Ninety-two protesters arrested after violent clashes with cops protecting the Cenotaph and pro-Palestinian march

NINETY-two protesters have been arrested after chaos erupted near London’s Cenotaph today as missile-hurling yobs clashed with cops.

Protesters, who took to the streets over pro-Palestinian marches being held on Armistice Day, launched missiles at police as shocking scenes unfolded on the streets of the capital this morning.


Chaos is unfolding in the capital as counter-protesters and police come head to headCredit: Alamy
At least 92 counter-protesters have been arrested


At least 92 counter-protesters have been arrestedCredit: AFP


Pro-Palestine protesters started making their way through the streets at 1pm


Pro-Palestine protesters started making their way through the streets at 1pmCredit: EPA
Counter-protesters were still clashing with police at Parliament Square this evening


Counter-protesters were still clashing with police at Parliament Square this eveningCredit: PA

The counter-protests had been organised amid fears pro-Palestine marches would interrupt Remembrance services but fights broke out as cops tried to maintain a ring of steel around the Cenotaph.

While police had doubled their numbers in the capital ahead of fears of violence, they struggled to maintain their staunch guard around the memorial – as chants of “England till I die” and “Let us through” echoed through the streets.

But as the pro-Palestine group’s march was underway – with about 300,000 – cops were arresting dozens of counter-protesters.

And hours on, police were still trying to contain the masses.

Bottles were seen being thrown at cops in the isolated scuffles, with far-right leader Tommy Robinson spotted walking with supporters through the streets.

Chaotic footage showed protesters being shoved by police as the two groups came head to head.

Officers could be seen with batons in hand as they tried to control the crowds of counter-protesters who moved from Whitehall through to Chinatown.

Clashes again unfolded by Westminster Station, with footage showing swarms of crowds screaming at police.

A large group of counter-protesters were later detained in Bridge Street, just down from Westminster Bridge, with a line of police seen holding in dozens of people.

Cops then separated the yobs from the group and could be seen holding them away from the crowds.

Dramatic photos then emerged of police chasing the protesters down, before pinning them to the ground to cuff them.

At around 2pm there were reports police had kettled a group of counter-protesters after an alleged clash between them and pro-Palestine demonstrators.

Met Police confirmed about half an hour later that they had made a number of arrests.

It comes as…

The force said: “Officers have arrested 82 people in Tachbrook Street, Pimlico to prevent a breach of the peace.

“They’re part of a large group of counter-protestors we have been monitoring who have tried to reach the main protest march.

“We will continue to take action to avoid the disorder that would likely take place if that happened.”

It added: “In addition to the arrests made to prevent a breach of the peace in Tachbrook Street, we have made 10 arrests today for other offences.

“These include possession of offensive weapons, affray and possession.”

It was in Pimlico too that a photographer saw one man, who said he was heading to the pro-Palestine march, come to blows with a counter-protester.

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Nearby, demonstrators let off red and green flares on Vauxhall Bridge.

There, police could be seen stopping a group of counter-protesters climbing a flight of stairs on the Pimlico side of the bridge.

Cops were said to also be stopping protestors who had been sitting inside a Vauxhall pub from confronting the march.

Footage shot as the sun was starting to set in the hours that followed showed the yobs with balaclavas on, clashing with cops.

The group can be seen throwing bottles at police as they hold the Union Jack in the air while standing on Vauxhall bridge.

Elsewhere, another woman was said to have been arrested after carrying a poster with a photo of Adolf Hitler.


Meanwhile, people with Hamas-style headbands were seen a the march, too.

Cops have now vowed to find them, adding: “Officers are actively looking for these individuals and will take proactive action when they are identified.”

Elsewhere, at Victoria Station, poppy sellers were being forced to move as Pro-Palestine protesters filled the floor of the station.

Footage also showed minister Michael Gove getting caught up in the protests at a station.

Met Police earlier said they had been faced with “aggression” from the counter-protesters.

The force said: “The counter-protesters are not one cohesive group. There are different groups moving away from Whitehall towards other parts of central London. Officers are keeping track of them as they do.

“If their intention is to confront the main protest departing later today from Park Lane, we will use all the powers and tactics available to us to prevent that from happening.”

It added: “A group of counter-protesters who left Whitehall and moved into Chinatown confronted and threw missiles at officers who tried to engage with them.

A group of counter-protesters who left Whitehall and moved into Chinatown confronted and threw missiles at officers who tried to engage with them.

Met Police

“Additional officers have been deployed to the area to identify, locate and deal with those involved. Our priority is keeping the public safe. We will not tolerate disorder in central London today.”

Met Police added that there had been no arrests within the pro-Palestine demonstrators.

Police Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist said: “This is the biggest march that we’ve seen in this phase and at the moment there are no issues with it.”

The chaos has seen calls for Home Secretary Suella Braverman to resign.

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf said Braverman has “emboldened” far-right protesters to attack police.

He tweeted: “The Home Secretary’s position is untenable. She must resign.”

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan also blamed Braverman for protesters’ clashes with police.

He said: “The scenes of disorder we witnessed by the far-right at the Cenotaph are a direct result of the Home Secretary’s words. The police’s job has been made much harder.

“The Met have my full support to take action against anyone found spreading hate and breaking the law.”

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It comes as thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators descended on London – with some travelling from afar.

More than 300,000 protesters set off from Palestine Solidarity Campaign from Park Lane at 1pm, and made their way towards the US Embassy.

Cops fear a clash between the demonstrators and counter-protesters


Cops fear a clash between the demonstrators and counter-protestersCredit: Reuters
Counter-protesters have been clashing with police since this morning


Counter-protesters have been clashing with police since this morningCredit: Alamy
Police are currently working to identify the people wearing Hamas-style headbands


Police are currently working to identify the people wearing Hamas-style headbandsCredit: Twitter
Pro-Palestine protesters let off flares on Vauxhall Bridge


Pro-Palestine protesters let off flares on Vauxhall BridgeCredit: Sky News
Cops were seen chasing the yobs down


Cops were seen chasing the yobs downCredit: AFP
Dozens of protesters have been seen rushing through the streets of London amid clashes with police


Dozens of protesters have been seen rushing through the streets of London amid clashes with police
Cops said they detained a massive group of counter-protesters in Bridge Street


Cops said they detained a massive group of counter-protesters in Bridge StreetCredit: Metropolitan Police
Police could be seen with batons in hand amid a clash on the streets


Police could be seen with batons in hand amid a clash on the streets
One man was arrested at Parliament Square


One man was arrested at Parliament SquareCredit: LNP
A photographer saw two men come to blows on the street in Pimilico


A photographer saw two men come to blows on the street in PimilicoCredit: Reuters
Police said it had 'no incidents' linked to the pro-Palestine marches


Police said it had ‘no incidents’ linked to the pro-Palestine marchesCredit: AFP

Chants of “Free Palestine” and “Ceasefire now” echoed through the streets as the group marched with flags and signs in hand.

In the minutes after the march began the Met Police said there had been “no incidents” related to the group.

The force has doubled their officers in the capital this weekend ahead of pro-Palestine demonstrators taking to the streets.

Officials and cops were on watch for the demonstrators coming head-to-head with Brits who are commemorating today’s Armistice Day march and tomorrow’s Remembrance Sunday.

Before the national two minutes of silence at 11am fights were already breaking out between police and protesters.

Shocking videos show the masses clashing as they rushed through the capital’s streets.

Prior to that the Palestinian Refugee Project this morning uploaded a photo of a bus full of protesters.

It was posted to X, formerly Twitter, with the caption: “On the bus heading to London. #wewillmarch.”

It was last night revealed the national Cenotaph war memorial will be kept under 24-hour guard for the first time.

Steel barriers have been put up at the memorial and pro-Palestine protesters are banned from going anywhere near it until after tomorrow’s event.


And this morning officers were seen standing tall next to the statue of Winston Churchill, which was also fenced in with metal barriers.

It follows the defacing of the Cenotaph memorial in Rochdale on Tuesday night, when thugs sprayed “Free Palestine” on it.

Met deputy assistant commissioner Laurence Taylor warned that any such attack on the Whitehall memorial will not be tolerated.

He said: “We will ensure that remembrance is not disrupted and respected.”

The police yesterday warned that “pockets of confrontation” are expected with extreme right-wing groups planning to square up to pro-Palestine demonstrators in central London.

Cops will be trying to keep the factions away from each other, with Mr Taylor saying: “I do believe that if the groups come together there will be serious disorder.”

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More than 1,000 cops are being drafted in from across the country to assist the 2,000 Met officers at today’s Armistice Day march and tomorrow’s Remembrance Sunday event in Whitehall.

Mr Taylor, the Met’s strategic gold commander in charge of the massive policing operation, warned of a zero tolerance policy to troublemakers.

In contrast to previous weeks, he said anyone chanting “Jihad” could face arrest with action being taken later to round up hatemongers caught on camera.

Mr Taylor said it was the biggest police operation ever mounted for any remembrance event.

Strict conditions have been applied to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign march taking place at 1pm from Park Lane to the US Embassy.

I do believe that if the groups come together there will be serious disorder.

Laurence Taylor Met Police

Protesters will not be allowed to deviate from the route and will be specifically excluded from the Whitehall area, where a large group of right-wing “defenders” are expected to be present.

Conditions exclude pro-Palestine demonstrators from going to large areas of the West End, including Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus after the march finishes by order at 5pm.

British Transport Police this morning said that protesters have been banned from London railway stations, too.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said demonstrators could be arrested if they show up at London Waterloo Station, Victoria Station and Charing Cross between 10am and 11pm.

He said: “It’s important that people can use our rail network to safely travel, free from intimidation.”

Police said their biggest fear is extremist elements converging to confront each other.

But Mr Taylor said officers will take “robust and agile” action against anyone breaching the law or strict pro-Palestine march conditions.

Well over 100,000 people are expected in London for today’s pro-Palestine march.

It comes after the Prime Minister last night urged everyone to “stand together in quiet reflection” and said the weekend should be about “the selfless bravery of our armed forces”.

Meanwhile, veterans were advised by military officials not to wear their medals or berets when they travel to Remembrance services today to honour the 1.3million servicemen and women killed in action since 1914.

Michael Gove also got caught in the protest at a London train station


Michael Gove also got caught in the protest at a London train stationCredit: Story Picture Agency
Thousands have now descended on the capital


Thousands have now descended on the capitalCredit: Sky News
Thousands of people have come together in central London


Thousands of people have come together in central LondonCredit: George Cracknell Wright
The pro-Palestinian march went through London's Hyde Park


The pro-Palestinian march went through London’s Hyde ParkCredit: EPA
The masked protesters wore the Union Jack as they descended on London this morning


The masked protesters wore the Union Jack as they descended on London this morningCredit: George Cracknell Wright
The masked mob were heard shouting 'England till I die'


The masked mob were heard shouting ‘England till I die’Credit: LNP


It comes as pro-Palestine protesters were snapped on a bus on their way to London this morning


It comes as pro-Palestine protesters were snapped on a bus on their way to London this morningCredit: @PRefugeeProject
Tommy Robinson was seen on the streets of London, too


Tommy Robinson was seen on the streets of London, tooCredit: AFP
Fights have reportedly broken out in central London, too


Fights have reportedly broken out in central London, tooCredit: LNP

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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