The earthquake shook the tourist focal point near the large barrier ridge – forcing holiday workers to evacuate.
The 4.4 magnitude earthquake hit near Townsville, northern Queensland, around 9:30 pm, according to Geosciences Australia.
The earthquake hit near Townsville in northern Queensland, Australia
Townsville is a popular destination for tourists who want to explore Great Barrier Reefcredit: Reuters
Brenn Clinton, a British executive director, said his daughter was staying at a hotel in the city and had to evacuate the building.
He said, “My daughter just faced, she was just evacuated from her hotel because of an earthquake, Northern Australia. She had never experienced an earthquake before.”
The jerk was felt in the north of Cairns, 282 km along the coast.
Anyone who needs help is invited to call the emergency room by the Geoscience group.
Townsville is the largest community in northern Queensland with 200,000 inhabitants.
It houses the aquarium Reef HQ, which hosts marine life, coral and turtle hospital.
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The 4.4 earthquake epicenter was on the coast, near the coral ridge
Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education