New vids show drunk yob being hauled off easyJet flight after trying to storm cockpit at 30,000ft in mid-air horror

PASSENGERS on a flight from hell yesterday spoke of their anger that a young man was allowed to get so drunk at 30,000ft – as more footage of the carnage in the sky emerged.

The Sun revealed how pilots declared a Mayday and ordered an emergency landing after a violent man tried to storm the EasyJet cockpit.


Passenger removed from EasyJet flight for drunken behavior Credits: SubmittedThe man was shouting and throwing snacks on the plane


The man was shouting and throwing snacks on the plane. Credits: DeliveredThe plane was diverted to Munich after a fight broke out


The plane was diverted to Munich after a fight broke outCredits: SubmittedPassengers said he drank from a large bottle of whiskey before take off


Passengers said he drank from a large bottle of whiskey before take off. Credits: Delivered

A new film shows the terrifying scenes in the air in minute detail as the stricken flight from Gatwick to Kos was forced to divert to Munich.

The Sun can reveal the thug at the center of the aerial horror has boasted of serving a prison sentence.

Witnesses said he bragged he was flying from Gatwick to Kos to buy cannabis.

And things really escalated after the passenger in front of him told him to “shut up.”

A drunken passenger roared, “I’m not your fucking partner.”

He then turned on the cabin crew before attempting to enter the cockpit – terrifying others on the plane.

One passenger told us: “My husband said before we took off that he had been drinking from a large bottle of whiskey. He shouted.

“He asked for a beer before the plane even took off and the flight attendant said he would have to wait until we were in the air because they don’t have a license to serve alcohol on the ground.

“After take off, the man’s shouting, cursing and abuse continued.”

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The worried passenger told the cabin crew to ask them not to serve him any more drinks.

They said they knew of a “drunk and very unpredictable” man.

But when she returned, she saw him sipping from the bottle.

The passenger said: “When he started off again, the front passenger told him to shut up, which heated things up.

“The drunk man said he didn’t like being told what to do and that he was in jail.

“Shortly after that he got up from his seat when the seat belt sign was on, so I said, ‘mate where are you going’?

“He just changed and yelled, ‘I’m not your fucking friend, you dick.’

Chaos in the sky: The incident with EasyJet ended in prison

“When the drinks cart stopped in the aisle, he helped himself to the snacks and threw them on the plane.

“We realized it was a serious situation and quite scary; there was no way this could go on for another three hours.

“During the turbulence, a man shouted, ‘Captain’s aw*****. He kept getting out of the seat even when the seat belt sign was on.

“He was pushing two fingers towards the cabin crew. He went down to the front of the plane and made suggestive comments to the flight attendant.

“He told one passenger that they are really ugly.

“One of the cabin crew gave him a hot drink and I was worried he would get over me.

“We were all kidding ourselves that something serious could happen. He already broke the intercom.”

Another passenger who works in psychiatry tried to calm down the hooligan.

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One flyer said of his experience on the plane: “EasyJet recorded the diversion as an ‘extraordinary circumstance’ but it was remarkable that they actually let the man on the plane and it was incredible that no one was hurt or seriously injured.

“Even on the delayed flight from Munich to Kos, an easyJet crew member said over the loudspeaker that the airline’s handling of the whole matter was nonsense.

“The new team was also annoyed.”

Another passenger told The Sun: “The guy was drunk when he got on the plane – he was even allowed to leave the boarding gate before take off to buy a bottle of whiskey.

“The crew was aware that he was drunk and should never have been allowed on the plane.

“We had announcements on the plane that said no alcohol was allowed on the plane except drinks bought from the flight attendants. It was aimed at the man in question. His whiskey needed to be taken off.

“He drank half a bottle on the plane, became abusive and then soiled the toilet.

“At the point of no return with him, the crew took him to the front of the plane near the exit – it was the worst decision. He tried to open the door and get into the cockpit.”

Police stormed the plane after it made an emergency landing in Germany on Wednesday and ejected the robber from the plane to thunderous applause.

The plane’s intercom – broken in the fighting on the plane – could not be repaired and all passengers were forced to stay in Munich overnight.

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One woman told The Sun: “EasyJet washed their hands of the incident, advising it was out of their control, which is not the case. The man should never have been allowed on the plane.”

Air rage is at an all-time high, with Ryanair chief executive Michael O’Leary last week blaming high levels of flight delays – as well as passengers taking drugs and alcohol.

The boss of Europe’s biggest low-cost airline continued to call for a two-drink limit at European airports.

EasyJet told The Sun: “Yesterday flight EZY8235 from London Gatwick to Kos was diverted to Munich and met by the police because a passenger on board was behaving in a destructive manner.

“Safety is easyJet’s highest priority and our cabin crew are trained to assess and act quickly and appropriately in all situations to ensure that the safety of the flight and other passengers is never compromised.

“While such incidents are rare, we take them very seriously and do not tolerate abusive or threatening behavior on board.

“The flight was delayed overnight while we arranged for replacement crew and provided customers with hotel accommodation and meals along with updated information on the flight’s departure this afternoon. While this was beyond our control, we apologize for any inconvenience caused.”

Cops nab a drunken passenger in Munich after a flight was diverted


Drunken passenger restrained by police in Munich after flight diverted Credit: TiktokHis hands were tied behind his back


His hands were tied behind his back Credits: DeliveredThe hero passenger received a standing ovation for knocking the drunk flyer to the floor


The hero passenger got a standing ovation for knocking a drunk flyer to the floor Credit: TiktokFlight EZY8235 departed from Gatwick to Kos on Tuesday


Flight EZY8235 departed from Gatwick to Kos on TuesdayCredit: Tiktok

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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