Marvel Is Already Telling You The Next Big MCU Death Is Coming

Marvel may have revealed the next big death in the MCU Agatha has alwaysAgatha Harkness’ standalone series kicks off with two episodes that end with Agatha and her cobbled-together coven embarking on their journey as witches, thus kicking off the main story. Meanwhile, many questions hang over details such as Agatha’s relationship with Leo Vidal, the fate of the Scarlet Witch, and the identity of the teenager played by Joe Rock, who tries to explain himself but seems to be stopped by the spell.

Finish Agatha has always In episode 2, when the Salem Seven descend on Agatha’s Westview residence, the coven opens the door to the Witches’ Road. Each member of the coven has a specific reason for embarking on the Witches’ Road, which will grant the successful traveler’s greatest wish, except for Sharon Davis, who Agatha forces to appear in order to avoid Leo Vidal. In order to enter the Road, the coven must sing a song that has now become a central topic of the show, and for an important reason.

Songs from the Witch’s Way Explained Agatha’s Plot

A member of the coven is in bad shape

Songwriter Agatha has always Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez revealed before the show aired, “Ballad of the Witch’s Path” is the roadmap for the series. This has already begun to unfold, as the first four lines describe the assembly of Agatha has always Coven:

“You find the way

All evil and justice

Gathering the Sisters’ Fire

“Water, Earth and Air”

In this case, alchemist Jennifer Kyle is associated with water, blood wizard Alice Wu-Gulliver is associated with fire, and fortune teller Lilia Calderou is associated with air. While the earth element should probably be associated with green witch Leo Vidal, Sharon Davis’ green thumb is superficially enough to get them into the witch’s way. The rest of the lyrics are as follows:

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In the darkest hour, awaken your power

Secular and sacred

Burn and Brew with Coven True

The glory will be yours


Go down the road

Along the Witch Trail

Go down the road

Along the Witch Trail

Go down the road

Along the Witch Trail

Ring of Fate

Open your hidden door

[Verse 2]

Keep moving forward

Under the wooded temple

I didn’t stray from the path

I hold the hand of death

The primordial night, granting sight

Familiar with you

If one person leaves, we move on.

Spiritual Guidance


Go down the road

Along the Witch’s Path (Along the Witch’s Path)

Down the road, down the road, down the road (down the witch’s road)

Along the Witch’s Path (Along the Witch’s Path)

Down the road, down the road, down the road (down the witch’s road)

Along the Witch’s Path (Along the Witch’s Path)

Blood, Tears and Bones

Girl, mother, old woman

[Verse 3]

The road is rough and dangerous

Winding through the woods

All mistakes are right

Bad things are good things

Tried and tested through many miles

We will wander around

Tame your fear and a door will appear

It’s time to leave


Down the road, down, down (down, down, down, down)

Along the Witch’s Path (Along the Witch’s Path)

Down the road, down the road, down the road (down the witch’s road)

Along the Witch’s Path (Along the Witch’s Path)

Down the road, down the road, down the road (down the witch’s road)

Along the Witch’s Path (Along the Witch’s Path)

Follow me, my friend

Towards the final glory

The subsequent lyrics of the song are now a major focus, as they seem to detail what will happen next. This will ostensibly end with “The final glory,“There are a few stumbling blocks though. While some lines are open to interpretation, a few are pretty explicit – it’s here that Marvel reveals that one of Agatha’s coven members is facing death.

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There’s a very ominous line in Agatha’s new song

This song foreshadows the death of a member

The second section is where the witches’ gathering begins Agatha has always Episode 3. AlthoughWooded Shrine“Possibly referring to the forested Wizard’s Way itself, a reference to”Original Night“”Hand of Death,” and”Familiar” is not quite clear. However, in the second to last line of the poem, “Ballad of the Witch’s Path“It is clearly revealed that a member of the witch group will die. The content is as follows”If one person leaves, we move on.This sentence implies that one of them will “Let’s go.“That is, they are dead, but the remaining witches still exist.

“” could refer to Teen, as Agatha calls him in Episode 2, or to Agatha’s rabbit, Señor Scratchy.

This line appears in the second verse, which means this death could be imminent in the show. Whether it will happen in episode 3 remains to be seen, but at least this time there is a big clue hidden in the end credits of the episode. Considering more evidence outside the show, viewers have begun to infer which member of the coven is about to face death.

How Agatha’s Ending Hints at Marvel’s Next Big Death

Debra Jo Rupp shows up with a special flower

As Agatha has always As the end credits roll, each of the main cast members’ names are accompanied by some pretty telling images. While most seem pretty straightforward, like Kathryn Hahn showing up next to the Wicked Witch of the West, and Debra Jo Rupp as Sharon Davis next to some white lilies. While these may represent Davis’s green thumb, it’s hard to ignore that white lilies often symbolize death. Of all the flowers that could have been used, lilies seemed pretty obvious, and here’s why.

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However, another exception is Joe Locke’s name, which appears in “Westview’s Deathtitle. While it sounds a bit literal, Joe Rock’s teen is unlikely to be marked for death for a few reasons – the most obvious of which is his centrality to the plot. Setting up the mystery of his identity only to kill him off a few episodes later would be ridiculous. With that in mind, Davis seems like the more likely candidate.

It’s also worth noting that Joe Rock’s character was crushed by Sharon Davis in Westview, so “
Near death
“Because he was near Davis at the time.

This is a sentiment that the audience can identify with and care about.

For example, @VintageEpiphany points out that Davis is absent from much of the promotional material. This is particularly noticeable in scenes that include Leo Vidal, who appears in the trailer as the Witch’s Way, and Sharon Davis, who is absent, suggesting that she will be taking over as the Green Witch’s stand-in.

Meanwhile, users like @gaeulbeen are worried that Sharon is about to meet a sad end due to her popularity so far.

@inthashadowz shared an even crazier theory that Sharon Davis is actually Mephisto – who is rumored to have been in the Agatha has alwaysThis theory stems from the theory that Sharon is actually a shapeshifted Leo Vidal.

Meanwhile, u/RAMcGonagall’s response via Reddit was simply to hope that Sharon Davis could be resurrected if she was killed, which was one of the coven’s wishes. Whatever happened, things are not going well for Sharon Davis – maybe Agatha has always Episode 3 will tell the story of her end.

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Sources: u/RAMcGonagall/Reddit, @inthashadowz/X, @gaeulbeen/X, @VintageEpiphany/X

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