NewsNewsAustralia Voted No — Where Do We Go From Here?by Keryn Donnelly

On Saturday 14 October, Australians went to the polls to vote in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum. Later that day, it was announced that the Australian public had returned a majority of No results in national and state results. In short, the referendum failed; a devastating result for First Nations people and allies across the country. The vote was proposed as a means of recognizing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian constitution. So what is happening now and is there still a plan towards the Voice of Parliament and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution? ADVERTISEMENT Below we take you through what could happen at the federal and state government level and what’s next for both sides of the campaign, the Yes23 campaign as well as the ‘Progressive No’ campaign. We know that many No voters, in the words of Racial Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan, “stirred up racial tensions and harmed First Nations peoples”, which is why we chose not to focus on their perspectives in this article.

What does no result actually mean?

If the result of the referendum had been yes, 93 words would have been added to the end of the Australian constitution. These 93 words would accomplish three things:— They would recognize Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s first peoples. — They would lead to the establishment of a new representative body known as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, which would advise parliament and the executive on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues. — Ultimately, they would give Parliament the power to legislate on the details of the Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures. Since the referendum unfortunately did not produce any result, this constitutional change will not occur and the Voice of Parliament will not be established at this time.

Can the government still legislate The Voice?

Opponents of Glas, such as Senator Lidia Thorpe, have proposed the establishment of Glas through parliamentary legislation rather than the constitution, an idea supported by many MPs. AdvertisementADVERTISEMENTHowever, last Sunday Prime Minister Anthony Albanese ruled out passing the Voice legislation in case the No campaign won. we will pass a law’, he continued ABC TV. In his speech on Saturday night, Albanese said “we must find a new way forward”. “We intend, as a government, to do everything we can to reduce the gap,” he told reporters. “To do what we can to advance reconciliation, to do what we can to listen to the first Australians.” He said there would be a “next chapter,” and reconciliation would be part of that chapter. “Tonight is not the night to say, ‘let’s move on, and here’s the next agenda.’ The agenda will be driven by the principles I’ve consistently put forward — engagement, consultation, listening, progress to close the gap,” he said.

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Will the coalition pass laws if they win the next election?

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton – who was a vocal supporter of the No campaign – is pushing for an alternative to the Voice of Parliament. our country. The Coalition, Indigenous Australians, wants to see Indigenous people disadvantaged. We just don’t agree that the Voice is the solution,” he said in a statement after the referendum.AdvertisementADVERTISEMENTIf the Coalition wins the next election, Dutton has promised to hold a second referendum on constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians. However, he reversed that decision on Monday morning when asked if he still planned to hold a second referendum. “I think it’s important, but I think it’s clear that the Australian public has probably been over the referendum process for some time,” he told reporters in Canberra.

Can the vote to parliament be legislated at the state level?

The ACT was the only state or territory in Australia to return a majority yes vote in the referendum. However, other states and territories are creating their own processes to implement Uluru’s Heart Statement at the state level. In March, South Australia, which voted No in a referendum, became the first state to pass legislation establishing its own voice in parliament. In June, he ‘paused’ the establishment of the body to reduce confusion with the federal campaign. In September, NSW Premier Chris Minns said The Guardian Australia that he is open to a NSW vote in parliament regardless of the outcome of the federal referendum. “I don’t want to put any preconceived notions about it,” he told the publication. “When you have an active, engaged group, like First Nations Australians, you can’t treat them as a homogeneous group. That first year [of consultation] is really important.”AdvertisementADVERTISEMENTOther states have moved forward with the treaty component of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. In early 2022, Queensland passed legislation to establish the First Nations Treaty Institute — a body that prepares First Nations for the upcoming Treaty process. In 2019, Victoria established its First People’s Assembly Composed of 21 Indigenous leaders representing the state’s five regions, the purpose of the assembly is to decide the rules by which the state government will negotiate treaties with First Nations.

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What does this mean for Uluru Statement from the Heart?

On October 16, the federal government returns to Canberra for a week of sitting, where it is likely to face questions about how it will implement the rest of the Uluru Heart Statement. The Uluru Declaration from the Heart, drafted by 250 Indigenous leaders, called for three stages of reform — Voice, then Treaty and Truth. During his victory speech on election night in May 2022, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said his government was committed to releasing the Uluru Statement from the Heart in its entirety. “On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in its entirety,” he said. evening. “And together we can embrace the Uluru Statement wholeheartedly. ADVERTISEMENT “We can respond to his patient, gracious call for a voice enshrined in our constitution. For we should all be proud that among our great multicultural society we consider the world’s oldest living continuous culture. And I thank Australia’s next Indigenous Affairs Minister, Linda Burney, which is here.“Albanese is expected to talk about how the government will work on the components of the Treaty and the Truth in Statement in the coming weeks.

What’s next for the Yes23 campaign?

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After the results were announced on Saturday night, Yes23 activist and filmmaker Rachel Perkins released a statement on social media on behalf of Indigenous Australians who supported Parliament’s Voice. The statement, supported by members of the Uluru Dialogue, thanked supporters of the Yes campaign — including voters, volunteers and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. “To the Australians who supported us in this vote — we sincerely thank you. You are made up of many millions of Australians of love and goodwill. We know you wanted a better future for Australia, and to put the colonial past behind us by choosing belated recognition and justice,” it said. The group then declared a week of silence – starting Saturday, October 14 – to mourn the decision. “Now is not the time to dissect the reasons for this tragic outcome. That will be done in the weeks, years and decades to come. Now is the time for silence, mourning and deep consideration of the consequences of this outcome,” the statement said. AdvertisementADVERTISEMENT “There will be a lot of questions about the role of racism and prejudice against Indigenous people in this result. All we ask is that every Australian who voted in this election thinks carefully about this issue.” To our people, we say: shed no tears. This rejection was never for others.” The truth is that rejection was always ours to determine. The truth is we offered that recognition and it was rejected. Now we know where we stand in this own country. Always has been. Always will be “We will not rest for long. Pack the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Fly our flags low.”Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney said No result is “the end of reconciliation”. “To all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, I want to say this: I know the last few months have been difficult, but be proud of who you are, be proud of your identity,” she said. “Be proud of the 65,000 years of history and culture you are a part of, and your rightful place in this country.” We must continue to listen to Indigenous Australians about what works and what can make a practical difference for the next generation.”

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What’s next for the Progressive No campaign?

Senator Lidia Thorpe, who was the face of the ‘Progressive No’ campaign, said the next step should be to focus on agreement and truth-telling and the establishment of a Truth and Justice Commission. “We are at war… we have to end that war. And the only way we can do that is through truth-telling, healing, and ultimately agreement, because that’s all we have left. And that is what will truly unite this nation,” she said ABC radio. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT

So what now?

“Blake’s stuff should matter to each of us every day,” Wiradjuri and Wailwan woman Teela Reid said earlier Refinery29 Australia. “It’s not just a popular topic,” she said, explaining that we need to focus “the issues and issues of Blake in our everyday lives, not just when it hits the headlines.” Now more than ever it is important for Australia to grapple with its colonial history and the lingering effects it has had on its First Nations. It’s important to amplify First Nations voices, support Indigenous-owned businesses, and work to be a better ally, not just today, but every day.Want more? Get the best stories from Refinery29 Australia delivered to your inbox every week. Apply here!

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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