Making Freelance Writing Bio: A Beginner’s Guide

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer Johnathan Fuentes. Johnathan Fuentes is a writer from the New York area. His interests as a writer include space exploration, science education, immigration, Latin American cultures, LGBTQ+ issues, and long-form journalism. He is also an avid hiker and has traveled to Alaska and Newfoundland, Canada. The son of Cuban immigrants, he is bilingual in English and Spanish. Before joining wikiHow, he worked in academic publishing and was a freelance writer for science websites. He graduated from Columbia University in 2021, where he studied nonfiction writing and wrote for the student newspaper. He’s currently counting down the seconds until the 2023 release of Kerbal Space Program 2 — a game that will almost certainly take up what little free time he has. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of all facts cited and confirming the authority of its sources. Find out more…

If you’re a freelance writer, a great writer profile is essential to getting paid gigs. Start with a 1-2 sentence summary of your skills, background and services offered. Write a short introductory paragraph, followed by a list of your services with a detailed explanation. Include a portfolio of your best work, plus testimonials from satisfied clients, if you have them. This guide explains each of these steps in detail, with examples to serve as inspiration for your profile.

  • Start with a 1-2 sentence summary of your skills, background and services offered. Clients will scan this before reading the rest of your profile, so keep it clear and concise.
  • Write a short introductory paragraph detailing your work, followed by a list of the services you offer, with a detailed explanation. Add a portfolio with 3-5 writing samples.
  • Include employment history and other relevant information, followed by testimonials from satisfied clients. Proofread and upload your profile to a freelance platform to attract clients.
  1. Step 1 Start with a 1-2 sentence summary of your skills and services.

    List your background and your “niche”, i.e. your area of ​​expertise. Put your summary at the top of your profile. Potential clients will quickly skim this text before reading the rest of your profile, so make sure it’s clear and concise.[1]
    Write in shortened sentences or write a “list” using | or symbol. Here are some examples of summaries:

    • Video game journalist with 3+ years of experience covering the gaming industry and culture. Available for the latest news, product reviews, commentary and features.
    • Video Game Journalist | 3+ years of experience | Game Industry & Culture Expert | Latest news, product reviews, features and commentary
  2. Write a short introduction detailing your experience. Keep your opening paragraph 3-4 sentences long. Start by listing your business and niche, then talk about your writing and the services you offer. List the outlets where your work has been published or describe the types of clients you typically work with. Write in the third person to convey a formal tone, or use the first person for a more personal touch.[2]
    Use the following examples to create an introductory paragraph:

    • Keep your introduction concise and clear. This makes it easier for clients to determine if you have the skills and experience they are looking for.
    • Choose the right perspective and tone for the types of clients you want to attract. For example, if you want to create content for businesses or news websites, write in the third person to make it sound more formal.
      • Third person: Maria Miller is a freelance copywriter with 2 years of experience creating content for commercial websites. He has a proven track record of creating engaging, high-quality content on a wide range of topics for marketing, SEO, technical documentation, blogs and social media. Her previous clients included ABC Pharmaceuticals, XYZ Financial Firm and Smith & Smith LLC.
    • If you want to write commentary, narrative stories, or other content written from your perspective, use first person.
      • First person: I’m a fashion writer and recently graduated from FIT, where I studied fashion merchandising and wrote for the campus newspaper. I’ve written product reviews, editorials, and feature stories on industry events in the NYC metro area. In addition to writing for FIT’s student newspaper, I run the fashion news blog “Fashion XYZ” on Medium, which has over 2,500 monthly readers.
  3. List the services you offer. Services can include the topics you write about or specific types of writing such as copywriting, ghostwriting, journalism, translation, etc. Choose services that you know you could provide. Use keywords for each service to make your services stand out to potential clients. Then add 1-2 sentences explaining that service.[3]
    For example, if you’re a technical writer with a background in finance, you might create the following list:

    • Financial writing. I am available to write about money, budgeting, accounting, investing, credit and other financial topics. Formats may include, but are not limited to, blog posts, newspaper articles, marketing materials, and technical documentation.
    • Technical writing. I am adept at producing concise, detailed technical documents on a variety of financial topics. This can include technical manuals, summaries of research papers, internal company documentation and more.
    • Marketing Copywriting. I have a proven track record of creating engaging, informative content for marketing campaigns, websites and company blogs.
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). I am available to edit existing web content or write new content to improve search rankings and increase user engagement. I also provide SEO for social media, including X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Linkedin.
  4. Add a portfolio with 3-5 samples of your best work. Choose writing samples that showcase your skills, expertise, and unique style. Include a link to each paper, followed by a brief description of the paper. If the paper is not found online, upload a copy to a cloud hosting platform such as Google Drive or Amazon Cloud Drive, and then provide a link to the document.[4]
    Your writing samples may include:

    • Articles, essays, op-eds, or other writings published under your name on third-party websites, including news websites, popular blogs, and student publications. Be sure to only include content from family-friendly websites.
    • Content written for third parties that is not published under your name. This may include material written for company websites, marketing campaigns, newsletters and social media posts.
    • A personal blog with an established audience. Avoid sharing your blog if it contains personal information or if its content could be considered inappropriate or unprofessional.
    • Content that you edited or proofread for a client.
    • Content written for search engine optimization (SEO).
    • Books, magazines or other printed publications in which your work has appeared.
    • Note: If the content you want to share is not found online or is not publicly viewable, please contact the company and request permission to display a copy of the content in your portfolio.
  5. Provide relevant employment history. This may include jobs, internships, or other roles that are related to your writing. For example, if you’re an editor, list any media internships, editorial jobs, or paid writing positions you’ve had. If you specialize in writing about education, include any teaching or mentoring positions you’ve held.

    • Feel free to include unrelated employment that could reflect favorably on you, including prestigious internships, military service, or volunteer work.
  6. List your education, certifications, and other relevant experience. Include a college degree and a second post-secondary degree. If you have certifications in technical writing, copywriting, translation, or other relevant skills, include them as well. For example:

    • If you’re a bilingual writer who specializes in Chinese-American culture, mention your degree in Chinese history or your certification that proves you know Mandarin at a business level.
    • If you write primarily about veterans’ issues, mention your military experience, including any awards or special recognition you’ve received.
  7. Include positive testimonials from previous clients. If you have received positive feedback from clients, ask them to write a short review of your services or work. Then paste that review into the “Testimonials” section.[5]

    • If you haven’t received positive feedback or haven’t worked with clients before, skip this step for now.
  8. Choose a professional looking headshot. Profiles with photos attract more attention, so be sure to include one if possible. Choose a header image with a plain background. Make sure the photo is well lit. Be sure to dress professionally and smile.[6]

    • Avoid using selfies, candid photos, or social media photos.
    • If you don’t have a professional looking headshot, take one yourself or have a friend take one for you. Or hire a photographer for a professional headshot.
  9. Consider adding a 1-minute video intro. This is optional, but it gives clients a better sense of your personality and allows you to demonstrate your verbal communication skills. If you add an introductory video, write a short script introducing yourself. Discuss your skills, background and the types of clients you work with. Also keep in mind the following tips:

    • Memorize your script and look directly into the camera. Speak slowly and clearly.
    • Dress professionally, just like you would for a job interview.
    • Record your video using your smartphone or professional camera. Choose a quiet place with good lighting.
    • Use a neutral background such as a blank wall or a professional-looking environment such as a home office. Make sure your background looks clean and organized.
    • Record your video multiple times and choose the best version to upload.
    • Edit your video to remove long pauses or other unnecessary parts. Use video editing tools on your smartphone or desktop software like iMovie, Windows Video Editor, or Adobe Premiere.

  10. Proofread your profile before posting it. Correct all spelling and grammatical errors. Read your profile out loud to catch any missing words or sentences that sound awkward or repetitive. If possible, have a friend read your profile and include their feedback. Make any necessary changes to ensure your profile is well written and error free.[7]

    • If you’re stuck or want an expert opinion, consider hiring a freelance writer or copy editor to review your profile and recommend changes.
    • If English is not your first language, have a native speaker review your profile for clarity and syntax.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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