sacrifices themselves, their life force is given to the younger members. If so, Pellet will have 72 years of extra life for their sacrifice. It may seem a bit far-fetched, but even the leader of the cult is astounded, he always has a keen eye for selecting people to participate in midsummer activities. Meaning, he has done this many times in his life. Currently, his age is still a mystery, suggesting that his lifespan could be up to hundreds of years. Despite that, his role in the Harga cult is not a mystery given specific circumstances throughout the film.

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Explaining Pelle’s role in the Harga . sect

Pelle was one of three sent to various locations to bring back a group of people to be used as sacrifices, one lucky person destined to become Queen of May. The other two, Ingemar and Ulf, voluntarily died with their accomplices. Each of the three men is tasked with finding a woman who will make the perfect Queen of May, and Pell finds Dany, who will forever wear the crown. Leader Harga exclaims that he will be rewarded handsomely if he completes the quest that the others left unfinished. His role in the cult is to find the next Queen of May, which he has probably done countless times.

mid autumn festival Without shying away from the odd scene, it’s entirely possible that Pelle is much older than he claims to be and is a proficient May Queen detector. It is implied that Pelle and Dani are meant to be together since they are an astrological couple. Not only is she ideal to be Queen Harga, but she is also Pelle’s ideal companion. This further expands his role within the cult, as they will presumably be instrumental in spawning another individual who will go find a new group to attend the next festival. At the end of the day, Pelle’s primary role is to bring in a group of people with potential but also sacrifices. If he succeeds in bringing back the Queen of May next, he will get a new mate and perhaps live longer.

His character belongs to the larger myth of the Harga cult, which is constantly debated and complicated as new theories are introduced. Although Pelle is not the main character of interest, mid autumn festival That couldn’t have happened without him, which means his goal is much bigger than Ari Aster’s.

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